Disclaimer: Do not own Naruto, sadly

Summary: Sakura is new to Kohana High and is assigned to sit next to the ever popular Sasuke. Sakura tries to be nice to him but he just ignores her presence. Sakura tries to soften Sasuke by giving him stuff and being patient.(There's more to the story but I'm not telling)

1. Because it will spoil it and

2. Because I'm making this up as i go along lol

This will be SasuxSaku NaruxHina NejixTenten and InoxShika

A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this story in like a year? Lol. I kinda got bored of it and stuff… but Ill update again since I have some more encouragement J

"Look, if you actually know math, 100 pennies equal a dollar right? I'm pretty sure that 100 is more than 30. So you got more than 30. And you have to be more specific, you said 'A dollar?! It's supposed to be at least 30' you didn't specifically say 30 dollars, you just said 30."

And with that Sakura walked into the amusement park

"But isn't a dollar smaller than thirty?" Sasuke asked.

"Shh, he isn't that smart enough to realize that" she said while giggling. Leaving Jiraiya time to retrace what she had said.

When they got behind the gate, losing visibility of Jiraiya, Sakura wiped her hand on her arm like she was wiping something off, and then wiped Sasuke's arm.

"What did you just do?"

"Hello?! I don't like you and you don't like me, I don't want you touching me when we're not even together!" Sakura stated. Gawd, I do like you and I don't mind if you hold my hand or anything!

Sakura was blushing a bit when she said this, so just incase he doesn't make fun of her, she changed the topic.

"Well, let's go on rides now that we're here!"

Sakura, unaware of her excitement was getting annoying. She was running all over the amusement park, pointing at different rides.

"Oh my god! Look Sasuke-kun!" she yelled as she pointed to a rollercoaster. It was called Shiekra™ "Let's go on that one!"

Sasuke looked at her, confused. They had passed a ton of roller coasters, all the ones he thought she would like. But instead she chose one he didn't expect. One that had two vertical drops, it was floorless and a lot of turns.

"A-Are you sure you want to go on that one, Sakura…? The one you're pointing at?"

"Of course! It looks like so much fun! Unless…" she paused and looked at him with evil eyes. "Unless… you're scared… Sasuke-kun"

"S-scared?!" Sasuke glared at her. "I'm not scared. I was just making sure that you were pointing at that ride." He said and pointed to Shiekra™.

"Great! Let's go!" Sakura happily smiled as she pulled Sasuke by his arm towards the line.

She's acting like a little kid…. inner Sasuke thought.

Finally, you agree with me on something.

As they finally made it in line Sakura quickly became impatient. "Oh Geez! What's taking so long?"

"Calm down Sakura. We just got in line…"

Sakura sighed. "You're right, sorry." She said under her breath, pouting. Just then her cell phone began to ring.

"Moshi Moshi?" She said as she answered it.


Sakura could recognize that voice anywhere. "What do you want Naruto?"


"WHAT?!" she yelled. Everyone in the line looked at her. "CANT YOU GUYS SEE I'M ON THE PHONE!? It's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Once she said that, everyone turned back and started doing what they were doing before.

"Oy, Sakura, calm down… what happened?" Sasuke asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Sakura blushed and turned toward him. "Kakashi-sensei decided to come to the amusement park today… for a field trip."

"Great." was all Sasuke could say. "Sakura, give me the phone, I want to talk to Naruto."

Sakura just nodded and gave him her cell.

"Dobe, you there?" Sasuke asked.

"HI SASUKE-TEME! HOWS YOUR DATE GOING WITH SAKURA-CHAN?!" Naruto asked, so loud that Sasuke had to pull the phone away from his ear. It seemed like Naruto was on speaker phone. He wasn't. That's how loud he was.

"Naruto, you don't have to scream into the phone."


Sasuke pulled the phone away from his ear again, and just ignored Naruto's last response.

"Naruto, you and everyone else, try to stall into coming to the amusement park. Try giving Kakashi some ideas besides the amusement park. If he doesn't accept them, then just stall. If you end up coming here before me and Sakura leave, call back and warn us and keep stalling him. We'll leave when you call, and we'll call you back to let you know."

"Got it." Naruto said with a serious voice. "Good luck Sasuke-teme."

"Hn." Sasuke ended the phone call and gave the phone back to Sakura. "Sakura, Lets try to have fun today" he said and smiled at her.

Sakura was starting to become warm; she quickly turned toward the person in front of her. "H-Hai. Let's have fun" She said with a smile.

"KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Naruto yelled. He had told everyone what Sasuke had said, and made a plan to try to stall Kakashi. They were planning on stalling him by splitting up, so that Kakashi would have to find everyone. Then after he finds everyone, and tells them where they were going, everyone will pretend they forgot something at their house. Some people will stay home, forgetting they were going anywhere. Some will get what they "forgot" and go back to the classroom. Then, they were going to give Kakashi some ideas to go somewhere else besides the amusement park. Claiming they'd rather go skating or dancing. If Kakashi still says he'd rather go to the amusement park they will whine and complain saying that it's not fair. If Kakashi still says no, then they will split up again. Making Kakashi chase them and force them to go anyway. And well, they just hope it goes according to plan, maybe even better.

"Yes, Naruto?" Kakashi said as he was getting stuff ready for the amusement park. He was packing a whole bunch of Icha Icha Paradise Books.

"Why are you packing so many books, aren't you going to be too busy riding rides…rather than reading your stupid Icha Icha Paradise books?"

Kakashi looked at him strange and sighed. "I can't do both?"


"Aww common! I wanted to read them!" Kakashi said, pouting.

"Well, maybe we can go somewhere else besides the Amusement park? So you can read them and do whatever you want to do. Maybe skating!?" Naruto asked.

"YEA! SKATING SOUNDS FUN!" Ino, Ten-Ten, and Hinata yelled in unison.

Kakashi thought for a second… "Alright then, I guess we can go to the amusement park some other time."

Ino, Ten-Ten, and Hinata laughed and danced in their seat. They loved skating. In fact, they were on the Konoha High Ice Skating Team!

Naruto was suspicious, there's no way Kakashi would just agree with someone. He pulled out his cell phone and decided to call Sakura.

They were finally close to the seats and Sakura was excited. She had put her phone on vibrate and felt it. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered.

"Moshi, Moshi."

"Hey, Sakura-chan. Let me talk to Sasuke-teme."

"Mm." was all Sakura could say. She turned back and gave the phone to Sasuke.

"Yea, dobe. Are you at the amusement park already?"

"No, actually I gave Kakashi an idea, just one, to go ice skating and he said yes. I'm just warning you because it seems weird that he would agree with someone on something."

"Especially you Naruto. Come to think of it I think I saw a skating rink here at the amusement park. Hold on."


He covered the phones mouth with his hand. Muffling Naruto's voice from it. "Oy… Sakura, do they have an ice skating rink here?"

Sakura turned around and smiled. "Yes… why?"

"Kakashi said he was going to an ice skating rink… Naruto gave Kakashi the idea and I doubt he would accept it from Naruto."

"Same…" Sakura said
"SAKURA!!! YOU TOO?!" A muffled voice from the phone asked.

Ignoring Naruto's words, she continued. "I think Kakashi is planning on coming here. He's sly like that."

Sasuke nodded and uncovered the phones lip. "Naruto, be on guard. He's probably planning on coming here."

"Alright." Naruto said, forgetting the statements Sakura and Sasuke had said just before.

Sasuke hung up and once again gave the phone back to Sakura.

Sakura jumped up and down as she put it back into her pocket.

"Why are you so happy?" Sasuke asked.

"We're next!!"

Sasuke could feel his stomach dry up.

"KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Naruto yelled, even though Kakashi was right in front of him.

"NARUTO!" Kakashi yelled back. "What is it?"


"There's an Ice Rink at the amusement park?" Kakashi asked.

"YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!" Naruto gaped.

"No… I was planning to go to the one that's an hour from here, but since the amusement park is closer. Let's go there!"

Ino, Ten-Ten, Neji, Hinata, Shino, Rock Lee, and Chouji, in unison slammed their head against their desk.

Naruto just stood there and gaped at him.

"Sasuke-kun Are you exited?!" She said as she was sitting down in the seats of the ride.

"Oh yea… I'm very excited, since we're going on an awesome ride and we're in the front row." Sasuke said with a hint of sarcasm under his voice.

The floor was gone and they started moving up the chain lift. Sasuke smiled, due to nerves and looked at Sakura. She was looking all over the place, amazed at how high they were already. She saw him looking at her and she smiled. "Well… here we go?" she said unsure.

They reached the top and looked down for a few seconds and before Sasuke could say "Don't cry", they started to drop.

Sakura screamed and laughed at the top of her lungs, Sasuke screamed and smiled. The butterflies in their stomachs were flying all over the place. They both couldn't help but grin. Descending, in only a few seconds, then ascending, twisting, turning and reaching the second vertical drop. Descending once more and twisting once more, until they finally reached the end of the ride. As they got off they were both pumped with energy. Sakura kept running around Sasuke with her hands up, and then jumping on his back and holding onto him, as he would carry her up.

"That was so much fun Sasuke!"

"Yea it was." He said with a smile.

Sakura realized that the way he was holding her, it made it seem like they were going out. She blushed a crimson red and jumped off his back.

"I don't want your arms to get tired." she lied. I know his arms won't get tired; he can always use a bit of chakara if they do, and help lift me. It wont take that much too. She thought.

"It's alright" He said, still smiling.

"Lets go everyone, get what you need and come back."

Naruto snapped out of it and turned toward his classmates and nodded. They all knew what to do. The plan was on the go. Except, Naruto decided to stay in the classroom and talk to Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei, I'm tired and I don't really want to go anywhere, can't we just stay here for today and go to the amusement park tomorrow?

"No, Naruto… you need to stop being lazy. You and I both know that we haven't been on a mission in a while and you've gotten lazier than you were before.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

"It means that you've gotten lazier than you were before." Kakashi repeated.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Naruto asked again.

Kakashi glared at him and repeated.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Naruto wanted to laugh but he wasn't going to. He was planning on keeping this up so that Kakashi would have to keep saying it, just so he would understand. He did understand though…it was just his little joke.

Kakashi sighed and knew this was going to take a while.

"Hey, Sasuke-kun, can we go on that ride?" Sakura asked and pointed.

Sasuke gaped for a few seconds. "S-Sakura… that's a tunnel of love."

"I know silly, but maybe we can talk in there without a ton of people around."

Sasuke sighed and nodded his head.

They quickly sat down onto the soft cushioned seats and it started moving. As they entered it, the only light they could see was the light that was hanging from the boat. Not too bright, not too dark. Just perfect for a couple.

"Sasuke…I'm sorry…"

"Hn…? Why are you sorry…?"

"I don't know… I just felt like I needed to say sorry for some reason." She said while blushing.

"You're weird." Sasuke said as he poked her forehead. Sakura giggled. He saw her shiver a little. "Are you cold?"

"A little, but its ok, I'll live, ha-ha." she chuckled.

Ignored her words, Sasuke put his arm around her and pulled her into him.

Sakura blushed dark red. Her hand was on his chest and she was cuddling with him. She could sense that he has a nice body, not by feeling up on him, but just because his chest was firm, strong.


"Sakura… I remember who the pink haired girl was… I remember what we were talking about, under the Sakura tree, before Naruto interrupted…"

Sakura was shocked; she pushed back and looked at him. He was staring into her eyes. It made her blush, and before she could look away, his hand reached her chin and made her look into his eyes. He was moving in slowly. She could hear her heart beating rapidly, wondering if he could hear it. They we're moving closer and closer… and just when they were about to kiss… her phone rang.

She quickly backed out of his grasp and picked up her phone. "Gomen… Someone's calling…"

Sigh we were so close. Inner Sasuke said.

Yea… we… were.

"Moshi, Moshi." Sakura said, relieved.

"Hey, Sakura-chan."

"Oh, hey Shikamaru. Finished with my house yet?"

"Yea, I just finished, and I never promised that I will help you if something happens."

"Wait, repeat those last seven words…I didn't hear…"

"I will help you if something happens…" he said, dragging his words.

"Promise?" Sakura asked.

"Promise for what? Yea I promise…?" he said unsure.

"Good, now you will help me if something happens" she said with a smile.

Shikamaru froze on the other line; he just realized what he had done. "What a drag, Sakura, you fucking b-"

She hung up the phone and giggled. "Sorry Sasuke." she said and turned toward him. She could see him smiling.

"You're a sly little girl aren't you." he said with a chuckle. "Very smart…" he stated to himself.

Sakura just smiled. "Comes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover… Um Sasuke. Can we go home? I'm not feeling too well…"

"Why?" he asked and wrapped his arms around her again, thinking she was cold.

"I don't know… I need to rest…"

"You're pale. Maybe you're just hungry, does your stomach hurt? Are you shaking?"


Sasuke chuckled. "Your hungry… not to worry, after this, I'll get you something to eat." Sasuke said with a smile.

Sakura nodded and went back into the cuddling position she was in before they were about to kiss. She smiled at how warm she felt when she was with him.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Naruto asked for the 104th time.

"Naruto, if you don't want to go, that's fine but everyone else is going and why isn't Neji, Ino or Ten-Ten back yet? What's taking them so long to get something?"

"I don't know, Ten-Ten and Ino are girls, it takes them forever to get ready for something, and Neji is probably taking forever to get ready too." Naruto giggled. Hinata walked up to Naruto and reached for his arm, cuddling with it.

"D-Don't worry Kakashi-sensei, we all can wait for them, it's no b-big deal." She said, blushing crimson red as she was holding onto Naruto's arm.

"Yea, what Hinata said." Naruto stated as he smiled at her.

"Very well." Kakashi said. He reached into his duffel bag where he had put his Icha Icha Paradise series and grabbed volume three, opening to the page where he had left off.

The ride finally finished. Sasuke got off and then helped Sakura get off. He could tell that she was weak.

"Common, lets go find something to eat, what do you want?" he asked her as they were walking towards the food section. He grabbed her hand, afraid she was going to fall.

Sakura didn't blush when he grabbed her hand though; she was too dizzy to even care. "I don't mind, maybe some teriyaki."

"Fine with me."

THey both walked slowly to the food court and made it to a big restaurant that served almost every favorite food from around the world. "Do you want the all you can eat buffet? Or just a regular dinner?"

Sakura laughed weakly at this, "All you can eat, definitely."

Sasuke smiled and walked her to a booth. "You can tell me what you want and I'll come back and give it to you."

"Um…" Sakura started, laying her head down, putting her arms as a pillow. "Fried noodles, two egg roll, salad with tomatoes and soybeans…" She smiled, remembering the fact that, that's what she gave Sasuke when they were under the sakura tree. "Oh, and add some rice balls and teriyaki."

Sasuke froze. "Th-That's a lot of food don't you think Sakura?"

"It's fine… get it please…"

Sasuke could sense her getting weaker and he quickly went to get what she asked.

"Never mind you guys, we'll go tomorrow." Kakashi said after he finished the sixth volume of Icha Icha Paradise. "It's getting late." He looked up from his book and saw Hinata, Naruto, Chouji, laughing about something, probably gossiping about Sasuke and Sakura. Kakashi wasn't stupid. He knew Sasuke and Sakura we're playing hooky. He figured out that they were probably at the amusement park, which was why Naruto begged him not to go. Kakashi grinned under his mask. "Hinata, Naruto, Chouji, I'm going back home to finish my books, you guys can leave. I'll see you tomorrow." and with that, in a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee, Shino and Chouji all smiled. "Hinata, you want to go to my house so we can talk about the project?"

Hinata nodded without question and they both left.

"I'm going to go train with Gai-sensei!" Rock Lee stated, and vanished.

"Bye." Shino said, and left.

"I guess I'm alone…I'm gonna go eat some food from my refrigerator."

Sasuke came back with the food and set it in front of Sakura. "Sorry I took so long Sakura.

Sakura lifted her head weakly from the smell of food and smiled. She quickly ate the salad, rice balls, egg rolls, and teriyaki; soon enough, she was onto the fried noodles and soy beans.

Sasuke was surprised on how quickly she ate. He was only just finishing his teriyaki. He had gotten pretty much the same thing, but only one egg roll and one rice ball, and no soybeans.

In a matter of only a few minutes, she was finished with her food, and filled with energy again. "Boy" she started while stretching. "That was good! I'm guessing Shiekra™ took out most of the energy from me, including that cold ride we went on afterwards."

"Are you still hungry Sakura?" Sasuke laughed while he finished swallowing the rice ball.

"Nope. I'm stuffed. Thanks a lot Sasuke-kun."

"Hn." he said. He looked up and saw some teriyaki sauce on Sakura's chin. Unaware of the soda that was in front of her, he reached over the table to go wipe it off… but unfortunately, the soda spilled all over her.

Sakura gasped, "Sasuke!" she yelled and pouted. She stood up, put her hands in a fist, by her sides, puffed up her cheeks and spread her legs shoulder-length apart. Then she ran into the girls' room to clean it up.

Everyone was staring at Sasuke. He froze for a few seconds and then snapped out of it. "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! " Sasuke said. Everyone went back to their own business and he hurriedly cleaned up the mess. Then he walked and waited besides the girls' restroom, waiting for Sakura to come out.

Ten-Ten and Ino were over each others house, sleeping over. Laughing, and talking about Neji and Shikamaru. Shikamaru had went to bed early. He was exhausted and mad at Sakura for tricking him twice. Neji was training all day and completely forgot that he had went to school today.

Sakura had finally came out… "Sa-Sasuke."

"Sakura, I'm sorry I didn't mean to…"

"I know its ok."

Sasuke looked at her and saw she was dry. "How come you're dry?"

"I had kicked everyone out of the bathroom, locked the door, took off, and dried my clothes with the hand drier." She said blushing and giggling.

"Wow, Sakura." He just laughed. They walked out of the restaurant and left the money on the counter for the cashier.

"So, which ride do you want to go on next?" Sasuke smiled as he reached for her hand.


Also, I will be changing everyone's age. All the girls will be 17 and all the guys will be 18, they'll all be seniors. Sorry if I confuse you.

Sasuke & Sakura: R&R!