Disclaimer: Nope don't own Naruto

A/N: This is my first fanfict ever! Hope you enjoy! And if I make a mistake plz don't eat me lol.

Summary: Sakura is new to Kohana High and is assigned to sit next to the ever popular Sasuke. Sakura tries to be nice to him but he just ignores her presence. Sakura tries to soften Sasuke by giving him stuff and being patient.(There's more to the story but I'm not telling )

1. because it will spoil it and

2 because I'm making this up as i go along lol

This will be SasuxSaku NaruxHina NejixTenten and InoxShika

Warning: A lot of Characters are OOC in my story, its mostly SasuxSaku

Sasuke, Naruto, Neji and Shikamaru were chatting on what they should do to a school geek when Kakashi-sensei came into the classroom five minutes after class has started, holding his Icha Icha paradise book up in front of his face.

"Sorry class I ran into a young girl who was lost and well I had to help her get to her-"

Just then the whole class shouted in unison "LIAR!" A sweat drop appeared on Kakashi's head as he looked up from his book.

"No really… There was a new girl who was lost, she's a new student here in Konoha Ninja High School, her name's Haruno, Sakura," he had said this looking back in his book, and gesturing Sakura to come in through the door. Sakura poked her head through the doorway and started walking by Kakashi-sensei slowly. Holding one hand to her chest and the other holding her backpack. She was blushing a bit and smirking a small smile, looking at everyone in the classroom.

"It's nice to meet everyone here" she said while tilting her head to the side and closing her eyes smiling.

Sasuke looked up at her and smirked, he then whispered to his gang and they all laughed looking at her. She was looking at them confused but she knew there was something up.

Then all of a sudden she saw 3 kunai heading in her direction, she got three from her small bag(forgot what its called) and threw them back at the other three, making all six of the kunai clashing, then falling to the ground. The class and Sasuke's friends smirked at her reaction and Sasuke just gave a gratitude smile and a 'whatever' expression.

Sakura was smiling with an anger mark on her forehead telling herself to calm down.CHA! NEVER MESS WITH A NEW GIRL! Sakura's inner-self said.

Kakashi looked back up from his book and glared at Sasuke.

"Well Sasuke since you were the 'mastermind' on thinking that you should throw kunai at our new student, you will tell Sakura what we do here in Konoha High. Sakura there's an empty seat besides Sasuke. Sasuke raise your hand."

All the fan girls went mad crazy, and Sakura looked at them confused.

Sasuke raised his hand slowly like someone was pulling it down. Sakura walked over to his seat and stood there. He glared at her.

"What you do want?" Sasuke asked

"Uhm… if it isn't any trouble I would like to sit in the window seat. I love to feel the cold breeze when the windows open, especially during fall."

"Well I'm sorry, but I rather sit by the window." he said mocking her. Sasuke's pals started laughing.

Kakashi shot a death stare at Sasuke and his friends as a warning to be nice to her. His friend's stopped laughing and Sasuke sighed getting up.

"Here.. Have it."

"Arigato" Sakura said smiling

Sakura started walking towards her seat when Sasuke 'accidentally' left his foot out. Sakura tripped over his foot and started falling towards the window. oh no… she thought. She grabbed the window ceil to push herself out the window more, so that she didn't get hurt by scraping her body against the wall. She knew that if she tried to hold herself back, she would lose her balance and fall back out the window, so the only other option was to push herself out. She started falling closer to the ground. She did a front flip and landed on her feet, looking back up to her 3 story classroom glaring at Sasuke, who was looking down at her.
How rude... Sakura thought
I'M GONNA GET HIM! inner-Sakura said.

"Why did you do that?! I didn't do anything to you!" she yelled

Kakashi peered through the window apologizing to Sakura on what just happened, Sakura said it was ok. She started controlling her chakara to go to her feet so that she can start scaling the wall.

Sakura was sitting down looking out the window and sighing. What's with this class? We learn nothing... she thought.

She looked at Kakashi to see what he was doing, and it turns out he was finished with Icha Icha paradise volume one, and is starting to read volume two. A sweat drop appeared on Sakura's head when she saw this.

She then looked at Sasuke He's supposed to be telling me what we do here sakura thought, then inwardly sighed. She kept looking at him to see if she could read his lips on what he was chatting about to his friends, but soon got bored when she heard that they were talking about football. She turned to look out the window, but before she could she was face-to-face with a blonde hair girl.

"Uh... can I help you?" Sakura asked.

"Hi! My name's Ino Yamanaka! It's nice to meet you Sakura-chan" she said with a big smile.

"Uhm... it's nice to meet you too... can i help you?" she asked for the second time.

Ino furrowed her brow. "What? I can't say 'Hi!' Greet somebody and at least try to be their friend?!" she said with her arms crossed.

Sakura giggled. "Sumimasen Ino-chan. I'm still recovering from the 'incidents' that happened earlier." Sakura said looking over to Sasuke. (A/N: Sumimasen- Sorry)

Ino grabbed her chin to make Sakura look at her. "Don't look at him like that!" she yelled.

Sakura pulled Ino's hand away. "Look at who like what?!" she yelled puzzlingly (i don't even know if puzzlingly is a word xD)

"Nara, Shikamaru!" Ino said. She inwardly sighed looking at him.

"Who?" Sakura asked.

Ino turned Sakura's head where Sasuke and the others were.

"The kid by Sasuke, he has his hair in a pony-tail. He's 13 years old, his birthday's September 22. He's a Virgo and when he gets older he wants to marry an average looking wife, have 2 kids, a girl and a boy. And he wants to retire when daughter is married and son is independent. And he also wants to die before his spouse!

Three sweat drops appeared on Sakura's head. "How do you know this?" she asked

"Easy! I looked in his personal folder!" Ino said while winking.

"So you know everybody's' information?" Sakura said adding another sweat drop on her head.

"Yup! Everyone!" she said proudly.

"ok then, what's mine?" Sakura said proud of herself

"Oh that's easy! Your Haruno Sakura, your 13 years old, born March 28th, making you an Aries!" Ino said happily.
(A/N: This is real information, I didn't make this information up)

Sakura's eye twitched and she stood up to walk to the Kakashi-sensei to be excused to the bathroom, she had no expression on her face except shock. She made it to the front of the class but by the time she made it to the door, she fainted. Kakashi told everyone to stay quiet, and that he would take Sakura to the clinic.

Sasuke and his friends looked over to Ino and sighed. "What did you do to her?" Sasuke asked in a not really caring tone.

"I did nothing I just..." she looked over at Shikamaru who was looking at her. She blushed. "I just told her that I knew everybody's' information and so she didn't believe me. She asked what her information, and so I told her... I guess I got it right.."

"What information?" Sasuke asked

"Oh nothing really, only that she's 13 years old, born on March 28th making her an Aries." Ino smiled

"Ino... that's scary stuff to be knowing. I would have been in shock if I heard that you know mine." Sasuke said

"Yours? Oh that's easy too, your 13 years old, born July 23rd making you a Cancer" Ino said smugly.

"Ino... how do you know all this?¿?" Sasuke asked.

"I read people's personal folders..." she said looking down

"Why...?" Shikamaru asked

"Because I'm bored and have nothing else to do..."

"Well you need a new hobby." Neji said coldly.

The class went silent until Naruto broke it.

"Hey do you know how old Tsunade is??" he asked

Everyone turned there head to Naruto and glared at him.

"W..What? I'm just curious!"

Ino sighed, "So Sasuke why did you trip Sakura? Why are you so mean to her? She hasn't done anything yet." she said concerned

"One, I needed a laugh. Two I'm mean because I can and want to, and three that's just how I am." he said flat.

Ino studied him, "You want to get to know her better don't you?"

Sasuke Turned away "I couldn't care less."

Just then the door opened and Kakashi came in saying that everything's all right. H e sat down in his chair and started to read his book again. Sakura soon came inside, she had a wet paper towel in her hand wiping her forehead. She then threw it away and went to sit back down to her seat but Ino was blocking it.

"Uhm excuse me... can I sit down?"

Ino looked at her "Sorry about before, but I can't let you sit down..." she said smiling.

"Why not?"

"Because, you haven't got introduced to my friends"

Sasuke laughed.

"What's so funny¿!" Ino asked glaring at him.

"Who said I was your friend?" he said smirking.


"Calm down Ino." Shikamaru said

"Okay... fine..." She then turned to Sakura. "Okay, let me introduce you to my friends and a mentally retarded boy which you have met" she said looking at Sasuke. An anger mark appeared on Sasuke's head. "This is Tenten, she is in L♥VE with Neji, they're going out! Tenten's cool, a great friend to be with! Neji is boring, almost never talks.
Sakura giggled. Neji and Tenten said "Hi" at the same time.

"That is Shikamaru which I've told you about before" Ino said

"Told her what?¿?" Shikamaru.

Ino and Sakura laughed. Ino put a finger in front of his face and shook it back and forth. "That's for Sakura and I to know and YOU to find out!" she said teasingly. He just mumbled.

"That over there is the number one knuckle headed ninja... Naruto." Ino poked Sakura with her elbow and whispered to her. "He likes Hinata and she likes him too she's the one beside him"

Naruto glared at Ino. "What did you say to Sakura-chan?"

"Nothing really... only that you like Hinata and that Hinata likes you back." Hinata blushed ferociously.

Naruto turned to Hinata, "Is, that true Hinata-chan?"

Hinata just played with her fingers, looking at the ground. "W..well.. y.. you see-"

"We all know Hinata likes Naruto and Naruto likes Hinata." Sasuke said cutting off Hinata.

Ino mumbled to herself and then wanted to say something but was cut off by the bell.

"Time for lunch! It's Ramen today!" Naruto shouted running out of the classroom.

Lunch Time

"So Sakura... What are you going to do?"

Sakura looked at Ino confused, "What am I going to do...?" she said repeating Ino's words.

"Oh yea.. well...there's this project for Kakashi's class, about chakara, but you have to work with a partner. Shikamaru already asked me. Hinata asked Naruto. Tenten and Neji decided to work together... and well there's no one you know left except... well Sasuke."

"Oh no! I do NOT want to work with Sasuke!"
Well... actually I would like to get to know him better.. Sakura's inner voice said.

"Well.. you started off on the wrong foot... literally and well... maybe you can work together... Of course you don't have to take my word for it, it's just a suggestion." Ino said while walking to a table.

Sakura thought for a second and thought that it might work

A/N: Well how did you think about my first fan fict? I hope you enjoyed . Please R&R! Ty! And remember that I'm making this up as I go along!