AHAHAH!!!! I AM BACK! ENJOY!!!!!! Read and Review please!

Life as they knew it had changed since that unexpected kiss. They had finally opened their eyes and seen each other. They no longer had any doubts about the other's intentions and feelings. Not only had they been enveloped in a new wave of emotions but they seemed to be caught in the typical awkward social normal: dating. Sango had been on many dates and they all seemed to end the same way. She found herself in a moment of confusion, not knowing whether or not to let them up to her apartment or to just give them a quick kiss and suggest to them that they should 'get together again.' She never did call them, neither did they call her. She hoped it would be different with Miroku. She wanted him to call her the next day, hell she never wanted him to leave her. But at the moment she only had one major issue on her mind: what to wear on their first date. This was something that would seem trivial but, to the average woman the clothing is the most important impression a girl can make on a first date.

Sango was rummaging through her closet looking for the perfect outfit for her date. She dug her way through old Prada and Gucci dresses and found nothing. She sighed and sat on the floor of her closet. "Maybe I should just wear jeans and a t-shirt. I don't even know what we are doing tonight!" She leaned her head back in frustration. Miroku had decided that he would surprise her with a wonderful first date but this left Sango confused and aggravated. She resolved that she would wear a sheer black cocktail dress, which covered her arms and most of her legs, from Dior. She slipped the dress over her slender body and relished in the feeling of the cool material against her skin. The light chill that it evoked made her feel alive. She slipped into black Manolo high heels. She was still wearing the white gold locket he gave her months before. She smiled as she lightly touched the locket. She was interrupted by the buzz from her cell phone. Sango rushed to her vibrating phone that was resting on her dresser. The name on her cell phone made her smile, Miroku. "Hello?" she answered the call in a higher than normal pitched voice. She slightly scolded herself for seeming too excited. She did like Miroku, a lot, but she did not want to seem desperate.

Miroku chuckled. Clearly he could tell how excited she was because he called her. Sango blushed at the sound of Miroku's laughter. She quickly quipped, "So what time are you coming to get me?" She paced her bedroom awaiting his reply. "Well actually, I'm downstairs. I think it would be utterly uncivilized if I didn't come to your door to get you. Could you buzz me in?" It took everything in her not to scream. She was not ready for him to come up! However, she did not want to let on that she was nervous. So she played it off like she didn't care, "Um sure hold on." She hung up her phone and rushed to her front door to buzz him in. She pressed the button by the door and ran back to her bedroom to run a brush through her hair and primp herself a bit more before he got to her door. She cursed herself for taking too much time to get ready. Kohaku would always make fun of her, when they were growing up, about taking too much time in the bathroom to get ready for school or any significant social event. Luckily she managed to make it to the door as Miroku was knocking.

She panted slightly out of breath as she opened the door, "Wow great timing." Sango suddenly had to stop herself to catch her breath once again. He was even more handsome than ever before. He was dressed in a grey Armani jacket and matching pants. His hair was slicked back and he reminded her of Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. She ushered him in with a slight blush creeping over her cheeks. She followed him into her living room and kitchen and he sat himself comfortably onto her couch. She managed not to stare at him tonight because she knew that he was hers for the entire night, a thought that made her want to jump up and down in excitement. "So where are we going tonight?" She asked meekly not wanting to expose her excitement to him right away. Miroku smirked slightly, "Oh I've got a very special night planned. It's going to be very simple, but very nice. I think first dates should be about talking, not about extravagance." Sango agreed with that statement, she wanted tonight to be about getting to know him more intimately. He stood up and sauntered over to her getting so close that he was about two inches away from her. Normally Sango would have found this extremely uncomfortable and probably would have smacked him, but she wanted to be so close to him that even almost touching was enough for her. "Are you ready to go?" He asked softly. His warm breath caressed Sango's cheek and she closed her eyes in ecstasy hoping that her mind wasn't playing tricks with her. She didn't want to wake from this dream, if it was a dream. Almost all of her dreams were about him or her parents. She nodded with her eyes still closed and she could feel him move away from her. Miroku was pleased that she was feeling some sort of pleasure from his body being so close to her own. He had wanted to kiss her, just as he did at the Halloween party a week ago, but he knew he had to control himself. She responded to his change in proximity by opening her eyes once again. He was staring at her with his deep purple eyes. She shied hers eyes away from his gaze and retreated into her bedroom to grab her purse.

She inhaled deeply before she returned to him, she needed to compose herself. She grabbed her coat from the couch and slipped it over her shoulders smoothly. He offered her his arm and she accepted it with slight hesitation, "I promise I won't bite." He joked to help make her feel slightly more comfortable, which she did. She allowed her left side of her body to be pressed against his right. It was pure bliss. She could feel his warmth spreading to her and she allowed herself to relax as she walked with him down the hall to the elevator. The silence of the hall was broken by the clicking of Sango's heels on the wood floor. Miroku pressed the down button to the elevator and ushered her in and they waited silently allowing the lullaby of the elevator hum to speak for them. Miroku sighed attempting to break the silence but Sango just responded with an "hm." Unfortunately they had to adhere to the "elevator rules", that specifically mention, absolutely no talking in an elevator. It would have been painful if the elevator had gotten stuck; Miroku was never a fan of tight spaces.

The elevator doors opened and they quickly escaped the awkward situation and walked side by side to the lobby. Miroku lightly placed his hand on her shoulder and managed to pull her a little closer to him. Sango nestled into the light embrace as if they were a married couple and this was just one of their date nights. She was starting to become comfortable with the idea of spending the rest of her life with him. 'What is wrong with you? It's only the first date and you're thinking of marriage!' She scolded herself for being a little too hopeful, everything could go wrong tonight and they would never date each other again. Sango prayed that the latter would not be the case tonight. Miroku led them both to the car that was awaiting them outside. Carl, Miroku's stone-faced driver, opened the door for them and Sango and Miroku slid across the leather seats into the car. She nestled her body into the seat and turned toward Miroku. She enjoyed looking at him. She loved how handsome he looked in the dark light of the car. She shadows brought out the angles in his face and he looked rather masculine.

Miroku could feel her eyes on him and he was slightly embarrassed and yet he loved that she kept looking at him. He could barely keep himself from staring at her also in the car. She was a vision of enchanting beauty. He could see her as an Amazonian princess. She was strong and beautiful. She was a woman who could kill any man who looked at her the wrong way. He did not see himself as the man who would tame her, however, he wanted to fight beside her and love her as she was, forever. "You look very beautiful tonight." He smiled as she blushed slightly and thanked him for the compliment, something she didn't expect to hear out of his mouth at all. Sango eyes roamed to her feet and she muttered, "You look great too." She smiled at the fact that she mustered up the courage to compliment him as well. Even though the feelings were clearly mutual, they both felt ridiculously awkward around each other, which was understandable. There was this overwhelming feeling of not wanting to push each other away.

The car pulled over and Sango and Miroku exited onto the sidewalk. Miroku thanked Carl and told him that he would call him when he was needed later. Miroku placed his hand on the small of Sango's back, a very loving gesture, and led her to a restaurant called "Pasta Lovers" on 49th and Broadway. Sango was happy that he chose a place that was not too hip. She did not want a lot of noise tonight. She wanted to be able to talk and listen to him. They entered the dimly lit Tuscan restaurant and were immediately brought to their table by the maître d'. Sango noticed the beautiful paintings that resembled Italian Villas and she immediately knew that this would become a new favorite restaurant. The warm atmosphere enveloped them and Miroku was positive that he chose the perfect place for their first date. Sango felt as if she had been whisked away to Italy with Miroku and, perhaps, they could go there together one day. She enjoyed fantasizing about a life with him and for some reason, it didn't seem so impossible anymore. They sat across from each other at the intimate table and proceeded to order a bottle of Chianti for the evening. Miroku gazed at Sango's candle lit face. "I am glad you let me take you out on a date. I've been wanting to for so long…" Miroku trailed off in response to Sango's slight blush. Sango smiled coyly and said, "I am glad you asked me." Sango was slightly put off by how cute they were being together. This was something she only thought happened in the movies.

Miroku and Sango ordered their meals and continued the small talk that had started before. Sango sipped her wine and started to feel a wave of warmth over her, which made her a bit more at ease with the situation. "I've wanted to tell you, Miroku, that I never in my life thought I would be out on a date with you." She giggled nervously hoping that she had not said the wrong thing. Miroku smirked and responded, "Yes, I was quite the playboy when we first met, but I don't feel the need for that anymore." Sango was amused by the comment, "What happened? Did you get all of the girls you wanted?" Miroku's gaze shifted to his wine glass and he twirled the dark red liquid around the rim. Sango was surprised by his change and she felt some what to blame for making such a juvenile comment 'I'm so stupid.' "I'm sorry," she said trying to lighten the blow, "did I offend you?" Miroku shifted his eyes onto her again looking at her with a sincerity that she had never seen before from him. "It was something that I needed to change. You have every right to criticize me." He allowed a small smile to slip onto his face, "I got tired of it. Sure I was with some of the most beautiful women in New York but all of my encounters were empty. I realized that I need something more than what I was getting. I'm not proud of what I've done, but if I hadn't…… I never would have met you." Sango was utterly shocked, embarrassed and pleased by what she had just heard. "I think that you are one of the nicest men I have ever met." She was telling the truth. Sure he may have been a complete pig when they first met, but now that things were changing between them, she understood how compassionate he was.

They both looked at each other with affectionate eyes and they both knew that something unexpected had just passed between them. There was a new found respect for one another. They both were willing to listen to each other and give whatever they could to make the other feel comfortable. Miroku had truthfully opened up to Sango and Sango was willing to listen to him. Sango wanted so much to be as open with him as he was with her but she was still afraid of what he would think of her. She wanted to tell him about her parents, Kohaku, her self-mutilation, and even her jealousy towards Kagome and Inuyasha. However, they continued to discuss idle things such as work, friends and childhood memories. Sango picked at the food that was brought to her when she quipped, "I can't believe Kouga and Ayame are having a baby. It's so strange. It only seems like yesterday when Kagome and I basically forced them together." Miroku was intrigued, "Really? I never heard the story about how they got together. I've only been in the group, officially, for two years." Sango was happy that she could tell this story to someone, "Oh well it truly was forced. Kouga was trying to get Kagome to date him for months, but she was with Inuyasha. Ayame's father was a client of mine and she was so strong willed and confident, not to mention extremely beautiful, that I thought they would be perfect for each other. She needed a date for my company's New Years party and well I made him go with her. The rest, as they say, is history." She sipped her wine and smiled at her proud match-making skills. Miroku chuckled, "You are quite gifted Miss Sango." She smiled and replied, "Oh I try!"

Miroku poured himself another glass of wine and took a large gulp. Sango allowed a silence to grow between them for a few minutes. It was important that she could still feel a connection with him even when they were not talking. She managed to take a few bites of her Chicken Marsala and sip more of her wine. Miroku stole glances of his raven haired date and finally decided to break the silence, "So, forgive me for asking, but why are you not taken Sango? I didn't mean to be so forward about it, but you always seemed so strong and confident. I always thought you could get any man you wanted." Sango sighed in response and decided that this was one thing she could open up to him about tonight. "I think that I've just been so afraid of getting hurt. I've never been with someone long enough to let them get close. It's just… I've always been the girl who is career driven and too busy to be in a relationship. I know its total bullshit because when I see Kagome and Inuyasha together I get so jealous. Don't get me wrong, I love them both, it's just hard to be around them sometimes, you know?" Miroku chimed in, "Oh yes believe me I know. I feel the same way when I am with both or either one of them." Sango looked down at her plate and mumbled, "I know now that I have to open up in order to have anything truly meaningful in my life, but I guess that's the case with everyone." Miroku could feel her pain radiate to him. He wanted everything she wanted. He knew that they were perfect for one another and he would be the biggest idiot in the universe if he let her go.

The dinner was ending and the couple had talked about pretty much everything they could think of that evening. Miroku paid the bill and left a more than generous tip and escorted his date out to the car. Sango linked her arm in his and felt a supreme amount of security in his arms. They stole away into Miroku's car and sat close to each other on the ride back to Sango's apartment. Sango rested her tired head upon his shoulder and closed her eyes lightly. Miroku felt his heart pumping fast out of nervousness and excitement that she was allowing herself to get close to him. Sango wanted to remember this night forever and she did not want to leave him. She was so tried of pushing men away from her and filling her painful void with self inflicted pain instead. She wanted him to help her. She wanted him to wrap his arms around her and tell her that he loved her. She wanted to kiss him and allow him to kiss her. She wanted to go to bed with him. But she knew that tonight was not the night for this to happen. She wanted him to come back to her. Carl arrived at her apartment a bit too soon and she felt a pain in her heart that she had to leave him.

They managed to stay in the car for a little longer than Carl would have liked. Miroku did not want to wake Sango and Sango did not want to leave him at all. They emerged from the black town car and stopped at the front of her apartment. Sango turned to face him so that they were literally inches away from each other. Sango whispered, "I don't think you should come up." Miroku nodded in agreement, "I know." Sango explained, "It's not that I don't want you to. I just think that—" Miroku interrupted, "Shh. I know." He smiled with his kind eyes looking down at her beautiful face. He leaned down slowly and rested his lips upon hers. Sango closed her eyes in pleasure feeling the warmth of his lips spreading to hers. She opened her mouth to allow some breath into her lungs and he gently slipped his tongue into her mouth. She did not protest at all and her tongue was dancing with his. The ecstasy of the kiss lasted for what felt like hours. Their supple lips moved under each others and their arms wrapped around their shaking bodies. Sango pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "I don't know how it all happened, but I am completely enamored by you." Miroku buried his head into the crook of her neck and pulled her into a deep embrace. She smelled his intoxicating scent and allowed him to breathe her in as well. He lifted his head and kissed her once more, just as softly but slightly shorter so that he could bid her goodnight. "I will call you tomorrow. Sleep well." He watched her as she reluctantly left him and entered her building. Miroku breathed in the cold November air and returned to his car.

Sango could feel the butterflies in her stomach fluttering around so quickly she needed to sit down. When she reached her apartment and flicked on the light an elated smile seemed to be stuck on her face. She danced around her apartment as if she were in a Gene Kelly movie. Her trance was broken by the red light beeping on her answering machine. She went to it and pressed play.

"Hi Sango! It's me Rin! I know you are out on your big date, but I couldn't wait to tell you this! Sesshoumaru and I are engaged! I'm so excited I'm about to burst. I am already planning for the Wedding! I hope everything went spectacular tonight! Give me a call and let me know all of the details! Goodnight!"

Sango said in response, "I guess November is going to be a busy month." She retired to her bedroom and found herself sleeping the easiest she ever had, simply because, she was sleeping to dream of him.