avatar: This is my 3rd fic! It's about Pyro, but the summary should have told you that! I have some O.C.s in this, and I'm trying to keep them from becoming Gary Lous. If people tell me they are too Gary Lou-ish, I'll kill the characters at the end of the fic! Disclaimer time!

Pyro: avatarjk137 does not own X-Men Evolu- (burns the rest of the disclaimer and laughs maniacally) BWAAhahahahaha!

avatar: Pyro blows stuff up real good. That's why this fic is about him.

Chapter 1

Good, Clean Exercise

"This is lame. The Acolytes had all this high-tech training equipment."

"Shut up, Pyro. At least my dad's sending us money now and we can go to a gym we're actually members of," Wanda replied. It was true: since Pyro had joined, Magneto had been sending the Brotherhood enough money to be comfortable.

"Yeah, he joined the X-Men. What the crap's up with that, mate?" Pyro continued.

"He was burned out on operating outside the law. Happens to the best of them," Pietro chuckled. They walked into the gym, which was mostly empty except for the staff, a few muscular girls playing racquetball, and a few various young guys on the weight machines. They were all in regular clothing for the workout. Wanda walked over to the treadmill and began jogging. Blob went to the bench and began pressing the biggest set of weights he could find. The weight bar began to bend, but Fred wasn't even sweating. Toad tried the weight machines, and they began to lift him. Quicksilver zipped over to the free weights. He lifted small amounts, but he made up for it by lifting 5 times as many sets as the rest of the Brotherhood each time they came. Lance and St. John walked over to the weight machines, and began to compete. Lance wasn't surprised that Pyro, despite being a bit smaller than him, could lift just as much. The Brotherhood was tough, but in the two weeks since Pyro had joined after the Apocalypse thing, he had been one unexpected twist after another. He had stood up to Wanda (and lived to tell the tale), he had established friendly relations with the X-Men (through new members Gambit, Colossus, and Magneto), and he had proven to have a sensitive, intellectual side (that was the biggest shocker). Unsurprisingly, he had burned down the house next door because he 'didn't like the color', and had requested a lava lamp for his bedroom, 'with real lava'.

"Hey, hey, HEY!" The manager of the gym walked over to Blob, Toad, and Quicksilver. "You guys are mutants, aren't you? Go home! This gym is for humans only!"

Toad managed to untangle himself from a weight machine. "You can't do that, yo! We paid to join this gym, just like everyone else here!"

"Yeah, we're paying customers!" Avalanche yelled. The rest of the Brotherhood (who hadn't been showing their powers) had gathered to argue with the manager. Some of the other gym members had stopped to watch.

"Don't matter. My gym, my rules. You guys have to go."

"Yeah, muties go home!" a kid yelled. Pietro turned to look at him. He was small, maybe 14, with a shock of blond hair. He looked angry at the Brotherhood, but Pietro saw that when he turned to the manager, he looked even angrier. There was something else in his eyes, too; it was a familiar look, but Pietro couldn't put his finger on it.

"We ain't leavin'," Fred insisted. He hadn't even stopped lifting.

"Fine, then." The manager dialed a 3-digit number on his cell. "Hello, 911? There are some mutants at my gym who won't leave." The Brotherhood scowled, but didn't move. The manager gave his address, then hung up. "You guys should hurry up and leave. The new Mutant SWAT Team is on their way."

"Fine!" Pyro yelled. He picked up a 5-pound weight, and looked at it contemplatively. "If we can't use this place, nobody can!"

"Uh, dude?" Toad asked. "You aren't wearing your flamethrower."

"Don't need it." Pyro threw the weight at an empty machine. When the metal hit metal, sparks flew everywhere, and one caught on the carpet. Pyro waved his hand casually, and the flames rushed up the walls and across the ceiling. "I hope your insurance covers 'acts of Pyro', mate." He began to giggle, then laugh maniacally. The Brotherhood ran out the door (which, luckily, was unobstructed), and the humans in the gym followed. Pyro was still laughing. "C'mon, guys. Let's go find something else to destroy for a good reason."

The two figures got out of the taxi and looked up. The plaque on the gate was engraved. It read, 'Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters'. The one on the left snickered at the sign, causing his companion to look up, irritated. "What? It's funny 'cause we're 'gifted youngsters'." The setting sun played across his features, glinting off of his unnatural long, aqua-colored hair.

"You're a little off, you know that?" His companion looked similar to him. They both looked to be of possibly Oriental descent, and both had long, straight hair down below their shoulders. However, while one's hair was bluish, the other's was striking emerald. They were also dressed differently: the green-haired guy wore leather gloves and jacket, while the blue-haired guy wore a black trench coat, and had bare hands. Both wore t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

"Yeah, whatever," blue-hair laughed.

"What do we do again?" green-hair asked, inspecting a small shrub.

"We wait around here 'til midnight. We don't draw attention to ourselves. Then, we attack."

End of Chapter

Reviews make me feel alive! And keep in mind, people who aren't alive have a harder time finishing their fanfics.