drift // a kingdom hearts one-shot

Run, run—as fast as you can…

Nothing mattered. Not at all. Only the objective. That objective being a person.

…Or a "nobody," more specifically.

Chakrams in hand, he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran. To where? In the direction of this "nobody." Which, naturally, is nowhere.

Catch me, catch me, if you can, I'm…





"Let's play pretend, alright? You be the hero, flailing that fucking Keyblade around every opportunity you get, and I'll be—"


Red hair. Snide smirk. Brunet. Blue eyes. Their mouths hurt so much from kissing; the one in the coat is like an animal. The smaller looks so confused—he IS confused. They break and the small one looks ready to scream and the big one wants to laugh.

"What's the matter, —fiz—? Aren't we playing? Hm? Nothing better than playing pretend…Shall we change roles?"


"You be him, I'll be—"
