A/N: And now! What you've all been waiting for! (especially you hentai's out there) I, bluecrazed, present to you! drum role LEMON!! To tell you the truth, I was soooo incredibly nervous and shy about making this chapter. For God's sakes, I'm only 14!! And I'm a proud virgin!! The lemon's coming at the middle/end of the story, so just kick back and relax! And enjoy the humor/romance/dirty moments!! EnJoY!!

There has been one question that I find some readers asking. Why did Sesshomaru have to get deathly injured and not Rin? Well, the answer to that is that I'm sick and tired of the whole 'damsel in distress' thing. You see it WAY too many times on the actual show and manga of 'Inuyasha' where Rin gets abducted MANY times and Sessho has to save her, and same thing goes for Inu and Kagome. I'm just sick of it and thought I could do something new!!

I am soooo touched by my reviewers! I just want to thank all of you soooo much!! I love you all!! sniff sob

Disclaimer: pouting I don't own anything that belongs to Inuyasha, but this is my story dammit all!!

Oh, and one more thing: R: Rin// RC: Rin's conscience// S: Sesshomaru// SC: Sesshomaru's conscience// You'll know what it means in the story!!

Chapter 7- Under the Lunar Rainbow

"Sleep now my Rin. I love you." Sesshomaru whispered to himself more than to her. Rin automatically snuggled into his warmth.

Now, things were starting to stitch back together.

As the early morning sun shone through the window, the sleeping figure known as Sesshomaru rested peacefully on the bed. His peaceful breathing, the rise and fall of his chest as he slept, and the chirping of the morning birds from outside were all in rhythm with each other. Nothing went undisturbed, until Sesshomaru felt a stinging sensation on his neck.

Acting on reflex, Sesshomaru's right hand flew up and slapped his neck. When he slowly opened his eyes and gazed at his palm, he smirked. "I should have known."

"Ugh, greetings and salutations, Lord Sesshomaru." Myoga said as he wafted into Sesshomaru's palm.

"Myoga, what a pleasant visit, but surprisingly, I was actually expecting you." Sesshomaru said sarcastically.

Myoga straightened himself out and cleared his throat. "Yes, well, I understand that you would. Master Inuyasha and Lady Kagome had given me careful instructions not to wake you as I drained the poison from your veins, and I have to admit, since you do have you father's delicious blood, I just couldn't help myself to some. But all is forgiven I hope?"

"Wrong timing to be truthful, old flee." Sesshomaru slapped his hands together, crushing Myoga. Myoga stumbled and rubbed his head. "I guess I deserve that for my pureblood-addicted self. Although, I did get most of the poison out of your system, your body can fight off whatever's left." Myoga pointed to a bucket that was filled halfway with a dark purple-red liquid.

Sesshomaru's stomach lurched. "Is that the poison?" He asked. Myoga nodded. "Be grateful I got here as soon as I could or that poison would've traveled throughout your body and killed you by only two days."

"Hn. Then I guess I owe a small debt of gratitude to you." Sesshomaru replied nonchalantly.

"Well, I do have something in mind…" Myoga said slyly as he jumped back on Sesshomaru's neck and began to drink the delicious pure dog demon blood.

"I'm losing my patience with you, flee." Sesshomaru let out a warning growl and slapped Myoga away a second time.

Then, he noticed something. "Myoga, where is Rin?"

"Hmm…I think she's helping out Lady Kagome and Lady Sango with some chores. Why do you ask?" Myoga replied.

Sesshomaru took a deep breath and lay back onto the bed. "When you leave, may you find her and tell her to see me?"

Myoga bowed. "Of coarse Lord Sesshomaru." Then, he sprang off, cursing himself under his breath. "Ugh, darn this tiny body of mine!"

After Myoga had left the room, the only thing Sesshomaru could do was be left to his thoughts.

S: 'Why did I wish to see Rin? It's just like any other morning. Why did she get up so early? She usually sleeps late. Hmm…could it be from the events that took place last night? Why was she so tense and apologetic? She only grazed my body with her velvety hand? Heh, it did feel incredible…NO! I don't need to think those kind of rude thoughts!'

SC: 'You have to admit, what she was doing was VERY erotic.' Sesshomaru's inner being said. (conscience)

S: 'You know it's not very healthy to argue with one's self.' Sesshomaru growled.

SC: 'Oh come now, argue is such a strong word, I would much rather refer to it as 'we both don't agree on something, so we both share our thoughts' or something like that.' the inner voice shot back.

S: 'You're never much of any help conscience! You only show up when sex and embarrassing situations are involved.' Sesshomaru retorted.

SC: 'Well, that's obviously when you need me the most! Don't be so dull "Lord of the Western Lands"! The conscience laughed.

Sesshomaru growled fiercely, 'So you're insulting me instead of helping me now!!'

SC: "Naw, I'm giving you compliments!! Oh, what do you think?' The conscience retorted sarcastically.

S: 'Why are you here anyway!!?'

SC: 'I've come to talk about you and Rin.'

S: 'Hn, there's not much to talk about, I love her and that's that.'

SC: 'Well yeah, but you haven't told her, haven't you?'

S: '…'

SC: 'Point taken…'

S: 'Nonsense!! I'm waiting for the right time!!'

SC: Oh shut up! You've had lots of 'right times' and you haven't told her yet! Hahaha! Are you a coward LORD Sesshomaru?'

S: 'You DARE call me a coward you insolent mind!!'

SC: 'Okay then tell her when she walks into the room! Pull that large tree stump out of your ass and tell her how you feel!'

Just then, Rin slowly walked into the room. "Uh, Sesshomaru, did you wish to see me?" Her voice made him jump slightly. Sesshomaru inwardly cursed his bad luck.

"Yes, Rin take a seat." Sesshomaru said softly. Rin complied and sit in the chair next to him.

"Is something the matter, Sesshomaru?" Came the calm and gentle voice of Rin.

Sesshomaru nodded. 'This isn't going to be easy by far.' He thought.

"Rin, I've been wanting to say something to you for a quite a while now…" He started.

Rin inwardly froze. 'Oh gods! Is he going to say what I think he's going to say!?'

RC: 'If he is, then if I were you, I would jump on him, wounds or no wounds, and ride that sucker till he can't feel his legs and"- Rin cut her conscience off.

'OH MY GODS!! What are you talking about you sick, sick, SICK mind!! At least not now!!'

"Rin?" Sesshomaru asked, cutting her out of her thoughts.

"Oh! Umm, I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Rin said

"I've been thinking and what I need to tell you is…" Sesshomaru glanced up at her. Her beautiful face, those large, deep, and innocent chocolate orbs, and that sweet smile were just too much pressure. He couldn't believe he was starting to hold back now. But he felt as if he needed to wait, at least for a little while longer.

"Rin…it's awfully cold in this room. I would appreciate it if you would go and fetch some blankets for me." He asked.

Rin felt her heart drop slightly, but covered it with a smile. "Yes Sesshomaru, I will return shortly." Rin stood up and walked out of the room, but stopped in the hallway.

R: 'Damn…I thought he was going to say he loved me. I was wrong. Dead wrong! What if he doesn't love me! Oh, what am I thinking, of coarse he doesn't love me. I don't deserve him and I guess he can see that. It's too obvious that I'm a lowly human girl that loves a powerful, royal, and beautiful dog-demon-lord.' Rin thought as she felt tears come to her eyes, and that's when her conscience broke in.

RC: 'What are you saying! Pull yourself together before I mentally bitch-slap you!! You can't give up and think he doesn't love you!!

R: 'But what if he doesn't love me!?' Rin protested.

RC: 'I know for a fact that he loves you!'

R: 'Pfft! Look who I'm talking to here! My perverted, wanton conscience!!'

RC: 'Hey! I'm trying to help you here! Show some respect!'

R: 'Well you're not helping! There's no proof that he loves me!'

RC: 'That's because you haven't told him you loved him yet!'

R: 'Well, what if he didn't love me back? What if he rejects me!? I'll be the most idiotic person alive!! And not to mention what how he'll react! Hell, he'll probably shun me away and never talk to me again. OR he could think of me as a disgusting creature that loves her LORD!!'

RC: 'Get a hold of yourself! That's Lord Sesshomaru you're talking about! He would NEVER abandon you for how you truly feel! He cares for you Rin…he loves you. At least give it a try and tell him?"

R: 'You're right! I should tell him! I'll wait till the night of the Lunar Rainbow, which isn't until tomorrow night. That way, I'll practice on how I should tell him and it would be so romantic!'

RC: 'That's my girl!! But I'd wish you would hurry up! I'm dying to see Sesshomaru's bare-naked ass! Ugh, it's almost painful to see him in clothing!! Let me just tell you if I ever get the chance to see a naked Sesshomaru, first: I'll throw him onto the ground and seduce him like crazy until he's begging like a dog! Then, I'll start licking'-

Rin put her hands on top of her head and started shaking her head. 'STOP IT! STOP IT! Gods, you're causing me to blush, you perverted conscience of mine!! Jeez, why do you have to be so wanton and needy for sex?!'

RC: 'It's you that's thinking all of this; I'm just your conscience!'

Rin chuckled to herself and walked off to get the blankets.


Sesshomaru took deep sigh. 'I can't believe I just backed down like that! What is wrong with me?'

SC: '…Coward…' His conscience said frustratingly

S: '…Silence conscience…!' Sesshomaru retorted.

SC: 'Why did you not tell her?'

S: 'I'm going to wait.'

SC: 'Wait? Wait for what, until the day she dies!?'

S: 'Tomorrow night, under the Lunar Rainbow.'

C: 'Oooohh, being Mr. Romantic are we?'

S: 'Silence, Rin deserves the best and I am to give her the best!'

C: 'Ooookay, well I've got to go now! I think you can handle things on your own from here.'

Sesshomaru waited until he was sure his conscience disappeared, then sighed and closed his eyes for some much needed rest.

"So this is the Lord Sesshomaru I've heard so much about." Came a female voice. Sesshomaru opened his eyes and scanned the room, but he could find nothing. 'Am I hearing things?'

"Hello Lord Sesshomaru." Suddenly, a woman appeared next to his bed. She was half tall, half short. Her navy-blue hair reached her waist and she had the most beautiful aqua eyes that matched her slightly tan skin.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the demon before him. "Explain your reason for being here, woman." He demanded.

The demon lightly chuckled. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Yuri, and I am here to deliver a message for you from my mate, Lord Tarakun."

"Your mate, Tarakun?! So you are Lady Yuri." Sesshomaru growled.

"So you have heard of me. Why I'm so flattered." Yuri continued her light chuckles.

"What message do you bring from him?" Sesshomaru asked.

Yuri stopped her light laughs and smiled. "He said something about wanting you to meet him at his castle once you have regained your strength. He said he wanted to finish you off."

Sesshomaru stared at Yuri for some time. "How does he know that I'm still alive?"

"A wild guess, I suppose." Yuri said half-heartedly. "But of coarse, how can anyone kill a powerful demon lord such as you, Lord Sesshomaru." She smirked and walked closer to the bed, swinging her hips in a seductive motion as she walked.

"You can tell your mate that once I am fully healed, I will take his offer of battle." Sesshomaru told her.

"Mmm…such a valiant demon you are my lord, any woman would die for someone with such determination, strength, and looks as you have. You could have all kinds of women bowing down at your feet." Yuri stopped right next to the bed and looked down upon Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru turned his glance away form Yuri. "Your praising does not flatter nor interest me."

"Oh really? Well then, maybe this will get your interest spiked." Yuri climbed onto the bed and straddled Sesshomaru's hips.

"Wench! Refrain yourself at once!" He growled.

"On the contrary, you are still weak and injured, therefore, you can't attack me without exhausting yourself." she pouted. "Hmph! Too bad your heart is already stolen by another or I would have used a seduction spell on you my little doggy."

Sesshomaru growled at her. "I have already told you to refrain yourself from my sight! This is your last warning wench!"

"Oh come now, Lord Sesshomaru, don't be so cruel with your words. I only want to know what you taste like."

Sesshomaru gave her a confused look, but confusion turned to surprise when Yuri leaned down and placed her lips on his.

He couldn't do anything to remove her. He was too shocked and if he moved, the wounds would reopen, followed by searing pain.

While Sesshomaru wasn't concentrating, Yuri used this time to her advantage and plunged her tongue into his mouth, tasting him while her hands moved up and down his sides.

'What is this bitch doing to me! Why can't I get her off!?'

Finally, she broke away and licked her lips. "Mmm…so delicious."

Sesshomaru let out a fierce growl. "Bitch, how DARE you!!"

Yuri smirked and stood off the bed. "So sorry I won't be able to ravish you more, after all, I do have commitment to my darling mate."

"Dirty slut!" He barked. Yuri chuckled at him.

The sounds of footsteps here in the hallway and Sesshomaru knew that Rin was coming back.

"Uh-oh, looks like your little human mistress is coming back." Yuri taunted, "I'd better leave. You wouldn't want to break her heart. That would mean you can't screw the little bitch anymore."

Just as the sliding doors of the room opened, Yuri disappeared with a wave of her hand, leaving behind a splotch of colored dust and sparkles where she stood.

"I got the blankets you wished for, my lord." Rin said as she walked into the room. She noticed Sesshomaru's expression and stopped. It was difficult to describe. In his eyes, Rin saw a mixture of what seemed to be surprise, anger, and something else she couldn't describe.

Finally, she spoke up. "Umm…Sesshomaru? Are you alright?" She asked timidly. Sesshomaru then turned his attention to Rin, his expression softened. "Yes Rin, I'm fine."

Rin lifted the blankets to his gaze. "I got the blankets you wanted?"

Sesshomaru nodded and Rin laid the blankets over the one's that were already on him.

"There, that should do it. Is there anything you need, my lord?" Rin asked in that sweet voice of hers.

"Actually, there is," Sesshomaru said, thinking about his early encounter with Lady Yuri, "Later this evening, I'm going to ask for your assistance. I'm going to try to stand and at least walk a bit. Will you assist me?"

"Of coarse Sesshomaru, I would be happy to help. But…why so soon?" Rin asked.

"Lets just say a little memory of that bastard Tarakun has slipped into my mind. I'm going to have to fight him soon enough." Sesshomaru growled.

It felt as if time had stopped for Rin. Her heart twisted in pain. All the memories of the past week flooded her mind. When O-Kaitsu had barged in Sesshomaru's chambers and demanded Rin to be his mate, when she was kidnapped by him, and the time of O-Kaitsu's death. Then the other memories of when Sesshomaru had no control over his body and had almost raped Rin, to the time she first saw Tarakun and his minions attacking Inuyasha's village. And then the worst of the memories. The very minuet she saw Tarakun's sword plunge into Sesshomaru's stomach and seeing him lying in a large pool of his own blood…his clothes tattered and his skin torn. Even the nightmare she had about O-Kaitsu laughing as his brother Tarakun repeatedly stabbed a chained Sesshomaru.

Rin's legs felt as if they were to buckle and give out at any second, her heart pounding into her ribs. She didn't dare want to go through the pain of almost losing him again. Not again. If she lost Sesshomaru, then she lost apart of herself, and she knew that. She couldn't possibly live without him. She would die of a broken heart.

"…Sesshomaru…" Rin squeaked quieter than even a whisper.

Sesshomaru turned his attention toward her. He could very well smell the fear intensify in her being. He even noticed that she was shaking uncontrollably. Her beautiful powder-soft face as white as sheetrock.

"Rin…are you alright? You look ill?" He said with much concern.

Rin wearily nodded her head. "Uh-huh…I-I'm okay." She stuttered. Sesshomaru was sure she going to faint.

"Rin…maybe you should lie down for a moment?" Sesshomaru asked again.

Rin gained her composure and faked a small smile. "I am alright my lord, I just have a lot on my mind. Umm…if you'll excuse me, I've got some errands to do. I'll see you later today, to help you stand and walk?"

Sesshomaru nodded, Rin bowed and left the room. As soon as she was out of the room, Sesshomaru felt weird about their encounter. 'What was that? Why did Rin act so odd?'


Rin walked out of the room, down the hallway, and out of hut, with no one stopping her or questioning her actions, she walked into the forest until she reached the God Tree.

Then, just like she thought would happen, her legs buckled and gave out and she fell to her knees, sobbing quietly and holding her heart.

"No…" She whispered through her sobs, "No…this can't happen…Sesshomaru, I don't want to risk almost losing you again…please, my heart can't bare anymore pain."

After a moment of silence, Rin finally gained her composure, stood up, and leaned against the God Tree. "Why am I acting like this? I've never doubted my Lord Sesshomaru's strength before, I know he's the strongest being I've ever known, so why do I fear his death?"

Rin sat there quietly for a few more minuets to calm down until returning.



"It's funny thinking of how many hours of looking at the ceiling will get to you. Actually, it's almost pathetic." Sesshomaru muttered to himself as he laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. It was as much fun as watching Inuyasha argue with little kids, which in his opinion, was sort of amusing on how the children would beat him, but other than that, staring at the ceiling for more than 15hours a day was not something he would rather do. He would much rather be sleeping, but every time he closed his eyes, his thoughts would start harassing him with thoughts…of Rin.

He sat up and ran a hand through his long silver hair, his mind plagued with troublesome thoughts. 'Why do I keep thinking about what happened between Rin and me today? It was just an ordinary talk, nothing else. But, why did she suddenly act strange? Was it something I said perhaps? Dammit! Why do I have this bad feeling in my gut!?'

SC: 'That my friend is guilt.' Sesshomaru's conscience broke in.

S: 'Guilt? Why am I…wait a minuet…not you again!!'

SC: 'Oh, big surprise, I'm always here genius!' His conscience retorted sarcastically.

S: 'So you're only in my mind to insult me? Hmph, some help you are conscience!'

SC: 'That's complete nonsense! I'm not insulting you. I'm just…giving you pep talk!'

S: Pep talk!? You call insulting me and downing every decision I make, Pep talk!?'

SC: '…Yes……yes I do. Why? Is there a problem with a little motivational conversations between you and me?'

S: 'Motivational!?! If you were a living being, I would have already killed you horribly!'

SC: 'Yeah, I know. Sucks doesn't it? I bet you're just wishing to get rid of my annoying self, aren't you?'

S: 'Well, I guess you are a decent conscience after all if you've already figured that out.'

SC: 'Why thank you- HEY!! That was uncalled for! Just for that, I'm not going to help you anymore!! GOOD-BYE!!!'

"Thank you Gods." Sesshomaru muttered to himself. "Maybe now, I can get some peace and rest……or……I could just try standing up? I can feel my legs now and I my wounds are almost fully healed, hmm…maybe I could try it just once."

Sesshomaru sat up in bed and steadied himself. Moving very slowly, he maneuvered his body to where his feet softly touched the wooden floor on the side of the bed. While he was moving, pain from the wounds would coarse through him, forcing him to take a breath. 'Damn, I hope the pain is only from the wounds and that I don't have bedsores.'

Sesshomaru had finally made it to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed. His torso hurt like hell, but he ignored the pain. His body ached from stiffness and sleep. He sat there staring at his feet for a few minuets, trying to decide how to stand without searing pain. He also took the time to look at himself, and what he saw made him disgusted with himself.

He reeked of the scent of dried blood. His torn hakamas that were once a beautiful pearl white were now ripped, torn, dried blood and dirt-stained mess. But hey, at least he had on those or he would be completely nude. His once pearl white haori is probably torn and bloodied. He would only guess that the miko Kagome had thrown it away or burned it. His torso was bare, except for the bandages that acted as somewhat as a cover. His shoes however, were on the floor next to the bed where his swords lay. He would later send Jaken on a mission to bring him new clothes. Ugh, he really needed a bath.

Now, the next step was the hardest. Something that the almighty 'Lord of the Western Lands' himself would have to fiercely battle with.


Planting his feet on the ground with determination, Sesshomaru slowly inched off the bed, using his arms to lift himself. The first attempt was working well, until one of his arms buckled, sending him falling back to the bed. He tried the best he could to not groan in pain. But only one failed try wasn't going to stop him, so, he sat back up on the end of the bed and tried again. No luck. The smooth, almost slippery, wooden floor against his feet didn't hold and his right foot slid from under him, causing him to fall back harder on the bed. A deep, loud howl of pain ran through the empty and large hut.

Sesshomaru laid there, body sprawled sideways on the bed while legs hung off the side. He stayed in that position for few minuets. "Well", Sesshomaru muttered, "I've gone this far, no chance giving up." After that was said, Sesshomaru resumed the sitting position.

He sat there on the edge of the bed, his legs planted on the ground and his hands gripped the edge and thought, 'How am I going to do this if every time I try, my limbs buckle and slip? ………hmm what if I were to…no…….

After thinking a minuet more, Sesshomaru finally got an idea. And to shock the whole world, it came from the thought of what Inuyasha would do. The art of acting before thinking.

With his hands clenched tightly to the edge of the bed, his feet tensely planted to the wooden floor, Sesshomaru inhaled a deep breath and, with all his strength, jolted his body up. And at last, he was standing.

Sesshomaru felt like a statue. Stiff and paralyzed. One fall, and you would shatter into a thousand pieces. The pain in his torso was making the feeling a lot more realistic, not to mention the teeter and totter of his legs because of how weak they were due to the poison.

He finally put all his concentration on his legs and after a few minuets; he finally started taking steady, cautious steps away from the bed and towards the door.

Once he was out the door, Sesshomaru leaned against the wall, wanting desperately to slump to the ground and rest, but the idea to attempt getting back up kept him from it.

"Need some help?" Said the overly smug voice.

"That depends, is that supposed to be an offer to help me?" Sesshomaru smirked, looking up to see a smug Inuyasha with his arms crossed like always and Rin.

"Who me? Feh, I'm not offering to help, I was just observing your pathetic ass trying to walk." Inuyasha grinned teasingly, knowing that his brother wouldn't be much of a threat at this point.

Sesshomaru growled, "You just love seeing me like this don't you?"

"Aww, how'd ya know?" Inuyasha teased back.

"Inuyasha quit, you could at least help your own brother walk again?" Rin softly scolded and walked over to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha huffed.

Rin placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "My lord, are you alright? You look exhausted. Would you allow me to help you walk back to your room?"

"No Rin, I need to continue." Sesshomaru replied.

"Then I shall assist you." Rin said, placing his right arm over her shoulders and helping him stand straight. Sesshomaru was a bit surprised at her sudden determination to help him. He didn't want Rin to help, but he was too exhausted to argue.

Rin softly pulled Sesshomaru away from the wall and helped him regain his balance. She started to take baby-steps towards the end of the hall where Inuyasha stood. He was improving a lot faster than expected.

Inuyasha smirked, "Heh, I thought I'd never see the day when ol' Sesshomaru himself would need help from a human."

Before Sesshomaru could glance up, Rin was already giving him glares. "Oh, don't be jealous that I'm helping him and you're not Inuyasha. All you had to do was ask."

"Ugh, why the hell would I be jealous?! ME being jealous of YOU helping HIM. Hahahaa…I don't think so!" Inuyasha laughed.

Sesshomaru slowly walked past Inuyasha, "Remind me to kill you when I feel better." He hissed dangerously in his ear. Inuyasha visibly shuddered, but Sesshomaru didn't see.

After they made to the main room where the entrance of the hut was, Sesshomaru leaned away from Rin's gentle hold and against the wall. He had never been so exhausted in his life.

"Sesshomaru, you should sit there until you build up enough strength." Rin told him.

Sesshomaru shook his head, "I don't need to rest now Rin, I have enough strength to continue."

"Please don't be so stubborn my lord, I'm only asking that you take it easy and rest, just for right now. Please!" Rin demanded. Sesshomaru was flabbergasted. He opened his mouth to say something when Inuyasha broke in.

"See! I'm not the only one who thinks you're a stubborn jackass!!" Inuyasha exclaimed to him. "It runs in the family." Then, Inuyasha used his foot and pushed his brothers back legs, causing him to fall on his knees and moan in pain.

"Dammit Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru moaned/growled, his arm rapped on his stomach.

Rin turned to Inuyasha, who was smiling. She went over to him as if she was going to hug him. "Inuyasha…" Rin said sweetly and almost pulled him into a hug when she brought her knee up and forced into his crotch.

Inuyasha let out a shrill of pain and collapsed to the floor, both hands on his crotch. "Rin…you bitch…why did you…"

"There were other ways to get him to rest you idiot!" Rin scolded. "You deserved to get kicked there!!"

Sesshomaru admired her loyalty towards her. He knew he should feel pity for Inuyasha getting kneed in the balls, but it was too amusing to see him rolling on the floor, whimpering like a child.

"HOUSHI!" They heard an angry howl from outside.

"No Sango! Please, I-I can explain!!!"


Miroku went flying through the hut door and landed in the middle of the room. Sango charged in after him, her boomerang fastened tightly in her hands.

"You stupid cheating Houshi! You didn't think I would catch you in the act with those two young village girls!?!" Her voice dripped poison.

"My dear Sango, it was not what you think, I-I was just—they were new to the village and I was giving them a tour! Honest!"

"Oh yeah right Miroku! I saw where your hands were on those women!! You were groping all over them! Don't lie to me!!" Sango raised her boomerang, about to smack some sense into Miroku.

"NO Sango NO!! You wouldn't hurt you dear husband who still has a head injury…w-would you?" Miroku coward in fear below Sango.

"Well then, you should have thought about that before groping those young woman in front of your DEAR WIFE!!!"

She was about to hit him when they both stopped and noticed something. They had an audience.

Sango and Miroku turned their head to see Sesshomaru glaring at them with an arched eyebrow in amusement. Rin was trying to quiet her giggling and Inuyasha was still on the floor, whimpering like a child while holding his crotch.

Sango's face turned a shade darker than crimson. "Uhh…" was all she could say. Miroku fake coughed before he noticed Inuyasha.

"Uh, Inuyasha, are you okay? Why are you rolling on the floor?"

Inuyasha whined, "Rin…she…she kneed me in the balls!!"

Miroku winced, "ouch."

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Sango turned to Miroku.

"NO Sango, anything but that!!" Miroku got up and ran past Sango.

"Hey Rin, thanks for the idea." Sango said and ran out the door of the hut.

Rin couldn't control her giggling. "What a couple, huh?"

Sesshomaru shook his head. The way he saw couples around here, it was as if fate was teetering him back and forth, side to side.

//////////the next day\\\\\the next night//////////the next day\\\\\ the next night////////// the next day\\\\\

The rest of that day went by slowly and quietly. That night went just as slowly. Rin slept next to Sesshomaru with no interruptions. Sesshomaru didn't need bandages anymore, but Kagome insisted he did. His wounds were scarring and slowly disappearing, but the healing skin was still sensitive and raw. Sesshomaru had sent Jaken back to the castle to obtain new clothes for him and Rin. Jaken brought Sesshomaru and new haori and hakamas followed by a new sash, boots, and armor. He had brought Rin a new, blue and silver kimono with a silver sash, but Rin said she would rather wear those weird looking clothes that Kagome gave her for the time being.

Sesshomaru sat against one of the walls of the main room of the hut. His mind heavily in concentration of what he was planning to do later. He was going to get Rin alone in the forest, under the Lunar Rainbow and tell her how he felt. He new that it wouldn't be at all easy for him, for he was always bad about sharing his feelings, so instead, he shut his emotions out. Especially romance.

But that never stopped the offers. All the woman, demon and human that he met only wanted the same things from him. Great sex and to mate with a rich, young demon Lord.

Sesshomaru saw through their plans of seduction. He wasn't flattered a bit at their praising of him. He had accidentally eavesdropped on the Southern Lord's twin daughters Kimi and Yoka. The two were having a little conversation on who would win him over first.

Flashback 2years ago

Sesshomaru stood outside the guestroom door. He had heard his name when the Southern Lord's twin daughters were talking.

"Well we can't both mate him, it wouldn't be right." Yoka's voice was heard through the door by Sesshomaru's sensitive ears.

"Then one of us will just have to swoon his attention more than the other one." Kimi said.

"Oh? Is that a challenge dear sister?" Yoka smirked.

"A challenge? Oh please, we all know I'm going to be the new 'Lady of Western Lands'!" Kimi laughed. This insulted Yoka and also Sesshomaru.

"Give me a break Kimi, you just like him for his body!!" Yoka hissed back at her sister.

"That and he's rich and young! It's a double take!! Dead sexy and rich."

Sesshomaru nearly gagged.

After a few seconds, Yoka's voice broke through, "Yeah, but there's something about Lord Sesshomaru that makes it hard to be next to him. He's so cold and emotionless and his eyes are so deep and dangerous."

"Yeah…I guess so…. I wonder if he's a screamer. No wait! A howler!!" Kimi giggled.

Yoka widened her eyes in surprise. "Kimi!!" She squealed and playfully punched her sister's arm. Kimi and Yoka started giggling.

Yoka stopped giggling first. "I heard that the only person that Lord Sesshomaru shows his feelings to is that human whelp that lives here. Umm…Rin, yeah that's it, Rin's her name."

Kimi instantly stopped laughing. "That's one thing I forgot about. If one of us mates Lord Sesshomaru, then we have to be nice to that human!"

"Yeah, but…what happens in the bedroom is totally worth it!" Yoka whispered and both girls broke into giggles.

"Okay, okay…" Kimi cleared her throat, "The first one who beds Lord Sesshomaru will be his mate and the loser will leave the castle. And we will most certainly NOT tell Father, he and Lord Sesshomaru have a great acquaintanceship."

Both girls agreed to the agreement.

End of Flashback

Sesshomaru shuddered at the memory. He had never remembered feeling so used and disgusted. And what they had said about Rin, his Rin, it made his blood boil. After that, they tried pathetically to seduce him, but just humiliated themselves. Even their father, the Lord of the South, had noticed their unusual behavior towards Sesshomaru.

And just to piss the two twins off, Sesshomaru spent a lot more of his time with Rin. He very much had enjoyed the look on their faces as he would walk with Rin through her garden and even allow himself to show a soft smile when she laughed. It was priceless.

Sesshomaru thoughts were interrupted as he heard Inuyasha arguing with Hakashi and his friends from the across the room.

"Dammit you little whelps, this is the last time I'm going to tell you this! I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU STORIES!! Quit asking me!!" Inuyasha bellowed.

"Aww, come on Inuyasha! Just one story!! Please!" The older one said.


"Please Daddy!?" Hakashi whimpered.

"Hakashi, I said no!"

"Pleeeeeease?" Hakashi begged.

"I said no!"


Inuyasha turned to see Kagome walking in the room with a basket full of freshly washed clothes. "Why don't you just tell them a story?"

Inuyasha sighed, "Kagome, I don't know any good stories! I'm not even a good storyteller!"

"You don't have to be a good story teller, just tell them a story so they'll be quiet." Kagome disappeared into the hallway.

Inuyasha gave a tiresome sigh. "Fine, I'll tell you a story." Inuyasha sat down, legs folded and the kids scrambled around him.

"Let's see…" Inuyasha thought of a story to tell.

Sesshomaru stood up and walked to the door of the hut. "Inuyasha." He called. Inuyasha looked up at his brother. "What?" Sesshomaru hesitated. Inuyasha gave his brother a curious look. "Hey Sesshomaru, are ya down to Earth?" He looked back at Inuyasha. "If…if you see Rin…tell her…" Sesshomaru took a deep sigh; "tell her to meet me in the forest that's named after you. I wish to speak with her alone."

Inuyasha watched his brother's confusing expression, but soon understood. With a half-hearted smile, he nodded, "sure." Sesshomaru nodded back and left.

This was it. Tonight was the night Sesshomaru would tell Rin a straight answer. That he loved her. And he realized the consequences of allowing having a human be his mate, but he didn't care. Sesshomaru wanted some of his blood to flow through her veins, that way; she would live as long as he does. He wanted to spend the rest of his long life with Rin. He knew he would protect her from any danger, to always have her next to him, to never let her leave his sight. He wanted to start a family with Rin, wanted her full of his pups.

And then he thought about rejection. What if she rejected his love? At times, when it was just him and Rin, he could smell her arousal, but he wasn't sure, as far as he knew, she loved him like an older brother or a best friend, but never did he think she love him enough to mate with him. Sesshomaru's pace slowed. Was telling Rin how he felt really worth a broken heart? Of coarse it was! His mind yelled at him not to back down. No, this was the night he was going to let her know no matter what the consequences.


It had been along day of work for Rin. She had voluntarily helped around the village and she was exhausted. But she knew her day wasn't complete. She had to find Sesshomaru. She longed to tell him what her heart screamed for. She longed for his touch and warmth. For Sesshomaru to wrap his arms around her and never let go.

Rin walked into the hut to find Inuyasha with a large lump on his head and Kagome scolding him. Hakashi was attached to her leg with his face buried. She listened in on what they were talking about.

"I swear if Hakashi gets nightmares, you are so dead!!" Kagome scolded.

Inuyasha raised his head, "Hey, they wanted me to tell them a story, and I told them one! It wasn't even that scary!"

"Of coarse your not scared! But these are little kids Inuyasha, Hakashi is too young to hear that kind of scary stories!"

Inuyasha just huffed. Rin walked up to Kagome and tapped her shoulder. Kagome whirled around and her expression faded at the sight of Rin. "Hey Rin, what's up?"

"Umm…I was hoping you could tell me where Sesshomaru is?"

Kagome shook her head, "No, sorry, I haven't seen him all day." Inuyasha pricked his ears. "Hey! That reminds me! Sesshomaru said he wanted you to meet him in my forest. I think he wanted to talk with you? He looked kind of disturbed about something."

This made Rin somewhat nervous. He was disturbed with something? Could it involve her? Rin bowed goodbye to Kagome and Inuyasha and walked towards the door when she heard a scream.

"Noooo!! Lady Rin, don't go into the forest!! The Blob will eat you!!" Hakashi screamed. Kagome turned to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha!!"

Rin tried to cover her laugh. She knew Inuyasha was in for it now!

Rin walked towards the forest of Inuyasha, her mind set on why he wanted to see her and talk to her so late at night. 'Mabey…if this just a normal talk with him, I can tell him how I feel! Oh my Gods, tonight is the Lunar Rainbow! I forgot! Tonight I have to speak with him.'

Rin wanted so desperately to tell him how she felt. Her heart ached from the lack of that kind of knowledge between them. Her dream was to start a family with Sesshomaru. She wanted to have his pups and raise them with him together. That's all she wanted in this harsh world…to be near him every waking minuet.

Rin walked through the dark and silent forest, the full moon's light helped light up some of the path of which she took.

Then, she walked out and into an open meadow. Her breath caught in her throat. It was absolutely beautiful! The soft wind blew the tall grass in waves along the open field. The moon's light caused the grass to give off an exuberant glow. And what finished the beautiful portrait-like picture was the Lunar Rainbow that stretched across the dark, starry night.


Rin gasped and whirled around to the voice, but what she saw was two glowing amber eyes in the darkness of the trees.

"Se-Sesshomaru?" Rin stuttered. Sesshomaru walked out of the darkness and slowly approached her. Her skin so radiant in the moonlight, she almost looked like some kind of Goddess.

Sesshomaru quietly walked up beside her, his eyes gazing at the ground. The silence was confusing Rin. Didn't he want to have a talk with her? It was all too confusing.

Rin said his name just as he said her name. They both looked at each other for a second. "I'm sorry my lord, were you going to say something?" Rin stuttered. "No Rin, you were about to say something as well. Why don't you say what you need to say first?" He told her. Maybe he could stall time for himself.

Rin quickly looked at the ground, her face tinted pink. She took a deep breath. "Well, I was actually wanting to talk to you out here as well. Weird, huh?" She giggled slightly. Sesshomaru said nothing.

Rin looked up at the sky. "The Lunar Rainbow sure does look beautiful. I haven't seen it in a very long time. I even heard that one finds true love under a Lunar Rainbow." Rin whispered. Sesshomaru only nodded, his gaze carefully set on the Rainbow.

'Why is he so silent? He's acting so weird? And why am I stalling! I should just tell him already!'

"Sesshomaru, there's something I've really wanted to tell you. I'm hoping that you would listen carefully to what I have to say." Rin whispered. Sesshomaru slowly lowered his head to stare at Rin. He could easily tell her nerves were on edge.

'Here it goes…' Rin took a deep breath and began. "Sesshomaru, I've been with you for almost a decade, and my life has never been better. It was as if nothing had changed in my life during all those years, but…some things did change…for me." Sesshomaru noticed her expression softened. 'What is she trying to say? That she's miserable now?' Sesshomaru felt a pain in his heart.

Rin continued, "Ever since I've met you, I have always thought of you as a protector or an older brother…but now…I can't see that anymore. For some time now, I felt as if our relationship was stronger than that. It was…much deeper to my eyes, but I new that could never be. You, a powerful Taiyoukai, and me, a village orphan girl. It pained me to understand that we could never have anything stronger."

Those words, they cut Sesshomaru deep. He was speechless. Utterly astounded would be a better way of saying it. He had never known how much Rin went through thinking that he didn't love her, that she didn't 'deserve' him. That was a lie, a dirty lie. She was everything to him, she always had been.

"But I'm happy," Rin continued, bringing him out of his thoughts, "I'm happy that…at least I'm with you now and everyday like this. As long as I'm with you, I will never be miserable. My life will always have a meaning." Tears built up in Rin's eyes.

The unwanted silence stayed for several seconds before Rin regrouped her voice. "I've wanted to say this for so long, and now, some part of me is scared of the outcome…"

Rin hesitated, her tears built up enough to run down her cheeks.

"I…I love you Sesshomaru."

Rin's eyes peered through her eyelashes at Sesshomaru. His surprised expression persuaded her that he wasn't expecting that at all. But he was, actually, he was hoping it.

Rin turned around, her heart unable to bare his reaction. "I'm sorry if I ruined anything between us…" She started walking away. Sesshomaru quickly gained his composure to see Rin walking away. He shot his hand out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her but also pulling her back. Rin lost her balance as she was jerked around wildly. She tripped herself and smacked right into Sesshomaru, who was so preoccupied in other thoughts, he wasn't seeing it coming and he too lost his balance, sending them both falling back to the ground together.

Sesshomaru ended up flat on his back with Rin on top of him. Rin raised her upper body up, rubbing her head to shake away the confusion and daze. She suddenly realized what position she was in. She was on top of Sesshomaru, straddling his waist.

A deep red blush began to tint Rin's cheeks, but as she looked at his face, she softly gasped. His skin was radiant and glowing. His crescent moon and slashes seemed to stand out a lot more. His expression was of surprise and to Rin, was the cutest expression she'd seen him use. But his eyes were what caught Rin's attention fully. The light of the Rainbow from above caused his beautiful amber orbs to glow bright, shining as if there were stars in his eyes. They held such an intense gaze of confusion, surprise, and…desire?

What happened next totally caught Rin by utter surprise. In a flash, Sesshomaru sat up, fiercely crashed his lips with hers.

It all happened in such a blur, but as the kissed started, it seemed as though everything around the two had froze, even Rin, who stood there completely frozen. 'He's…he's kissing me. He'skissing me!'

Sesshomaru continued to kiss her. He just acted without thought, something that was now a habit. But he realized that she wasn't kissing him back. What was wrong? Perhaps he reacted too fast.

Rin felt Sesshomaru slowly pull away. But before he could, she deepened into his kiss. Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around Rin and crushed her body with his. With one maneuver, Sesshomaru had Rin on her back, softly pinning her against the smooth grass. He nipped and licked at her bottom lip, and as she was losing it in the kiss, Sesshomaru plunged his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. Rin moaned into his mouth. To her, this was heaven. She daringly fought his tongue with hers.

Strong hands gripped the pajama shirt she was still wearing, getting ready to tear through it. Then, Sesshomaru stopped. He pulled away to look at Rin, her kiss-swollen lips slightly parted.

"Rin…" He said breathlessly. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, showing her desire, love, and lust through her chocolate orbs.

"I love you Rin, but…are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to hurt you." Sesshomaru said solemnly. Rin could see the love in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his warm lips. "You're the only one I want to do this with. I love you Sesshomaru…more than you'll ever know. And I know you wouldn't hurt me."

Sesshomaru smiled at her. He dipped down kissed her again, but the soft chaste kiss turned into lustful and tongue battling. Sesshomaru tried unsuccessfully to untie the buttons from Rin's shirt. He was getting more and more frustrated with each button. He was at the third button when he just ripped the shirt open, causing Rin to gasp.

"Sesshomaru!" Rin gasped, "These are Kagome's clothes, not mine!" Sesshomaru whispered into her ear, "Then they shouldn't have gotten in the way of me wanting you." It sent chills down Rin's spine.

Sesshomaru then started taking off her pajama pants. He ripped them off with no haste, then raised himself up to look at her petite body. Rin's body flushed under his strong, intense gaze. He lowered his head and whispered huskily in her ear; "Such a beautiful sight. I'll enjoy this." Rin shivered again as he started kissing, licking, and nipping at her throat, brushing his fangs against the place on her neck he would bite into, marking her as his.

Rin closed her eyes and felt the instance pleasure. She was moaning at every lick and nip, which only aroused Sesshomaru more. He slowly moved his kisses down her collarbone and to her perk, luscious breasts, licking his way down to softly bite the nipple of her right breast, then to the left one. Her moans and panting were causing his length to harden and throb, making it bothersome to wear pants. Sesshomaru lifted himself off of Rin, causing her to whimper from the loss of warmth. He shook off his haori, then his hakamas, and finally threw his boots off somewhere in the grass. This gave Rin a chance to gaze at the naked Inuyoukai in front of her, and damn was he gorgeous! His well-toned abs and pectorals, his strong thighs, tight ass, and the two erotic looking magenta slashes on each side of his hips. But then she noticed something that made her face flush crimson. He was huge! How was he going to fit all that into her? Sesshomaru sensed her arousal grow exponentially and her gaze staring down his body. He almost laughed at her expression when she saw his erect length. He lowered himself on Rin once more and whispered into her ear; "Do you like what you see, my little Rin?" Rin nodded and whimpered a yes. Sesshomaru chuckled at her innocents. He wanted to so badly to be inside of her and pound into her mercilessly, but he wanted to be sure she was ready for him, after all, he could sense that she was a virgin from her youthful, flowered scent.

Without warning, Sesshomaru plunged one finger into her wet hot womb, pumping it in and out of her. Rin let out a shrill from the sudden slams of pleasure. She arched her hips into his finger and rocked until she was in the same rhythm. Again, Sesshomaru chuckled and plunged another finger into her, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Rin gripped his shoulders as he forced a third finger into her.

Rin couldn't take his pleasurable torture anymore. Her orgasm exploded and she shouted his name. "SESSHOMARU!!!"

Sesshomaru removed his fingers from her hot womb and licked the juices from his fingers. She tasted so unbelievably sweet, like honey. He wanted more, to take her right there and then.

"Are you alright Rin?" Sesshomaru smirked. Rin nodded her head, as she panted, "It's not fair." Sesshomaru gave her a questionable look, but before he could ask, Rin pushed him onto his back and straddled his hips. "It's my turn." Rin whispered. A wicked smile crossed Sesshomaru's lips, "So my feisty little Rin, what do you intend to do to me?" He asked.

"You'll see." She answered in a singsong voice. She started at kissing his sweet lips and made her way down to planting kisses on his neck. Sesshomaru loved how her soft kisses felt like pleasurable flames against his skin. As Rin continued onto his chest, her hands massaged his sides, but then she felt him start squirming under her and she could feel his chest vibrating. What was wrong with him? She then hear him growl softly, but it was too soft to be a growl. Was it…no, it couldn't be…a purr?

Rin raised her head up to meet his glazed eyes. "Lord Sesshomaru, are you…" she giggled, "Are you ticklish and…purring?" Sesshomaru smirked at her, "Only you would know my weak spots." He said breathlessly. Rin giggled, "I didn't know the slashes at your hips were your soft spots? I didn't even know you were ticklish." Sesshomaru raised his head and whispered into her ear; "Are you going to hold that against me?" Rin smirked, "Mabey." She pushed him back to the ground and continued to kiss his chest. Her hands seemed to slide down his sides, which was making Sesshomaru purr more, and moved them down between his legs. He gasped as her small hands took hold of his large length and began rubbing and pumping. Rin felt triumphant as she could hear him pant and feel him arch towards her hands. She felt more determined as she heard him moan her name and took his length into her mouth, sucking and nipping. Sesshomaru gasped louder. Surprisingly, she knew what it took to make Sesshomaru lose his calm composure. She was absolutely perfect for him.

Rin continued to suck and pump Sesshomaru's member. He couldn't take much more. He felt like he was going to explode at any second. He bucked his hips into her, making Rin take all of him into her mouth. Sesshomaru couldn't take anymore and orgasmed, his seed spilling in her mouth and what surprised him was she swallowed it all instead of spitting it out. He relaxed for a moment before roughly switching positions and pinning Rin beneath him.

"So…" Sesshomaru growled seductively, "You like torturing your lord, don't you?" So daringly, Rin smiled and nodded. Sesshomaru growled at her, "Two can play at your little game." He began rubbing his himself between her folds, making her gasp, whimper, and pant.

"Sess…Sesshomaru…please…" Rin panted.

Sesshomaru smiled wickedly, "Please what my naughty little minx?"

Rin whimpered, "Please…no more…I need…I…"

"You need what?" He taunted.

"I…mmmm…I need you inside of meeee." Rin whimpered.

Sesshomaru chuckled and kissed her lovingly. "Rin, before I take you, I must know if you are willing to spend the rest of your life with me." Rin focused her pleasure-glazed eyes at him, tears of joy building in her eyes. She smiled, "Why do you ask me that If you already know the answer." Sesshomaru smiled at her. "Will you be my mate Rin?" Rin choked out a sob, wrapping her hands around him and smashing her lips with his. "Of coarse I will Sesshomaru! I love you!!"

There had never been as much happiness between the two as there was now. Sesshomaru had never felt such feelings of happiness, but he suppressed them until later. He kissed Rin's bruised lips and whispered, "I'm sorry Rin, but this will hurt, not for too long though." Rin nodded and clenched her hands onto his shoulders. With one smooth motion, Sesshomaru plunged into Rin's hot, wet passage. Rin screamed out in pain, tear running down her porcelain cheeks. Sesshomaru kissed her tear-stained cheeks. "Are you alright?"

Rin nodded and Sesshomaru started rocking in and out at a slow pace, trying not to cause any more pain to her. Rin had never experienced this kind of pain and she wanted more. Her pain then turned into pleasure.

"Sessho-maru…please…faster…" Rin moaned. Sesshomaru smirked at her sudden need and pumped faster, deeper, and harder into her. She moaned and arched, soon matching the rhythm of his pumps.

"Damn Rin, your so…tight." Sesshomaru groaned, pumping ruthlessly into her. Rin's hips bucked into his forcefully, her legs wrapped tightly around him so that he could fit more into her. He continued to pump in and out, faster and faster, deeper and deeper, until Rin couldn't take anymore. She was beginning to climax and he could sense it coming.

Sesshomaru bared his fangs and licked an area of her neck before biting down hard, yet drawing hardly any blood. Rin screamed in pain, and out of reflex, bit down on his neck as well, drawing little blood that flowed in her mouth. Sesshomaru winced, but was proud that Rin had bit down on him as well, because now, they were mated eternally. And now that she had his blood flowing inside her, she would live as long as he did.

It wasn't long before Sesshomaru could feel her inner walls tightening around his erect member and Rin screamed out her lord's name as she climaxed. Sesshomaru followed a few minuets after, pouring his seed into her, releasing a bellowing howl into the forest.

Sesshomaru collapsed next to Rin, both sweat streaked and panting. Sesshomaru gathered Rin in his arms and she snuggled next to him, resting her head on his chest. Sesshomaru stretched his hand out and grabbed his haori that was lying next to them and draped it over Rin, covering her beautiful naked body and keeping her warm. He could tell she was exhausted, so he decided not to take her again.

Rin spooned right beside him, her breathing slowed. "I love you Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru looked down at his fair Rin and smiled lovingly, "And I love you Rin…my mate."

Rin soon fell asleep, securely wrapped in his arms. Sesshomaru watched her calm features before sleep finally overtook him and they both slept under the Lunar Rainbow.


NEXT EPISODE: I have no idea for a title yet!!!

A/N: Well, that's about it on this chapter. I hoped all of you guys liked it. Sorry about the ending, it really late and I hadn't done my homework yet DAMMIT!! Sorry about the lemon, this is my first time writing a lemon and I was majorly blushing all through it. But I really hoped you liked it and sorry about how long you had to wait. REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT!!! The next chapters going to have the action/adventure in it and it might take a pretty long time to write, but I promise to have it updated as soon a possible!!

Also, sorry if there are any mistakes and grammar problems. I was in such a rush, I didn't have time to check for errors in my story, so if you see one, be happy to tell me:D

Much love and hugs,

bluecrazed BC