
I opened my eyes lazily, feeling soft sheets underneath me. Yet even though my eyes were open I was in complete darkness. Not the darkness of a room but complete darkness. I was lay on my back, as my unfamiliar surroundings caused me to wake faster I realised the soft sheets felt like silk. Where was I? I automatically tried to sit up, as I pushed myself up all of a sudden my head connected with something solid! Feeling a stab of pain as I flopped back down on the sheets. Angry fuelled by the throbbing pain of my forehead I lifted my arms and pushed on the hard surface, it rose like a coffin. So I was in a coffin, it felt so unfamiliar as a coffin I had not recognised it. It swung open quite easily catching me off guard. Faint light filled my eyesight, stinging as my eyes got used the sensation. The same as if bright light had hit me.

"Mmmm…Walter?" I automatically said. Sensing someone in the room….but wait I wasn't at Hellsing. The room was far too big and grandly decorated. The room looked as if it had come straight out of the Victorian age, with grand furniture and candles as the only light source. Now in this room my memories came flooding back…did that really happen last night? No…impossible. It was just a dream. It can't be real!

"Yes, Miss Victoria?" That voice…I lifted my head to see who it was. When Walter walked into view. "How are you this feeling?" I suddenly became conscious that my jaw was hung open in shock.

"Walter?" What was going on? I'm confused…

"Yes?" He asked as if he had always been there to like this.

"Wha-what is going on?" Walter smiled, but I put my head into my hands. I knew what happened, it was so real. But that couldn't be right…?

"Oh miss Seras. You've been asleep for many days now. We were starting to worry you weren't going to wake up. Are you wondering about me?" Walter chuckled. "No need. There's no need to ask about me. But how are you? Do you remember everything?" I raised my head out of my hands back to him.

"What about Hellsing? What about Integra?" Walter shook his head.

"No need to worry about that. You need to get back to full strength. Alucard wants you at his side. Not sleeping in his coffin." At that I instantly jumped up, and out of the coffin.

"It's his?" I quickly spoke. Examining the beautiful red silk sheets inside and pure black outer shell.

"Now, I have your meal here." He went on as if I had not spoken. I turned and he held a blood pack in his hand. "Alucard thought you might still like it in a blood packet while you get your strength until you can take it from the source." I cringed and felt bile rise in the back of my throat as he said that. Who was this new Walter? I definitely wasn't at Hellsing any more. Affirming what my dreams had shown me.

I took the blood packet from him, but almost dropped it as I felt it. It was warm. I glanced up at him, but he said nothing. He just stood there, silent. Unnerving me slightly, why was he here? But I don't think he'll tell me. My common sense told me I shouldn't starve myself, but my I still didn't like this. Realising there was no way I could leave this, both Walter was there and a part of me was drawn to the liquid. The simple blood packet held no straw, so I had to bite into the top. Reluctant at first, but as soon as the blood hit my tongue I couldn't restrain myself! I drank greedily the warm liquid falling down my throat, did all warm blood taste this…magnificent!?

I was determined to drink every last drop of the bag, but I felt a tug as Walter struggled to take the bag back off me.

What was I doing? I let go instantly and he took the empty bag from me.

"There," Walter smiled. His face curiously smoother and younger then I remember. But he still wore the butler suit and his monocle, showing me friendly face in this new place. "Alucard wants you to report to training." I felt my feelings and emotions jump, I was so on edge. Training was a normal regime to me now. But the fact that Alucard ordered it…what was going on?

Alucard felt her awake, his queen. And he knew it. He saw something in that tiny scared body, that he had never seen before. It reminded him of himself. Of his own journey to where he is today. It is only right that his queen went on her own journey? She went to Hell..sing and back. Just as he had. He stood on his balcony over looking the training room. He could pinpoint her whereabouts, from anywhere, that was how strong his link was. He knew she was coming out of the door from his underground chambers into the room below before he saw her, then sure enough he watched as Seras was walked out to the middle of the vast black floor. Good Walter was taking good care of her, then Walter walked back toward the corridors of his domain. Alucard began to start his own kind of training; he wanted to shape what kind of warrior she became.

I was led into the centre of a bizarre room, what kind of training was this? The floor was pitch black yet the walls were a complete white, even the doors…this was weird. As I stood there I felt a tingling sensation and soon black ooze began to seep through the opposite wall. I stepped back slightly in surprise…what was going on? I watched almost curiously as the ooze splattered onto the floor and began to bubble and form a mass….a wolf. It had turned into a great big shadow wolf! Its maw was dripping saliva and its eyes glowed a deep crimson. Its fur stood on end as if electrified. I looked around quickly…nothing to use….

"Here, you may find this of use." Walter's voice. I turned to see him, he was back in the corridor, as if standing guard…He tossed something toward me. I grabbed the object, my sword. I quickly unsheathed it, not sure what to do, but I knew I had to fight…

Alucard watched as his queen prepared to strike against the beast he had created, the shadow wolf wouldn't kill her. But she didn't know that, in her mind this was real, and he preferred it that way. Knowing of the outcome of the battle he turned, his coat billowing out behind him as he did.

Alucard proceeded to walk down his own corridor, until he disappeared out of thin air.

Integra leaned against the wall, her chains clinked as she moved. It was pitch black, she didn't even have her glasses anymore, her hair dangled in front of her face. How long had it been now? Walter had tended to her, but he was no longer the Walter she knew. He had been changed, he was a new vampire. It wracked her brain, it should be impossible but there he was. Living proof that he was a vampire that now served the new Queen.

But in the last visit yesterday as well as Walter there was this Clark that came with him, he looked strikingly the same as Walter, they could be brothers. He said how he had invented a vampire chip, making a non-virgin human into a vampire. It should be impossible, but it had worked on Walter.

A clang as the iron door moved before her, she looked up expecting Walter for 'feeding time' that gruel they served her every day. But what she hoped to never she again stood there instead.

"Alucard." Integra whispered hoarsely and dehydrated. Alucard walked into the dank dark cell that belonged to Integra. The shadows hid his face and only his outline could be seen.

"My queen has finally awoken, the damage done to her by her reversed." Integra spat at him and struggled at the chains, Alucard did nothing.

"I would never harm her!"

"Aah, that is where you are wrong…Sir Hellsing." Alucard's voice echoed in the room. "She was treated exactly the same as me…trained as a weapon of Hellsing. Then realising I was too difficult to control I was put under a binding to the direct leader of Hellsing. That spell wracked my mind, breaking both my will and sanity, while my body obeyed without question…sound familiar?" Integra shook her head.

"No-no, that was never what we…" Alucard shot forward until his face was level with hers, his sharp features and bright crimson eyes almost touching her.

"She is the same as me, I saw that this would inevitable, you would repeat history. Just like a river flows and repeats itself, so too must the river of time." Integra just stared at him, slight fear rose but she pushed it away, she was not afraid. "I let you take her, let you train her, as Hellsing trained me, fortunately or perhaps unfortunately you aren't so cruel as to experiment on her. Like I was." He laughed at this, like it was some big joke. "I was bound for years, before I went completely insane I shut myself away in my own mind and waited patently for my chance. My chance came when my binder was killed before the new heir could bind me again." His smile, no, his smirk covered his face, like some evil clown. "Now I have my equal, I have created her, let her live my life and then freed her. I will now start her real training. You have lost Hellsing!" At this he smashed his fist into the wall beside Intgra's head. But she still held her nerve. "In fact, I am wrong, there was never a chance of your winning. I just left you alone till I decided to come and get her back. You forget, we are bound as master and fledgeling. I feel everything she feels, I see and hear everything she does. I was there the entire time she was." At this Integra twitched. All this time it was all a game to him!? There really was no hope of restoring England!?

"Bastard!" Integra shouted right in his face. But once again it never fazed him. He simply stood up and turned.

"Walter, Seras needs to keep her strength up. She has a long way to go and eternity to get there. Draw another pint of virgin blood from our 'guest' here."

(AN: Ok there's your epilogue you wanted. I hope that answered any questions you had. Thanks again to my reviewers and everyone else who read this.)