Lovely little drabble that I wrote because I could. If you want to read more of my stuff (including any songfics that I write, and original fiction), head on over to http://daimeerafic. You'll have to leave a message if you want access to the majority of my original stuff, but the fanfic will mostly (if not entirely) be public).
Also, I'm participating in NaNoWriMo again this year, so don't expect much from me (not that I'm ever consistent). If you do follow my LJ, though, you'll get to see all my horrid rough rough rough drafts as they happen.
Impulse Control
Have you ever wanted to do something totally inappropriate, like scream in the middle of church or thumb your nose at a police officer? Or maybe something as stupid as an Emma Nelson littering or an Ellie Nash singing along to Britney Spears?
Yet we resist these impulses. We torture ourselves just to be politically correct or to fit into the notion of what others think we should be.
But I don't. I didn't.
My lawyer said I had a psychotic break. He said that I couldn't be held accountable because I wasn't quite right in the head. He said that crazy people don't have to claim what they did or live with it.
Fine by me.
But I made a choice that day. I made a decision and it is mine and I own it and I smile when I dream of it.
Have you ever wanted to do something totally inappropriate? Like a Jay Hogart adopting a kitten, or a Toby Isaacs failing a test just because he could?
Or like a Paige Michalchuk committing murder.