Author's Note: So I hated, no LOATHED the way this ended. So I am fixing it. Sorry it took so freaking long. Life sucks.

Disclaimer: Nope not yet.

Fred Weasley cracked his eyes open the moment the sun hit them through the open window. He groaned and went to roll over. However someone was already there. He looked down at the curly red hair slightly confused. Ginny had stopped having night terrors years ago, and she wasn't that small. Carefully he reached over and gently pushed the curls out of the girl's face. Fred looked down to see himself, in a more girlish form.

Trying not to wake the girl Fred rolled over to his other side. Only to find someone there too. This is ridiculous! Fred sat up and looked at the woman on his right. She was snuggled in close to him. After gazing at her a moment, he recognized her. Hermione! What the world was she doing in his bed? Everyone knew she liked Ron.

Fred slid out of bed and walked to his twin's bed to confront him on the matter. Half hoping this was some twisted joke. But to his amazement George's bed was empty. Instead there was pink blankets on top and a worn teddy bear. He picked up the bear and glanced at the sleeping women on his bed. He had seen the bear before, on Hermione's bed. Realizations hit Fred. Hermione had a baby! He quickly glanced at the little girl again. She had flaming red hair and freckles every where. Oh god! I am in bed with Ron's girl and kid! Fred ran his fingers through his hair pondering escape.

He got about halfway to the door when it hit him. This is my room! They where the intruders, not he. He glanced at the bed again. The little one shivered, as Fred realized he had moved the covers to get out. He quickly ran to her and tucked her in the blankets. She calmed but Fred stayed and studied her face. I bet her name is Lily. After Hermione's favorite flower. Fred paused. How did he know her favorite flower?

"Fred?" The woman on the other side of the bed whispered, still a bit sleepy.

Bloody...This is bad.. Very bad. Fred gulped before answering, "Hermione?"

Hermione sat up and stared at Fred, "You okay?"

Fred looked from her to the little girl in front of him.

"Lily still asleep?" I knew it!

Hermione crawled out of the bed and walked over to Fred placing her arms around his neck. This is wrong… so wrong! Yet Fred couldn't help but like the way she smelled and the way she cuddled close to him.

"She looks just like you."

Wait. WHAT?! Fred's confusion showed as Hermione began to smile.

"Who else would she look like?" Hermione grew serious. "Are you sure you are okay Fred?"

Fred looked at her. Hermione looked genuinely worried, so he told the truth. "No. I…how..We…Ron…Lily..When?"

Despite the fact that Fred hadn't said a complete sentence Hermione had known him long enough to know what he was trying to get out. Now she looked puzzled and scared. "Fred, don't you remember anything?"

Fred shook his head. All he could remember is going to bed last night. Alone. No..wait. He had been working on a new product in the 3W's shop. It was late and he had given up and come home to bed. But what had he been working on?….

Hermione slid her arms off of Fred. He loved playing pranks on her but this was a bit much. It scared her. She turned towards him, gazing in his eyes. "Fred?…"

Before he could respond a pop! was heard. Fred and Hermione turned to see George standing behind them. "Fred we have a problem."

"I believe we do." Fred stood to face his twin. "What is Hermione doing in my room?…With a kid?"

George's jaw dropped. "Okay…we have a bigger problem then I thought." George now turned to Hermione, who was still sitting on the floor. She looked near to tears.

George walked to her and helped her up. "I will help her back to her room." He said to Fred. Hermione stood with his help as he whispered to her. "We need to talk."

"I will be back in a moment Gred."

Once they where outside, with the door shut Hermione scared and teary eyed. "What is going on? Why don't you guys remember?"

"I do remember, Hermione." He looked at her. "It's Fred."

She paused. "What happened to him?"

George's cheeks went red. "We are working on a new product."

Hermione crossed her arms, looking angry. "Is that why my husband doesn't remember me?…"

George backed away. "It was an accident! We where working on a memory charm, to help you remember things."

"And?.." Hermione glared.

"There was an explosion. Fred seemed a bit shook up so I sent him home."

"And now he doesn't remember his own family!"

"I didn't know it had an effect on him!"

"George Weasley, you have thirty minutes to fix this or so help me, you will be hexed with every thing I know!"

George gulped, Hermione knew a lot, a lot of hexes and he had been at the receiving end on a few occasions. He shuddered; he still couldn't eat blueberry muffins.

"Well? Why are you still standing here?" George snapped out of his flashback to see Hermione looking very much like his mother scolding at him. He let out a squeak and vanished.


Fred continued to study the little redhead in front of him. She was so adorable, all curled up in a ball. He noticed the bear on the floor and placed in the girl's arms. She smiled not even waking. Fred was about to stand when something grabbed him. He turned to see George muttering "Bloody pushy wife!" Before Fred could question him they both disappeared with a pop!


Hermione listened as George popped back into Fred's room and moments latter heard another series of pop!s. She quietly opened the door, peaking to see if Lily was still asleep. Hermione watched her daughter breathe for a minute and shut the door. Downstairs she could hear Molly Weasley starting breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs reached her nose. Hermione gagged and ran to the bathroom.


Various random anti-dotes and several new mixtures latter Fred still had no idea what was going on.

"Come off it George! We have order's to fill! Lee just order a few more fireworks to scare that Umbridge woman!"

"Umbridge?" George then remembered the evil toad of a teacher. Crap! This is going to be harder than I thought!


Hermione walked out of the bathroom twenty minutes latter, not feeling much better. She had a bitter taste in her mouth and she swore her cheeks where a bit fatter. Great. Molly's cooking is catching up to me. But I can't help it. I am so hungry! I haven't been this hungry since… Hermione's eyes grew wide and she ran to find Ginny.


Okay, so I lied. One more chapter after this, then I am done!

Reviews are loved and welcomed with open arms.