Authors Notes: This one wouldn't stop poking me! So here it is. As always, I don't own squat. Some British woman does. Blast. I am mildly tempted to go further with this one….but only if you like it. So review!…..Please.


The smoke cleared and the fighting had begun. What hoped to be the Final Battle. The Order marched against the Death Eaters. Fred Weasley stood in the line his brother and best friend, George at his side. But when the lines merged it was utter chaos, screams and green light came from every direction. One couldn't think straight. But after what seemed like an eternity it was over. Voldemort was gone. The Death Eaters where being rounded up and the wounded where being cared for. Fred scanned the field for her. Someone said she had been in the woods. Fred looked towards the dark trees as they suddenly burst into flames. Within moments the entire forest was engulfed. Fred scrambled toward the fire. He could hear screams. The smoke pierced his lungs he couldn't breathe….


Fred Weasley woke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. He was having another nightmare about that night. He threw back the covers and sat with his head in his hands. Fred shook himself awake and went to the sink. Dousing his head in cool water he attempted to calm down. Four years. It's been four years. Get a grip man!

But he couldn't. Fred sank down to the tile floor. He couldn't get over her. He couldn't get over the fact she was gone. She had been one of the most powerful witches. And she was gone. He had loved her, and she was gone.

Light suddenly filled the room and Ron walked in. He had heard Fred screaming in his sleep. Ron sighed as he sat next to Fred. It was odd; Ron had been the first to know about them. He had been livid. Didn't talk to them for a whole month. Now, five years later he was the one comforting Fred about her. Ron knew he had loved her, and still did. More than Ron ever could have.

A few hours later Fred stumbled off to get ready for work and Ron headed downstairs to find Mum, George, Harry and Ginny at the breakfast table. Ron mumbled his 'morning' before loading a plate. The rest of the table stared at him, wanting the answers they already knew.

"He dreamed about her again, didn't he." Ron looked Ginny in the eye and nodded. "Poor Fred."

Molly Weasley shook her head. Her death had been hard, she had so hoped that one day Hermione would become an official member of the Weasley clan. But they lost her in the Final Battle. Her wand was found in the forest after the fire had been put out. Right next to a pile of ashes. Fred had been devastated and locked himself in his room for a week. He had loved her so much. Molly shed a tear, for Hermione and the love she and Fred had shared. She glanced at his twin, George. It was so easy to tell them apart now. She secretly loved it when they pulled the ol' switcheroo on her. But Fred just hadn't been the same. He wasn't happy. Molly made a note to make his favorite meal for dinner to try to cheer him up, though she already knew it wouldn't.


That night the entire Weasley Clan sat in the kitchen, all but Fred. He was still at the shop. Bill and Fleur had floo'd in, as well as Charlie and Jesse. Molly thought having the whole family together would distract him. The mood was light as it had been a few months since they had all gotten together. Ginny was asking Jesse if she and Charlie intended on having children soon. Bill and Fleur were afraid they would have some veela-were child, so where being very cautious. The conversation was causing Charlie to blush, which was Ginny's whole point of the question. Harry, Ron and Bill where talking about the Quidditch season so far. Molly smiled, if only Fred where this happy.

Molly's thoughts where interrupted by a knock at the door. Conversations paused. Who would be knocking at the door? Molly stood and opened the door to find a small child all bundled up. Molly bent down to take a closer look at the child. The little girl looked up, her eyes wet. "I'm lost…"

Molly's heart melted and instantly hugged the girl. "Oh, you poor dear! Come in! Let's get you warmed up!" Molly led the girl back into the kitchen and sat her down in her chair. Ginny got up and filled a plate for her. The entire family watched the newcomer with interest.

The little girl gave a weak smile and removed her hood and mittens. She had wavy red hair, big brown eyes, and freckles every where. Had she just not walked in, everyone swore she could have been a Weasley. Molly instantly became a grandma-like figure doting on the girl.

"Are you alright dear?" The little girl nodded as she quietly ate the soup. She couldn't have been older than four years. Yet she was so polite and very well mannered. "Thank you ma'am."

Molly tuted, "You don't have to call me ma'am. You may call me Molly." The little girl blushed and whispered, "Okay."

Ginny knelt on her other side and pushed her long hair back. "How did you get lost?"

The girl gulped, "Mum and I where in the town. She said she was looking for some old friends. And..and.." The tears began to form again. "I lost her in the crowd."

Molly put her had on the girl's knee. "Hush. It's okay. We will find your mother." The girl sniffled and nodded. "Now dear, what is your name?"

The girl looked at Molly with her big brown eyes and said, "Lily Ann Granger."


Happy now? Want more? Let me know!! If not, then this is it. So review!