PLEASE READ THIS!! MOST OF YOU GUYS SKIP IT BUT YOU NEED TO READ THIS!! I know you guys skip it because I had like, 3 people in my reviews ask me if it was the last chapter. If you read the authors note in my last one you would know, that THIS is the LAST chapter.

For all of you who knew this before, I have a friend who was kidnapped by her birth mom a while ago. For those of you want t o know, I found out around noon today that she was found, and is coming back to school on Monday!! Thnx for the prayers- softballchick03

(Also be looking for my new one shot and the start of my new story, being posted either tonight or tomorrow)

Mileys P O V

The next day when I woke up I couldn't remember what happened the other day, or why when I looked at the clock it said ten a.m. What wasn't it a school day? I rushed out of bed, and ran downstairs to go to daddys room, but he was sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Oh hey you're up," he said.

"What? Daddy isn't it a school day?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I figured yesterday was a big day for you. You needed to sleep in," he said.

"Oh. Am I going to school now?" I asked.

"That was my plan. Go get dressed, I'll make breakfast," he said.

I turned up the stairs to go get ready for school. I took a shower but didn't wash my hair even though it was the day to do that. I'd wash it in tomorrows shower. Standing in the shower, is when I remembered why I got to sleep in. Visions of McDonalds, the Cemetary, the long ride home flooded my thoughts. And the thought of a really good breakfast came to thought too. I was still starving.

I wasn't in the mood for anything fancy, so I just threw on some cute clean clothes and went downstairs to dad making fat free oatmeal and eggs.

"You ready to eat now Miley?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I answered sitting down. I didn't take anytime at all. I shoveled in egg after egg after egg, and bite after bite after bit of oatmeal. I was silent all the way through except for a little squeal when Spunky came over and flopped over my toes to sleep.

"Are you done?" he asked when he figured that I finished.

"Yeah," I said getting down from the stools and grabbing my backpack.

"Are you also ready to go to school?" dad asked.

I nodded.


I put Spunky in his cage and headed out of the door. I checked my phone, it said it was eleven o'clock. By the time I got there and got my stuff it would be lunch time. I felt wierd. I noticed it was from feeling full for the first time in a while.

"Here you go," dad said awakening me from my daydream and spacing. He opened up the truck door to reveal my school. It looked so big and mysterious now. I stayed silent, and followed him into the building where he checked me in to the school.

"Bye daddy," I said hugging him bye.

"Bye darlin. Have a good day. I'll pick you up," he said.

I nodded. "Okay."

I slowly opened the office door and walked down to my locker to put my stuff away. There was five minutes left of class before the next one.

"Miley!" someone shouted down the hall. I turned to see Lilly coming towards me.

"I was so worried about you, I thought you weren't coming," she said wrapping her arms around me in a hug, which I returned.

"Yeah, my dad let me sleep in," I said.

"Oh. Why'd you sleep in so late?" she asked.

"I'll tell you later. You'd better get back to class," I said.

"Okay. Bye Miley, I'll see you next period," she said.

"Okay bye," I said, and continued to unload stuff into my locker. Right when I slammed the door to it shut, the bell rang and people began to flood the hallways.

"Miley, you are here!" Oliver said running towards me, hugging me. I again returned the hug.

"Hey isn't it lunch time?" I asked.

"Yeah," Oliver answered.

"Great, after I just got done eating a big breakfast," I said sarcastically. When I turned around Lilly and Oliver where giving me the eyebrow.

"I'm serious, you think my dad would let me out of the house without food after last night?" I asked.

"True," Lilly and Oliver chorused.

We walked down the hall into the lunch room with kind of an awkward silence. I wasn't ready to tell them about where I went last night, and why I didn't come home until three in the morning.

"Hey there's a table," Lilly pointed.

We ran quickly to get it, reserve it, and get our food.

"Okay so my cat yesterday-" Oliver started.

"Save it!" Lilly and I said stopping him.

"You know I'm proud to have a cat that plays hide and go seek with me. I'm teaching him how to play go fish too."

This time it was funny, but roll your eyes and smile funny instead of laugh out loud funny.

"Hey guys," I heard to my left. I looked to see Jake sitting down on the seat rest next to me.

"Hey Jake," I said.

"So I didn't think that you would be in school today," he said.

"Yeah, my dad let me sleep in," I said.

"Oh I didn't think you'd be here," he said.

I know he likes me, so why would I be so nervous to talk to him? Maybe cause nobody's made the move yet.

"You know I gotta go," Lilly said so that she could go and leave me and Jake alone. She got up but Oliver didn't follow.

"Uh, Oliver?" she asked.

"what? I'm just fine here," he said.

"You need more ketchup," I said.

"No I don't it's right here," he said pointing to the ketchup on his plate.

Lilly picked it up and threw it in the nearest trash can.

"Now you don't," she said tugging on Olivers arm.

"Oh yeah. Hey while you're up can you get me ketchup?" he asked.

"Come on you donut!" she yelled pulling on his arm.

"What?" he asked.

"Do-nut!" she shouted.

"but-" Oliver tried, as he was pulled away.

Jake and I awkwardly laughed and sat silent for a while.

"So..." he said.

"Look Jake I know-" I started.

"I DID NOT START THIS!!!" came a loud shout from behind us. Right behind us Amber and Ashley were fighting.



The two girls turned on their heels and left.

"That was wierd," Jake said.

"Yeah. So, um-" I started but again got cut off. By the bell. Jake rushed up and dumped his tray and left the cafeteria. I bonked my head on the table a few times. than I got off to my next class.

After school I went out to the parking lot and found dad sitting in his pick up doing a word find.

"Hey Miles," he said when I opened the door.

"Hi daddy," I said.

"Did you have a good day at school for your half day?" he asked.

"Yeah it was fine," I said casual.

"Look what I got for ya," he said.

He reached back and grabbed a big box. When he brought it up to my level, I reallized it was a scale.

"If you want to diet, I figured you might as well be healthy about it," he said.

"Cool, thanks dad," I said. I was truly happy about that. The rest of the ride home was quiet. When I got home I had a snack and changed out of my clothes. But other than that I moped around for a little. Why didn't I tell Jake when I had the chance. I'm not doing it over the phone. I got and idea.

I wieghed myself and found that I lossed six pounds, but I figured I could just gain them back. Than I went into my room and put some more make up on my face, which needed some help gaining color from when it was pale as a ghost. Than I changed once again into something cuter. Than I set out down the street. I got halfway there, when I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry- Jake?" I asked when I looked up from the ground. I had bumped into Jake while trying to go to his house.

"Sorry Miley. I was just going to your house," he said. "I should be looking up when I walk."

He helped me up.

"I should too. So what's up?" I asked.

"I figured we didn't get a very a good chance to talk earlier. Can we talk now?" he asked.

"Yeah I was just on my way over to your house. I never really gave a proper thank you for helping me. Saving me. Helping me," I said.

"It's no problem. I couldn't see you hurting yourself anymore," he said.

"Oh, well, thanks," I said.

"So I was wondering if maybe we should set up a time to work on our next science project. It was assigned today," he said.

"Yeah that would be nice, but maybe we could set up a time to go out?" I asked embarrassed.

"I think that's a good idea," he said.

I smiled and grabbed his clammy hand, that he was fidgeting with. He kept them near his belt loops with his kaiki's and his striped polo.

"Me too," I said.

We sealed it with a kiss.