It was a silent, dark and dusty store room that the injured Harry Potter had stumbled into it to hide from Voldemort's Death Eaters. It had been six weeks since he had been taken from No. 4 Privet Drive thru Vernon Dursleys stupidity and greed. He had sold out Harry for a few measly Galleons. Vernon had given the Death Eaters Dudley's blood enabling them to get thru the Blood wards. Harry had not seen or heard anything that led him to believe that the Order was going to find him.

In the weeks Harry had been a guest of Voldemort at Rockwood manor, the Death Eaters current base of operations, he had endured hours of torture to try and loosen his tongue about the Prophecy. But Harry had retreated within to his own magic away from the pain, and for all intents and proposes had been catatonic up until 2 hours ago. In that time Harry had broken out of his cell, beaten a Death nibbler guard unconscious stealing his wand and was now heading toward what he hoped was freedom.

He had ducked into the storeroom to hide from a large group of Death Eaters led by Bellatrix that looked to be headed to the cells

"Bugger! Now they will know I'm gone."

Harry looked around the room hoping to find anything he could use to aid in his escape attempt. He was just about to give up his search and try to make it out of Rockwood Manor, when he notice a sheet covered figure in the back of the room. Curious Harry approached it. it looks like a suit of medieval Armor.

'It might have a sword or knife I can use' Harry thought.

But as he removed the sheet, he saw an Armour type that looked like nothing he had seen before. It was covered in Gems, symbols and runes. One of the symbols that he did recognize was a old form of the Hogwarts Seal over the Left chest plate. He did not get a chance to look more closely at the suit for at that moment a voice rang out echoing thru out the manor

"Potter Has Escaped. Find him!"

"S! Now I am really screwed"

Harry quickly grabbed the sword from the suit of armor and headed to the door to peek out to see if the way was clear.

"He's here!" a death eater who had just run past shouted.

Harry quickly closed the door, casting Colloportus on the door and prepared to fight. But suddenly the door was hit by multiple Reducto spells blowing Harry across the room and back into the suit of armor. Harry pulled himself up using the Armour to brace himself for the battle not noticing that he was leaving a trail of bloody hand prints on the Armour. The last one was on the Hogwarts seal. The seal and gems started to glow and sparks flickered from the vision slit of the helm. All this went unnoticed by the combatants.

"Protego, Incarcerous, Reducto, Impedimenta, Incendio, Expelliarmus, Diffi-urk"

Just then Harry was grabbed from behind and it went dark for a couple of second.

'Damn! This is it' Harry thought.

Suddenly he felt his injures dissipate and his strength returned

"REDUCTO!" one of the death eaters shouted out and Harry raised his hand to cast Protego. But as he raised his hand he noticed it was encased in the glove from the suit of Armour. Stunned for a second the Reducto curse hit him but he was only knock back a step. Harry looked down at his chest and noticed he was in the Armour and some how it was undamaged from the curse. As this sunk in, an evil grin spread across Harry's face. He summoned the sword to his hand and a soft laugh echoed thru the store room bring a chill to the Death Eaters.

"Pay back Time!"