Disclaimer: This anime is not mine and neither its characters. So please don't sue me!!!
Summary: Mikan died leaving only a letter for Natsume to read. R&R.
Hi readers, it me again I'm here to post my second fanfic. So be nice in the reviews.
Title: Last letter
Sitting here in a lonely place,
Drinking to satisfy my lonely soul,
Abusing words on a piece of paper,
Pushing my hands just to crawl.
My pen bleeds on this white sheet,
While creating a heart without a beat,
And I take another shot in my veins,
Never knew venom will taste so sweet.
Few more breaths left before
I surrender to this music playing deep
In my ear & the words I am writing
On this white sheet
Coming straight from my soul
Without any fear.
But before I leave this place forever
There is one last thing
I would like to do
To make sure that you
Do read these words
And realize how much I love you, Natsume.
Natsume cried as he read it all over and over again.
"I'm sorry Mikan, I couldn't protect you"
"I love you too"
"Please wait for me"
Natsume pulls out a gun and shot himself.
Ruka and Hotaru found him lying beside Mikan's dead body.
The end...
A/N: please review. I'm sorry if Natsume is a little bit ooc, I just can't think of anything that's all.
Special thanks to the one who wrote the poem.