A/N: This is my very first fanfic so be gentle in your criticism please. Thank you for your reviews please continue as I need the feedback.

Warning: Yup, another one. Anyways starting after this chapter due to certain events a couple of our characters (yes the same ones I don't own) will be a tad OOC. Hope you don't mind.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Plain and Simple.

Chapter Nine

"Hey 'Mione" Ginny greeted the girl the early dawn light seeping trough the open curtains. "What am I doing in your common room?"

"You're awake." Hermione said trying to sound happier than she felt. "Don't you remember what happened." She said sitting beside Ginny. Ginny had just woken up and she didn't remember any of what had happened last night. Hermione didn't blame for if she could have she would forget too.

"Well," Hermione began. She told Ginny all she remembered trying her best to jog the girl's memory.

"What?" Ginny was confused. "I don't under-." In the middle of her sentence Ginny started to remember.


Simultaneously, Blaise and Harry cast their spells. Blaise's Stinging Hex was bearing heard over Harry's "Levicorpus". Ginny and Hermione had no time to hesitate as Blaise was dangled the victim by his ankle in mid-air and a painful red weal appeared on the Harry's body. In the middle of Harry's "Sectumsempra" and Blaise's Conjunctivitis Curse Hermione yelled "Liberacorpus, Expelliarmus and Ginny yelled the Wound Healing Spell and "Petrificus Totalus"in what appeared to be the same breath. The effects of this caused Blaise to fall from the air and lose his wand and Harry to be healed but also petrified him.

A very pissed of Ron tried to go after Blaise but Dean stopped him as Draco and Hermione had both promised to dock points from Gryffindor of he did anything but get Harry back to the tower safely.

"I can't even begin to conceive how you and THAT Slytherin could " Ron let his words trail off. "YOU are no longer my sister."

"I HOPE HE WAS WORTH IT GINNY." Ron yelled as he carried Harry out of the Great Hall. "I HOPE HE WAS WORTH LOSING YOUR FAMILIY OVER."


At the missed memory Ginny gave a scream that would have been heard from everywhere in the castle if it wasn't for the silencing charms Hermione had put up. However Hermione still had to hear it over her own ears. Ginny was distraught.

"I knew that wouldn't approve but," Ginny started to tear up. "THAT did not have to happen.

"I know, Gin" Hermione said trying to hush the girl. "Everything is going to be ok though. We will be ok. All of us."

"Are you sure?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Hermione reassured the younger girl. "Always remember that in the end comes something good…like dessert." Hermione said using her former best friend's joke as an analogy.

"I guess you're right Hermione." Ginny sighed. She had cried enough. She didn't like to cry. "We can't wallow in the bad times we must look forward to the good. Like Graduation." Ginny smiled. "It's only 3 months off now."

Hermione could not believe it but the girl was right. Where had the time gone? "Yes, it is…And even though I'm not suppose to say this. I've got a got hint that you're going to be the next head girl."

At this Ginny beamed. She didn't have to see those nosy housemates of hers anymore next year. She'd have her own room.

"Don't be getting a big head yet Ginny," Hermione laughed. "I'm not sure, but it's a good possibility."

"So there's hope, then." Ginny smiled back.


Harry stared into the fire. It was pretty cold for February and the sun hadn't risen yet. He was angry. At that Slytherin. At first Harry didn't know it was Blaise but when he had risen into the air and his mask slipped of. Oh was Harry angry. He knew the consequences of his next spell but he didn't care. But then Ginny had to stop him. Oh, how he wanted to see the Slytherin bleed. Why did Ginny have to a date a Slytherin. Did she want to kill him and her brother? Was that it?

"Zambini." He muttered the name as if it left a fowl taste in his mouth. Harry wanted to kill that boy. But Hermione wouldn't let him.


Ron grabbed Lavender and kissed her brutally. She kissed back just as eagerly. He knew that this was wrong. He knew that he was using her but he didn't stop and she seemed oblivious to his anger and receptive to his touch. They were in her dorm room and he knew that she wouldn't have invited him up here had she not wanted this. So technically she asked for this. All thoughts of regret were gone from his mind now; he literally pushed her on the bed and attacked her neck.


Harry looked around the common room. The happy couple mocked him. Dean and Parvarti. Who'd have thought it? But then again who'd think that Harry would be here envying them. He was after all THE Harry Potter. And this ladies and gentlemen began the downfall of Harry Potter. From that moment on he no longer was the humble boy we all know and love. He was now the arrogant boy who thought he was holier than thou. Things will never be the same. But THE Harry Potter was still out for blood. A certain Slytherin's blood.

Harry spotted one of his 'fans', Romilda Vane, a fifth year Gryffindor with great interest in Harry. Needless to say she was happy that the Boy-Who-Lived was even giving her a second glance. And with a smile on his face and a triumphant look on her's they left the common room together.


If it wasn't for the silencing charms Lavender put up her self, Gyriffdor Tower would have been echoing with her screams. Ron didn't know if they were from pleasure or pain. Nor did he care for that matter. It had been Lavender's first time and it had been horrible and painful. But she never once said anything to Ron. To her dismay she loved that red-headed horror and for the life of her she couldn't deny him anything. Not even this.

She loved him but she hated him for what he did. But deep down she knew, that this wouldn't be the last time. And that she still wouldn't be able to deny him when he came back. And he would come back. She just knew it. They always come back for more.

Tears spilt down her cheeks as Ron got dress wordlessly and left. One last thought going through her mind before she passed out. 'I'm Ron Weasley's whore.'

A/N: Ok so maybe a tad was an understatement. They're a lot OOC. I hope you enjoyed it though and that the end wasn't too sadistic for you. If not it means I'm not doing my job very well. Now review and tell me if I did or I didn't. Pretty Please.

And sorry for the bold. I don't know how to get it out. Sorry again.