A/N: Hello, hello, hello!! It's me, bluecrazed, I'm here with my 3rd, count em, 3rd story!! I know it's not much to some of you, but it sure as hell is to me!! Ha-ha-haaaa!!! Anyway, I have made yet another Rin + Sesshomaru story.

This for all of you fans that loved my story 'Unknown Love' Well… lets just say, I made this story more…juicy…suspenseful…sexy! Enjoy!!!

The last part of the battle scene between two characters in this chapter reminds me of the battle scene in the movie 'The Patriot' where Colonel Tavington and Mel Gibson were battling the last battle at the Revolutionary War, but I changed it and spiced it up so it doesn't seem like a spoiler at all. So for a disclaimer to be safe: I don't own any parts of 'The Patriot'.

Disclaimer: DAMN YOU FOR MAKING ME SAY THIS/deep breath/ all right here we go…………… I do not own Inuyasha or anything that relates to him……BUT THIS IS MY STORY FROM MY HEAD DAMN IT!!!

Chapter 1: Showing Emotions

A/N: HOLD UP!! Before you start reading this, I must add that Rin is 17 years old. Just to make it more clear to you to make the story better. SORRY, EnJoY!!

She saw him approach her in the garden. Long, shining, silver hair blowing in the breeze. Shirtless, showing off his exposed, masculine pecks and abs. The two red slashes on each side of his face, showing that he was ruthless and dangerous, but loving towards her. Just the way she wanted it. The crescent moon on his head, showing the mystery and heritage of the sexy dog demon that was coming closer to her.

"Rin." He said in seductive tone of desire and lust.

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru." Rin said in a mesmerized tone of voice, as if the luscious sight before her had hypnotized her.

Sesshomaru came closer and closer to her until he was so close; she could hear his heart beat. His strong arms wrapped around her tiny waste and pulled her closer into his warmth. She looked up at him and he looked down at her. Their eyes locked together with passion. Sesshomaru lowered his head lower and lower. His lips just inches away from hers. Just as he was about to kiss her, a shrieking voice broke through the scene.




Rin shot out of her daydream and into the real world around her. Jaken was standing beside her, yelling and cursing at her.

"Rin, you foolish girl, you were daydreaming through your lessons again! You won't learn a thing if you don't pay attention!" Jaken scolded.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry Master Jaken. You didn't have to hit me with your staff!" Rin said as she was rubbing the spot on her head where Jaken had lightly bumped with the Staff of Two Heads.

"Well, calling out your name didn't help. What else was I supposed to do?" Jaken said, "Honestly Rin, what are you daydreaming about that has you so entranced?"

A slight blush came over her. She wouldn't dare tell him or anyone else about her daydreams or 'fantasies'. "Oh, just some mindless thoughts, that's all." She said with a smile.

Jaken shook his head. "Well, continue with your lesson and I will check your work later. And I better not catch you staring off again!" He then left the room, leaving Rin with her proper grammar and writing skills.

Rin hated doing her lessons. She had to do at least 4 times a week and, finally, this was her last one. She would have to do defensive training, using attack skills with weapons, then poise and grace, the art of painting and other kind of stuff, and then finally grammar and writing. She was very tired by the end of the day and all she wanted to do after words was be in her private garden or being next to Sesshomaru.

'Lord Sesshomaru.' Rin thought. He was so wonderful. Although he looked murderous and ruthless, he was a complete gentleman once you got to know him. It aggravated her that people would think of him as a monster. If only they got to know how magnificent he really and truly is. Rin caught herself going into another daydream and quickly snapped back to reality. "If I want to be with Sesshomaru longer, than I'd better hurry and finish." She told herself and began with her work once more.


Rin had managed to finish early and it was too early for dinner, so she decided to spend the remainder of her time in the garden. Rin walked through her garden, admiring all of the beautiful flowers blossoming for spring. She sat down on one of the decorated stone benches and picked the most beautiful flower that caught her eye. The inside of the flower was a deep blue that formed white on the edges. It had such a pleasant smell of the peony flower with the hint of vanilla. 'Sesshomaru wears the same fragrance of smell as this flower.' She thought, and in some way, the flower reminded her of him.

Rin was so caught up in her thoughts; she didn't notice the servant walking up to her.

"Rin sweetie?" The servant called out. Rin almost had a stroke at the unexpected voice. She quickly turned to see the servant.

"Oh, Rika, you startled me!" Rin said, taking a deep breath and then exhaling.

"I'm sorry Rin, I just come to tell you that dinner is ready." She said bowing before Rin.

"Thank you Rika, I will be there in a minuet." Rin replied.

Rika smiled at Rin, and then left the garden. Rin sat up and stretched, placed the flower in her hair above one ear, then left for the dining room.

When Rin reached the dining room, she noticed that Sesshomaru was nowhere to be. Worried, she asked one of the servants. "Excuse me, but will Lord Sesshomaru be dining with me and his soldiers this evening?"

"I'm afraid not Rin. Lord Sesshomaru arrived here a few minuets ago from his assistance in a battle with the Lord of the Northern lands against some troublesome demons. He said that he was not up to eating at the moment." The servant informed her. Rin felt a wave of sadness. She really wanted to see Sesshomaru again. Rin ate dinner with the servants and maids who some were her dear friends. After dinner, she walked back to her room, but decided to walk past Sesshomaru's chambers, just to see what he was doing. She slowly and quietly opened the door by a few inches and peeked in. He wasn't there.

'Damn!' she thought to herself. She quietly closed the door and started to leave when she heard her name being called from inside his chambers.

"Rin." Sesshomaru called out.

"Y-yes my lord?" Rin asked nervously.

"You may come in if you wish." He said.

Rin slowly opened the door and stepped inside. She saw Sesshomaru walking from his personal bathroom to his bedroom. She let out a very quiet gasp. He had just come from bathing. He had managed to put on some pants for Rin to be able to come in, but he was not wearing a shirt, allowing his perfect muscular features to be seen. His torso and hair were still damp from the bath water, which made her blush. He walked to the dresser and put on a white kimono top that was decorated with soft golden designs. 'Curse that damn kimono top.' Rin thought to herself again. Sesshomaru noticed her stare and slight blushing.

"Is something the matter Rin?" He asked.

Rin quickly looked up to see his face. "Nothing's the matter my lord, I'm fine." She answered.

"Then why did you peek into my chambers?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, I just came up to see how you were doing. I haven't seen you in a few days and I thought I might drop in to see you." She giggled nervously.

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. I'm just tired, that's all."

"Okay then, I guess I should be leaving." Rin bowed to Sesshomaru, then turned to leave, but he stopped her.

"That flower." He said, gazing at the flower that was still attached to Rin's hair.

Rin stopped and looked at the flower. "Oh this?" She asked. "I thought it was the most beautiful flower in my garden, so I picked it. I'm going to put it in a vase in my room so it can grow where I can see it." She smiled.

"It's very beautiful. It's looks even more beautiful on you Rin." He turned his gaze from the flower to Rin. Rin blushed at his comment.

"Thank you Lord Sesshomaru, you're so very kind!" She showed a big smile to him.

Sesshomaru walked slowly to her, now they were only a few feet away. Rin's breathing increased slightly. 'This is it,' Rin thought, 'Now is my chance to tell him how I feel, that I'm in love with him.' Rin looked up at his eyes, who in return, were looking down at hers.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asked quietly.

"Yes Rin?"

"Umm…I just wanted you to know that…umm…Lord Sesshomaru, I"- She was cut off by a shrieking voice.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken shrieked, running into his chambers.

"What Jaken." Sesshomaru said annoyed at the little imp.

"My lord, there is someone here to see y"- He stopped talking as a foot came down and squashed the little toad. A demon with jet-black hair that reached his knees, red eyes that reminded Rin of Kagura's eyes, and skin that was lightly tan appeared in front of them. He was quite handsome, but not as handsome as Sesshomaru of coarse.

"O-Kaitsu." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the demon.

"Hello Sesshomaru." O-Kaitsu said, 'It's been along time since we last met. About 250 or more years ago to be exact."

"What has brought you here before me?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I have not come here to fight. I have come here to take Rin to be my mate." He answered.

Rin took a step back from the demon. She had a very bad feeling about this O-Kaitsu person. Something about him made her nervous and untrusting of him. 'Sesshomaru wouldn't let me be mated to such an untrustworthy demon, would he?' She thought worryingly.

Sesshomaru thought for a minuet. 'How dare this scum come into my chambers and demand my Rin to be his mate!'

"Your whim has been denied, now leave." He said coldly.

"Excuse me Sesshomaru, but I don't think it's up to you to decide. It's Rin's heart after all." O-Kaitsu smirked.

Sesshomaru turned to Rin. "Well Rin? What is your decision?" Sesshomaru said. For a slight second, Rin could see the worry and concern on his face. "Of coarse not! I'm staying with Lord Sesshomaru. I would never leave with someone like you and that's that!" Rin exclaimed.

"What!?" O-Kaitsu's blood boiled. "You will be my mate woman!" He took a step closer to Rin, but Sesshomaru stepped in front of her. "You heard the girl O-Kaitsu. Now leave before I slay you slowly and painfully!" Sesshomaru growled.

"Your threats don't scare me Sesshomaru! I still have to avenge my fathers death by defeating you in battle!" He hissed. Sesshomaru just looked at the demon. "So you still carry a grudge for that?"

"Of coarse I do, you fool! I still remember that day when your ungrateful father took my father's life! You're the only one alive that was involved in my fathers' death, so I can never forget it until your dead!"

Sesshomaru growled at O-Kaitsu once more. "Your father was seeking ultimate power. He wasn't someone to be trusted with something that great. He had spoke of ruling all of the lords' lands, killing those who did not abide by his ruling. He had to be stopped."

O-Kaitsu calmed a bit. Sesshomaru was still tense. "But what does this have to do with you coming after Rin?" Sesshomaru asked.

O-Kaitsu straightened himself up. He looked into Sesshomaru's eyes and smirked. "I thought that such a cold, heartless, unemotional bastard such as yourself wouldn't need a young human woman around him. After all, you have no emotion for others especially humans. And as the cold, heartless bastard you are, you might as well get it over with and have your way with the girl for your own pleasure so you can finally abandon her or kill her."

Rin was frightened at his remark. 'H-he would never do that…Lord Sesshomaru would never do that to me.' She thought. Sesshomaru sensed the fear overcoming Rin and growled. 'How dare he insult me and make Rin think I am nothing more than a monster!'

"I will not waste my time and also ruin my castles' insides by fighting you, so you are to leave this instant and never shall we cross paths again. Understood?" He looked at the demon, who had insulted him. O-Kaitsu huffed and turned to leave. He stopped at the chamber doors. Without turning back, he said: "Rin will be mine Sesshomaru, and you will suffer a painful death. Mark my words." He walked out of the chambers and soon, his sense was disappearing from the castle.

Sesshomaru relaxed, then turned his attention on Rin who was still radiating fear at all of the demons' words. "Don't believe him Rin, you should know better then to think that I would ever hurt you like that. I'm not a monster." He said, letting something that sounded like depression and sadness slip out at the last words of his sentence. Rin looked up at him in surprise. "Why would you think that I would think of you as a monster? I would never,never, ever think that you would do something like that…you're Lord Sesshomaru, a man that would never cause harm or abuse to a female unless in defensive battle. You're too much of a valiant-gentleman, and that is a true man." She said proudly. Sesshomaru smiled at her. 'She has so much loyalty to me…it is indescribable. It is so very easy to fall in love with some one such as her. And I have fallen that easily in love with Rin.'

"It's getting quite late, you should go to your room for sleep Rin." He told her.

Rin bowed to him then left the room, but before she could make her second step, he grabbed her and hugged her. "Goodnight Rin." He said. Rin was in utter shock. 'Sesshomaru is hugging me! But…but why? He's never shown compassion like this before. Could he possibly love me?'She lightly squeezed him back. "Goodnight my lord." He let her go and she started to walk back to her room. She had managed to make it to his chamber doors, when he stopped her again.

"Rin…was there something that you wanted to tell me before that damn demon interrupted?" Sesshomaru asked.

Rin thought for a few quick seconds. 'Should I tell him now? How would he react? He did hug me after all, that shows that he has some compassion for me. Still…should I tell him?' Rin turned back to face him and smiled. "It's not that important my lord, I'll tell you some other time when your not busy." She then walked out of his room.

When she reached her room, she put the flower in a small vase and placed it on a small table next to her bed. She lay over her bed, thinking about the events that happened. 'Rin will be mine Sesshomaru, and you will suffer a painful death. Mark my words.' The demon O-Kaitsu's words rang through her head. She tried to shake them off, but they still lingered around in her thoughts. "That won't happen, I will never be his." Rin whispered to herself. "I will be with Sesshomaru for as long as I possibly can." She closed her eyes, but was too tired to open them. Rin fell asleep, hoping to dream about her beloved lord.


2 days later…

The past two days went by slowly. Nothing much happened between those days. Rin had finished her lessons for the week until the next. She got to eat dinner with Sesshomaru, and then she retired to her chambers. She had so many opportunities to tell Sesshomaru how she felt, but she coward every time she tried to make a sound.

It was close to midnight. Rin was asleep in her room, Most of the servants had retired for sleep, and Sesshomaru was in his studies, busy reading urgent letters from other lands.

In Rin's room…

Rin was sound asleep in her bed, unable to see that there was a figure slowly opening the doors of the balcony. The figure slid in her room and up to her bed. The cold wind that blew through the doors made Rin shiver and stir. She opened her eyes when she saw something moving. She saw a black figure by her bed. Its piercing red eyes glowed in the darkness. It suddenly lunged for Rin.


A blood-chilling scream ran through the castle. All of the servants were startled and others awoke immediately. Sesshomaru jumped to his feet. 'Rin'. He burst through the chamber doors and sped through the halls, running past servants who moved out of his way. When he got to Rin's door, he tried to open it, but it had been locked on the other side. With one swing of the wrist, the doors were shattered in to pieces of sawdust and splinters. He ran into her room to find nothing. Rin was gone. The balcony doors were wide open and the cold outside wind was making the drapes blow and wave.

Jaken ran up to Sesshomaru. He gasped, "My lord, Rin…she-she's gone!"

"O-Kaitsu took her." Sesshomaru snarled, "His scent is all in this room."

"W-will you go after her my lord?" Jaken asked

"You know the answer to that Jaken." Sesshomaru turned to leave Rin's room

He changed into his kimono top and hakama (men's pants) that he almost wore all of his life. The kimono top that had the red and white flowers at the sleeves and collar. Then he put on his puffy white hakama's, along with his black leather boots. He put on his armor that was spiked along the shoulders and two huge spikes on the chest. He wrapped his fluffy boa around his right shoulder, and then tied his purple and yellow sash along his waist with the Tensaiga and Tokijin comfortably hanging from it. 'Just like old times.' He thought to himself.

The servants praised him goodbyes and to come back with Rin safely. Sesshomaru lifted himself upon Ah-Un and took flight. He knew that it would take some time before he got there. He just hoped that nothing bad would happen to her. Sesshomaru couldn't take the thought of that sick basterd touching her. Making her scream at his torture. It made him sick to his stomach. 'A monster am I? A cold, heartless, unemotional basterd eh? Lets just see what you really think of me if Rin is hurt.'


After a few hours of flying through the cold nights air, Sesshomaru saw a castle through the clearing of the trees. It was a good-sized castle, but not big as the main lords' of the North, South, East, and Western lands castles. He landed Ah-Un in the forest near the castle. He was planning to pull a silent attack, and then rescue Rin once O-Kaitsu was dead.

Sesshomaru slipped through the empty, quiet, yet beautiful insides of the castle, checking each room for Rin or O-Kaitsu. Then he came upon his bedchambers. He listened for any noises. Hearing nothing, he slipped inside. What he saw almost made his jaw drop if it weren't for his calm stoic demon self. There was Rin. She was tied to his bed. Her hands were tied above her head to the headboard, her feet were tied to the end of the bed, two feet apart from each other, and she was blindfolded and gagged. It was disgusting to see. His poor Rin was tied in a disgusting position and she had no idea what was going on. He could smell her tears and hear her quiet whimpers. Sesshomaru could also see a red mark on her cheek. O-Kaitsu had hit her. His blood boiled, but hoped that was the only thing he did to her.

Sesshomaru couldn't help himself and he placed a hand on her right cheek, or the one that wasn't red and slightly swollen. Rins' body instantly tensed and she let out a muffled squeal at the touch of his hand against her flesh. She started jerking and bucking wildly away from his hand. New tears that weren't absorbed in her blindfold, fell down her soft, porcelain cheeks. The bed was shaking as she continued to squirm. He undid the blindfold, but her eyes were sealed shut.

"Rin." Sesshomaru whispered.

Rin heard his soft voice and her eyes shot open. He could smell the happiness returning, as her eyes were wide and bright. But then he could smell her fear again and she began to jerk and say muffled words that were hard to understand. "Mmm mmph hmm hmphmm umphmmm!" She tried to say. Sesshomaru took the gag out of her mouth and she quickly began to tell him.

"Lord Sesshomaru, you must leave, it's a trap!"

"A trap?" He asked her.

"Please forget about me and hurry and leave. He's planning to trap you by using me as bait my lord!"

"Don't be foolish Rin. You know I wouldn't leave you hear to"- he stopped at the sound of footsteps behind him.

"So, I see you found my little mistress." O-Kaitsu smirked.

'Little mistress!' He growled in his head, 'How DARE he!!'

"You had better not of touched her." Sesshomaru growled, turning around to see the demon.

"Of coarse not…not yet. I was saving her until you got here, so I can wound you and make you watch helplessly as I make her scream as I pleasure myself upon her." He smiled devilishly, "You have taught her how to defend herself quite well. The little bitch managed to draw some of my blood with a dagger she held hid." He raised his arm to show a deep, 3inch gash. "The back of my hand made sure that she wouldn't do it again." He chuckled.

Sesshomarus' eyes turned crimson. "You dirty bastard, you will pay dearly with your life!" He drew his Tokijin as O-Kaitsu drew his sword.

He lunged after the demon, sending blue electricity out of his Tokijin, the blast headed straight for O-Kaitsu. O-Kaitsu managed to dodge it but barely. He lunged after Sesshomaru, and pretty soon, their swords clashed. "I've been waiting for this day for a very long time." He smiled, "Ready to accept death Sesshomaru?"

"Hmph, not if you are first." He replied. The energy of both swords sent them both flying back. They both landed gracefully on their feet and lunged after each other once more. Sesshomaru never had the chance to untie Rin from the bed; so instead, he lured O-Kaitsu away from his chambers. They would attack each other, sending one crashing through walls and the other into statues, paintings, pottery, and more that decorated the house. O-Kaitsu was thrown back by Sesshomaru's Tokijin and had gashes all over his body. He was slower now and all Sesshomaru had to do was use his lightening speed to make the final blow…or so he thought.

Sesshomaru sped to the weak demon, aiming his sword for his head. The Tokijin had almost reached his head when O-Kaitsu spun quickly and ended up behind Sesshomaru. He stabbed Sesshomaru in the back with his claws, releasing a purple hays that leaked into the newly opened wounds. Sesshomaru yelped in pain and then dropped to his knees, the Tokijin lay by his side on the ground. He could feel himself becoming weaker. The poison was immediately taking affect, draining his energy. Now he was the weaker demon. O-Kaitsu straightened himself up, and then grabbed his sword. "Well Sesshomaru…this is it…I'm finally going to get my revenge on you. And how sweet it tastes." He chuckled. Sesshomaru stood there on his knees, not moving. O-Kaitsu raised his sword, getting ready to behead the dog demon.


"TIME TO DIE!" O-Kaitsu yelled, swinging his sword right to Sesshomarus' neck. A second before the impact, Sesshomaru ducked his head under the sword, then picking up the Tokijin; he swerved around and pierced it through the demons' chest. O-Kaitsu gave out a gurgling scream as the blood raced up his throat to his mouth. He bent over with the Tokijin still lodged into his heart.

"F-Father…I am…t-truly sorry…I have…f-failed you." He said with eyes wide, his blood leaking out of the sides of his mouth. His body went limp and slid off the Tokijin and on to the ground. Sesshomaru stood up and wiped the blood off of the sword, then walked to Rin. She was struggling from the chains that bounded her to the bed. He ripped the chains off and she stood from the bed. She then looked up at him.

"Thank you so very much for saving me Lord Sesshomaru." She hugged him, careful not to hurt his back.

"Rin, are you hurt. Did he hurt you?" He said caringly.

"He didn't touch me in that way, thank God." She touched her cheek. "It's alright, my face doesn't hurt as bad as it did." She noticed that he was breathing much harder and was shaking.

"My lord…are you alright?" Rin asked worried.

"I'm fine Rin, lets go home." He said trying not to sound weak.

She followed him through the rubble of the inside of the castle and out the main doors. They were walking towards the forest, when Rin noticed that he was breathing even harder and was slightly stumbling a few times.

"It's the poison, isn't it?" Rin asked him

Sesshomaru turned to look at her. "Yes, but I'm fine, I just need to get some rest." He turned back around, then the pain caught up to him and made him gasp. Rin walked over to him. She draped one of his arms around her shoulders, placed her hand on his chest, then placed another hand on the part of his back that wasn't effected by the wound.

"Rin…what are you doing?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I trying to help you, I'm sorry, but I can't stand to see you in pain."

Sesshomaru wanted to push her away and tell her that he didn't need help from humans, but how could he? Rin was always there for him, through thick or thin. Sometimes he didn't think of her as a human, just like a goddess or a beautiful spirit. Humans were selfish, greedy, and arrogant. But not Rin. She was the exact opposite. He couldn't call her attitude of that of a demon because most demons were bloodthirsty and only cared about themselves and personal power. What was she? What was Rin? She had to be a goddess or an angel from Heaven.

He decided to back off and let her help him. Her help did seem to make the pain cease slightly. He loved the way she cared for him. She always knew something was wrong and always put herself in harms way to help.

"Rin…why do want to help me?' Sesshomaru asked.

"Because I care about you of coarse." She smiled up at him. 'That is much as I need to say for right now. It's not exactly the right time to tell him' She thought. "I will always care about you Lord Sesshomaru, no matter what anyone says!"

'Oh Rin, if only I could tell you how I feel. But now is not the time for such. I just know she loves me, but how can I be sure? No, I don't need to think about such foolish thoughts. I need to concentrate on these wounds.' He thought.

"Thank you Rin." He whispered, which shocked her. 'He…he thanked me! First the hug and now the 'thank you', does he really love me? Is he slowly showing his emotions?

Ah-Un had made himself (or themselves) comfortable on the grass. He stood up when Sesshomaru and Rin came into sight. Rin helped Sesshomaru onto Ah-Un's back, then began climbing up behind him. Sesshomaru's right hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her into his lap in front of him. Rin looked at him with shock and confusion.

"Lord Sesshomaru?"

"You think of yourself low. That will not happen in my presence. And another thing…don't call me by 'lord' anymore, just call me Sesshomaru." 'If I love her, I don't want her to call me 'lord'. It sounds as if she is a servant or a lowly follower, and I, Sesshomaru, will not have that.'

He waited for her reply. She smiled at him timidly. "Yes…Sesshomaru." His name without the 'lord' or 'sama' sounded weird as it slipped off her tongue.

Ah-Un took flight toward the Western castle. The chilling night air blew against them. Rin shivered uncontrollably. She couldn't help it; she was still in her nightgown. It was a baby blue see-through-velvet. You could see the lining of her slender curves, but everything else just remained a shadow. Sesshomaru noticed this. He pulled Rin tighter to him with his right arm, in order for her to become warm in his body heat. Rin snuggled closer to him, her head rested on his chest along with her hands.

When they reached the castle, Rin helped Sesshomaru off, and then helped him to the entrance. Some of the servants were waiting by the doors for Sesshomaru's return. The immediately helped them get inside once they saw Sesshomaru's condition. Jaken came running up to Rin and Sesshomaru.

"Rin!" He cheered.

"Master Jaken!" Rin dropped to her knees and gave Jaken a hug. "I missed you Master Jaken!"

"I missed you too Rin! You had me worried to death. I'm glad you're safe and well. But I must say, you did the right thing by screaming and alerting others. I'm very proud of you Rin."

"Thank you Jaken." Rin smiled.

"Lord Sesshomaru, what happened to you? Are you alright!?" Jaken said to Sesshomaru.

"I'm fine Jaken, O-Kaitsu poisoned me. I should be healed if I get some rest."

"Oh, of coarse my lord, I shall brew up something to help get the poison out of your system." Jaken scurried off.

With the help of Rin, Sesshomaru was able to get to his chambers and sat down on his bed.

"Here my lord, I will help you get your kimono top off." Rin offered.

"If you're sure you want to, I won't stop you." He told her. She happily started to help him out of his kimono top and armor. She felt her cheeks flush. 'If only I could be taking his shirt off for another reason.'

The servant Rika –Rin's friend– had dropped by and left some bandages and medical items for her to use. Rin softly bandaged his wounds. When she was done, he laid back in bed.

"Thank you for allowing me to aid you my lor- I mean, Sesshomaru." She bowed to him.

"No Rin, it is I that should be thanking you." Sesshomaru said. "You should get some rest now Rin, I will allow you to sleep in late tomorrow because of tonight's events."

Rin felt fear creeping up her spine. For some reason, she felt scared about returning back to her room, it was the safest and most comfortable place in the castle besides Sesshomaru's chambers and her private garden, but she felt as if she wouldn't be safe in there anymore, like something was going to take her away again.

"Umm…okay." She answered nervously. Sesshomaru thought of this as suspicious.

'Why is she so hesitant about going back to her room? She told me she loved it. Wait…could it be that she is scared about sleeping alone? Poor Rin. It's not healthy to think that you're not even safe. Hmm…maybe this will help.

"Rin…are you in fear of staying in your room tonight?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Well…umm…I don't mean to be…it's just that I don't feel quite safe in there. Not right now at least." She tried to explain.

"Come here Rin."

Rin walked over to the bed.

"You will sleep in my bed tonight." He said.

Rin was awestricken. "What!? Oh, Sesshomaru, I don't want to impose! W-where would you sleep?"

"Rin, you're not imposing, and I will sleep right here…next to you." Sesshomaru said.

Rin was silent. 'Okay…did I just imagine him saying that or am I going crazy? Did he just say he wanted me to sleep next to him? This has to be a dream. I'm back at O-Kaitsu's castle; bound, tied, and gagged. Yeah, that's it, just a dream…all a dream. Rin's thoughts were interrupted by Sesshomaru's voice.

"Rin, lay on my bed with me." His voice was demanding, yet so very soft. Rin couldn't resist it. She awkwardly and slowly lay on his bed. Sesshomaru wrapped the bed covers over both of them, then wrapped his hands around her waist, bringing her closer to him. He could feel her tense.

"Rin, why are you so tense?" He whispered into her ear.

His warm breath sent chills down her body. Pleasurable chills. "I'm sorry, but I've never slept next to someone this close before."

Sesshomaru breathed in her ear again; his words sent another wave of pleasurable chills down her body. "I'm glad that I'm the first one." He said.

'I'm going to be her first for a lot of other things.' Sesshomaru thought. 'That is…if she allows me too. But sorry for myself, that is not going to happen tonight. It is too soon for her to forget that she almost got her virginity taken away.'

Rin suddenly relaxed. She turned over on her right side and was now facing Sesshomaru. She wrapped her hands around his waste and snuggled into his chest. "I feel so much safer now, thank you Sesshomaru." Came a muffled whisper from Rin. She fell asleep in his arms.

After Rin had fallen asleep, Sesshomaru stared down at her. 'Rin looks like an angel when she sleeps, like something sacred and beautiful that I can never touch. She looks so peaceful. Did I give her that sense of peace? I hope I did, she deserves it dearly.' Sesshomaru then fell asleep, happy knowing that he makes the woman that he secretly loves happy and safe.

Soon after, Jaken came walking in with a tray that held the potion to help with Sesshomaru's wound. He stopped when he saw the two on the bed, asleep in each others arms. 'I had my doubts that Lord Sesshomaru would ever find that special person in his life. Maybe Rin's the one. She has always made him happy, even though he may not express it. I hope Rin will be the one for him, even though Rin maybe a young mortal woman, and Sesshomaru is a powerful demon lord, they do make a wonderful couple. I hope they find eternal happiness together, they both deserve it so.' Jaken decided to leave them alone for the night, and besides, if he woke Sesshomaru causing Rin to wake, Sesshomaru would torture the little toad.

But unknown to our characters, there is evil that is still lingering, waiting to strike, thinking of the perfect opportunity, and this is where the story really begins.

TO BE CONTINUED……….. (dun dun dunnnn!!!)

A/N: YES!! CHAPTER ONE FINISHED!!!! KICK-ASS!! It might take me awhile to post the next chapter up. I still have to finish another story and actually create a chapter 2 to this story, but as soon as I can, I PROMISE to get this story updated!!

I hoped you liked my story, I made it more…juicier…suspenseful…sexier…and emotional. I made Jaken nice in this story, I don't hate Jaken, he just gets on my nerves with that shrilly-gay voice of his. Grrrrrrr it's annoying!!! I made Sesshomaru sexier in this story. You know, with the no shirt and Rin's daydream. Ooooooooohhh yeaaaaahhhhh!!!