The purpose for writing this fanfic is 2 fold. One, I think that I have a good story and a good plot behind it as well as some originality. While many people have had stories where the characters suffer from mental illness, I think I'd be the first one to actually give the characters accurate illnesses. And #2, I am studying abnormal psychology now in collage, writing this story requires a good deal of research and understanding of the different disorders that they are suffering from. From common things like obsessive compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress syndrome to more rare things such as pathological gambling and dissociative identity disorder. Also, it will have some treatments in it such as classical and operant conditioning, behavioral therapies. You have to admit, writing fanfiction is much more entertaining way to study than flashcards.
A young boy, no more than sixteen years of age, sat in the back seat of a car, toying with the bandages on his arm. He gazed out the window at the scenery passing by, a blur of trees and houses, each more boring than the last. He didn't know exactly where he was going, all he knew that it was a place for people "like him."
The car slowed, pulling into a driveway with a large arch over it and a fence running alongside the road. The house at the end of the drive way was large, standing out in the middle class rural area. All of the other houses had large amounts of land but the houses themselves were rather small. If the house its self was not suspicious enough, the archway read "Traverse Town Rehabilitation Home."
The car stopped in the parking area that was too big to call a driveway but too small to be a parking lot. The driver got out and walked around to open up the door. Roxas stepped out and took a deep breath of the fresh air. The driver grabbed his arm, not allowing him a chance to get away (not that he had anywhere to run to). Together they went up the porch stairs, past the plastic furniture and swinging bench. They were nice enough, but the paint on the porch was peeling.
The driver knocked on the door, still holding Roxas's arm tightly. The door swung open to reveal a nice interior. The man who opened the door was dressed in every day clothes, as were the rest of the people that he could see.
"Thank you for bringing him here, sir, but you can let go of his arm. We don't believe in restraint like that here. The first step towards normal behavior is treating them like a normal person, not a wild animal," The man who opened the door said in a kind yet firm tone.
The driver let go and of the boy's arm and shoved some papers into the hands of the man who opened the door. As soon as the man signed, the driver turned and left, abandoning the boy.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Glen. Welcome to TTRH." He glanced over some of the papers he was handed, which included the boy's file from his previous psychologist, "May I ask your name?"
"Roxas," the boy said after a while.
"Ah, nice to meet you Roxas." Dr. Glen said, marking down something in his file. Roxas vaguely wondered what was worth marking down but he remembered that his previous psychologist had marked down ever little thing. He even made a note of it if Roxas sneezed. "If you follow me, we'll get you settled in quickly and you'll have some time to explore before dinner time."
"Okay," Roxas murmured.
They went up to an office that read Dr. Leon on the door. Dr. Glen unlocked it and asked for Roxas to wait there. He soon returned with a bag filled with things that belonged to Roxas. After he had that, Dr. Glen led him through the house, past some closed doors and some open doors.
"We try to keep things as normal as possible around here, with some minor changes of coarse. There can be no weapons, no sharp objects at all, and we have to keep all chemicals locked up. You are allowed to go outside any time you like, unless you abuse that right or it is labeled dangerous, but you are not allowed outside of the gates without special permission. When you do go outside, I'd advise staying away from the neighbor's kid, Hayner. He is…not one you want to get mixed up with" Dr Glen smiled down at him, "But he hasn't been too bad lately since Axel got a hold of him."
Roxas looked up in confusion, but decided not to ask. They came to a stop in front of a room at the end of a long hallway. Dr. Glen drew out a key and unlocked the door and handed the key to Roxas, explaining that it was his choice to keep the door locked or unlocked.
"It's your room, you can do what you want with it, within reason of coarse. You'll find that most of the others here have requested to have their rooms painted some other color than white. They say that they have had enough of the white walls at some other places. You may do the same if you like. Naturally, no one but you is allowed in this room after lights out. We discourage any relationships deeper than friendships inside this house, it tends to make care more difficult." Dr Glen droned on, checking all of the drawers to make sure that there was nothing left over from the previous occupant of that room.
"Okay," Roxas nodded, not sure what else to do. It was too much all at once.
"You will be assigned some chores to help with the upkeep of the house. If you fail to do these chores or if you do not behave, there will be some form of punishment. What the punishment is depends on just what you did. I doubt that you'll be getting in any trouble though." Glen smiled, looking around the room one last time. "The other therapist here, Dr. Leon, will be your therapist, he'll meet with you after dinner. Until then, you're free to what you want. Most of the other residents here are very friendly."
Roxas nodded again, watching Dr. Glen walk out of the room. He reached into his bag and started pulling out his clothes. His room was not too large. In the corner farthest from the door had his bed. Next to his bed was a nightstand and then the dresser. The other end of the room was an empty shelf. The closet was on the wall perpendicular to the door. He opened it up to find that the rod had strange breaks in it. There seemed to be bits of plastic between the metal.
"Its so you cant hang yourself." A voice from outside the room explained, "You cant hold too many clothes on it though or they will break."
Roxas turned to see who was talking. It was a man a little taller than him wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and a pair of tight jeans. His hair, lighter than Roxas's, was spiked up in a strange mullet/Mohawk hybrid. He smiled and came into the room.
"My name is Demyx," the man extended his hand, "I'll help you get set up."
"Gee thanks…" Roxas grumbled. He had had more than enough of people helping him today.
Demyx smiled, not paying attention to him, and started pulling out some of the clothes hangers, he started hanging up Roxas's clothes, not putting too many in one spot so that he wouldn't break the rod in the closet. After that, he looked around the room. "You need to get some color in this place, its boring."
"Its just fine," Roxas moved past Demyx and started pulling open the dresser drawers. He threw some clothes in the bottom and slammed them shut. There was more than enough room in the closet, but he knew didn't want Demyx going though his things anymore. He reached into his bag and got out the last thing, a CD player. He put it up on the shelf, not that he planned to listen to it. It was supposed to make it seem more like a home than just a generic room that they kept crazys in, but it just made it worse for him.
"Want me to show you around?" Demyx smiled, making Roxas wonder exactly what he was in the home for. Obviously he wasn't there because he was cruel.
"Sure," Roxas sighed, it wasn't like there was any other way to get the freak to leave him alone.
Demyx took him out into the hallway, explaining that this is the same hall where all of their bedrooms were, though Roxas already knew that. A man walked out with long silverfish blue hair and an X across his forehead. Roxas almost asked who he was but decided against it. The less contact he had the better. With any luck he would be out of the hellhole within a week. There was no point in getting attached.
"That's Siax. No one really knows why he is here, but I think he used to cut himself. He did that X himself after he found his fiancé cheating on him," Demyx explained, waving at the man in question. Siax nodded back, either not noticing that Demyx had just told a complete stranger something which would be considered private or else just not caring. "Most people here are pretty open about what's wrong, except a couple of them. Me, they say that I am delusional. I think that they are full of shit, but they say that that is part of the disorder."
"That….explains a lot…" Roxas muttered. Things were starting to make sense.
"What are you here for?" Demyx asked, heading towards the stairs.
"I'd…rather not say," Roxas murmured, looking down at the floor. Subconsciously, his hand flew to his arm, covering the bandage under his shirt.
"Hey, asshole! I was in line!" A voice yelled from downstairs. Demyx hurried down the steps so quickly that he tripped over the last few and landed on the floor. Roxas followed, though was more careful to watch his step. He doubted that he could do anything, but he wanted to see what the situation was.
Two people stood in front of an open doorway, though Roxas could not see what was on the other side. The taller one with his back turned to Roxas had red hair that seemed to explode from the back of his head. The other was a girl, the only one he had seen so far. She had blonde hair that vaguely reminded Roxas of an insect's antenna
"I am next" the girl said, no emotion in his voice.
"Like hell you are!" The red haired man shouted. Judging by the voice, he was the one who had yelled before, "I waited forever for that retard Xemnas to get the fuck out of the bathroom, washing his hands eighty million times or whatever the hell he does in there and I have to piss! Go curl your hair elsewhere!"
The red head grabbed the blonde and threw her against the wall, pinning her here. Much to Roxas's surprise, she didn't even flinch. She just looked at him, unphased.
"Axel," Dr. Glen said. Roxas had not even noticed him showing up. There was another man standing behind him with long silver hair, "Behave yourself."
"She was going to just waltz on in and slam the door in my face!" the red head shouted, motioning to the girl he had pinned to the wall.
"Axel…" Dr. Glen said again, this time more serious. Axel moved back some, releasing her. Before he could do anything, she brushed past him and went into the bathroom, leaving Axel fuming on the other side.
"What's wrong with him?" Roxas asked quietly to Demyx.
"Axel? Nothing's wrong with him anymore, he's just grumpy." Demyx smiled as though such outbursts were normal.
"Hello Roxas" Dr. Glen turned to the two of them, almost as if the near fight have never happened, "I see you and Demyx are getting along well. I'd like you to meet Axel. Axel, this is Roxas, he is…"
"Glen," a voice interrupted them from upstairs. A man leaned over, looking down at them, "What just happened down there?"
"Nothing big, Lexarena and Axel just had a dispute over who was next in line for the bathroom. You know how those two are, perfect angels away from each other but throw them in the same room…."
"Glen, you need to take your job more seriously. By letting her go first your reinforced Lexarena's bad behavior." The man, probably Dr. Leon, said slowly in a more serious tone that the one used by Dr. Glen. "You are doing more harm than good. If Axel were still my patent…"
"If I were still your patent I would have burned this house to the ground by now." Axel snapped back. He sighed deeply and leaned against the wall, sliding down to the ground. "I'll wait for the bitch to get out."
"Now Axel," Dr. Glen crouched down, looking him in the eye, "I want you to know that…"
"…that you would have let me go first if I had not resorted to violence." Axel grumbled, repeating the phrase as if he had heard it a thousand times, " That I need to get my impulses under control, all of the them, not just the ones that I'm here for."
"Your treatment is almost up, I could announce you cured tomorrow if I thought you were ready, but I worry about you." Glen explained, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I just can't stand her. She comes here, breaks all the rules, and then doesn't even get punished for it. I at least try and where does that get me?"
"I agree, but she is Dr. Leon's patent, I'm not allowed to interfere. I cant tell you exactly what she has, but I can tell you that he is working on making it better, but she has a long way to go before she can be expected to follow all of the rules, you just have to be patent." Dr. Glen said, removing his hand and standing up.
"A lack of regard for the rules, no empathy for others, charm on the outside, but rotten to the core on the inside. I'm not an idiot, she is a psychopath, a sociopath, she has antisocial personality disorder though and through." Axel sighed. "And since it is a personality disorder, thus on Axis II, it is generally accepted that there is no cure, so why is he wasting his time?"
"That's it, no more psychology books for you," Dr Glen joked, turning to leave. "Don't get in any more trouble! Dr Leon is trying his best with her."
Hopefully this story is enjoyable. There wasn't a whole lot of disorders expressed in the first chapter. (oh, and for anyone who is wondering, Demyx is so…… because of his medication. That will be explained in the next chapter, but I didn't want people thinking that I just totally screwed over their favorite character because I felt like it. That's also why he fell down the stairs.)