Disclaimer: No ownership of Naruto claimed. No money made from this.


She was only 6 months old then, on that fateful day that changed everything.

At so young an age, merely a baby, not even a child, the grand patriach of the clan, her own blood grandfather, deemed she was not worthy, incompetent and a mockery to the clan's heritage of powerful ninjas. In cruel blood, she was to be killed, for the fortune teller saw no future in her, in the field of combat or war, and instead would bring ridicule to the proud Hyuga clan. The Hyugas, gave little mercy to weaklings.

When her mother, knew about what was to happen to her beloved child, she wept, with all her heart, and for days she lost her sleep. It was a painful blow to her frail heart, who grown so fond, of the little Hinata. The days she spent cuddling Hinata in her arms, watching her sleep, watching her smile and play around. It's been heaven for her since Hinata came to her life, and this... was akin to having heaven, and losing it.

She was her child. How could she let her own flesh and blood die so? She went to patriach, her father-in-law, and begged in all possible ways, through words, through tears, for some way for her to be saved, some way to spare the life of her little child that she loved so.

In the end, the patriach relented to the lady's plea, and decided to spare the girl's life, but she is to be blinded so the Byakugan cannot be stolen for those who seek the secrets of the mighty Hyuga, and no longer she will carry the Hyuga name, and exiled to somewhere far away.


She could hear the leaves rustling to the cold mountain winds, the soft whisper of the crystal-white streams as they flow down, as she walked up the mountain.

Under the caretaking of the Shinto priests, she grew up, and now she is a shrine maiden. Attending to the shrines and deities, has become a daily affair, despite her disability. Many who came, felt sorry for her, who, if not for her blindness, would have been a wonderful lady many would willingly welcome to their family.

The priests, who knew the truth, never told her who she really was, although she wondered, she never asked. To her, her life is now this.

One would expect bitterness, hate in one who has been blinded. But since it happened when she was too young to remember, in her heart there is only acceptance, that she is what she is, and in her heart she sincerely believed she was born blind.

However, the spirits, who often roam unnoticed around the mountain shrine, often took notice of the young maiden, who, despite her blindness, lead a life of virtue that many lacked in this war torn era.


It was on a windy day, the time when the sakura leaves began to fall, and Hinata slowly made her way to one of the shrines outside of the main temple. It was a lone piece of rock, carved with etchings and phrases praising the goddess, Amaterasu.

She sat, and placed the bouquet of fresh flowers before the altar, knelt and prayed. It was something she did, once every month, a routine that she has been doing, to go and maintain the obscure and far-away altars and shrines that the other maidens do not want to go to.

'I've been watching you for very long, my dear...'

Yet she didn't hear it. Her heart and soul was with the prayer, that the voice was ignored.

When she finished her prayer, the voice came again. 'Child... '

This time, she heard it, and she replied softly. 'Who, is there?' She knew, if anyone wanted to hurt her, it would be very easy, so, she just stood unmoving.

'A friend.' And it, came close to her.

Hinata instantly felt something like the fur of a fox rub against her legs. She was instantly baffled, and wondered what she is encountering.

'Do not worry, my fair child. The kami do not hurt those who's heart is pure.'

'Kami?' She heard stories, she heard tales of the elders, but she never expected to ever encounter one. She wondered, inside what the kami would want from her.

'Tamamo is my name, my child, and you can call me so.' There was a short pause in between, and then it spoke again. 'And take a seat, child. It'll be quite a story to tell you.' Hinata, then sat on the ground, amongst the fallen sakura leaves.


'Yes, child. Have you heard, of the stories outside?'

'No... The elders do not impart such knowledge to me, but I have never really asked.'

'Then, I have even more to tell you. The world outside, that you exiled, is embroiled in war. People, are killing other people, for all reasons, and for no reason. And we, the kami, are sincerely disturbed. War, on war, over a long period of time, have made us kami, weaker and weaker.'

'You see, my dear child. We kami draw strength from true faith, faith, such as yours. Faith that we kami exist, makes us strong, and gives us our power to change the surroundings. Unfortunately, many have lost their faith, many have forgotten, and many kami, are dying because of it.'

'This mountain, is fortunate. Your constant tending of the shrines, many of which contains fragments of us kami's existence, continue to make us strong, and we in turn, return the favor preserving this mountain's beauty, this mountain's energy, and protect the animals here.'

'So, my dear child. You are what keeps us here, and you have done much for us. But we, have to ask a little more of you.'

Hinata was silent for a moment, then she asked. 'What, can I do?'

'Help the kami that are outside. Before everyone lose the faith, before they are destroyed. Save my brothers.'

'But... I am.. blind. And... I know nothing of the world outside.'

'Do not worry, my child. We will be your strength, we will be your guide.'


Another weird story from me. I already have a sci-fi evil Kakashi, a tragic NaruHina, an Orochi-Naruto, and an original-character. (the big long story don't count)

I know it's not everyone's taste, and some will get pissed. But if you do happen to like it, please do leave a review.