Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters.

A/N: My first attempt at a Sango and Miroku story! Sango decides that she's had enough of her husband's philandering ways, when he comes back one day and admits that he got this girl whom he met a nightclub pregnant. Miroku regrets it terribly, but can anything be done to undo the wrong he committed? This story was inspired by a Chinese song, "Dao Dai" by Jolin Tsai. For those who know this song and understand the lyrics, I'm sure you will agree with me what a sad song this is.

The first chapter is in Sango's POV.

Title: Rewind

Chapter 1: Death of my happiness

"…and she…she's pregnant, Sango."

For a moment, my world ceased spinning. I seemed to be caught in a void, a timeless void in which nothing ever existed, where I was simply floating around, aimlessly wandering. I stared ahead at the ground, until the loud crash of my glass hitting the marble flooring dragged me back to the cruel reality that I had to face.

My husband is going to be a father.

Only that the mother of the child is not me.

It is something so familiar, yet so excruciatingly foreign and painful. I often saw this on television programs, but there is no way it could ever occur to me…or is there?

"I'm sorry, my dear Sango…Please…I don't wish for this to happen…"

I was vaguely aware of Miroku trying to apologize, but every word that came out of his mouth now only added to the growing pain in my heart. My hands were shaking involuntarily and my mouth felt as dry as cotton. It felt as if someone had tied a noose around my neck and pulled it tight…pulling and pulling till my air supply was cut off.

"Sango, please…please don't be like that…talk to me. I don't know what to do either…"

I didn't respond to his words; I didn't know how, and all I did was to fall on my knees and pick the shards of glass up with my bare hands frantically.

I was thinking, maybe if I could pretend to not hear it, I could act as if nothing had happened, and our lives could go on as per normal, like how it was before he got burned by the fire he was playing with.

The glass shards cut into my hands mercilessly, as I watched fresh crimson fall in droplets onto the white marble floor, before the spots of crimson turned blurry in front of my eyes.

I will not cry…I will not cry in front of him.

Trying to hold back the tears, I continued picking the glass up, gritting my teeth at the pain of raw flesh coming into contact with the smithereens. It was just like my own heart…bloody and broken. The physical pain was bad, but compared to that in my heart, it was nothing.

"Sango…please. I know I've let you down again…" I could make out his hand trying to grab mine through the film of tears in my eyes. "Let me explain…"

I pulled my hand away from his, cradling it to myself protectively, inwardly wincing from the physical sting. I looked at the bloody shards of glass in my hands – how is my heart ever going to be healed? How are these remnants ever going to get pieced together?

"What's there to explain? What more do you want?" I sobbed, finally losing control over my surging emotions. I was so lost, so hurt, and angry – angry at myself for being so useless. So useless for not giving my husband a child, to the extent of him having to find some woman outside to do so.

"Please, darling…" He started, walking over to me.

"Don't! Don't come near me…You already have a child, and a woman who is bearing it. Go to her; she's the one who needs you now." I said, my voice quivering as I felt a part of my heart die. The pain is something I've never experienced before; I had never given my husband away to another woman. It hurts so bad to know that he'll never ever belong to me again. Hearing him call me 'darling' sent tremors through my body; it felt so weird…how many other 'darlings' does he have outside?

"But Sango…you are the one I love…"

"No, Miroku, no. It's not as simple as that. You're already a father! I'd be inhuman to deprive an innocent child of his father! Why hurt two individuals when you can hurt only one?" I cried, recalling all the promises of the future he made when we first got married, and the happiness we shared.

That was true; every child deserves a complete family. I can't bring myself to cling on to Miroku while knowing that somewhere out there, a woman was raising his child single-handedly. It'd be unfair to them.

"It was a mistake, a terrible mistake…I'm sorry, my love-"

"No. Don't apologize to me. You're always playing with fire, and it's only a matter of time before you get burned." My tears felt acrid against my cheeks, as they trickled down to seep into my shirt. I watched his handsome face, the face I love so much, contort with sadness and regret.

Those eyes of his were so sad, pleading for my forgiveness. But there was nothing I could do…the situation was completely against me; Fate has left me with no other alternative but to give up all that I have.

It broke my heart to do this, but I forced myself to continue. I didn't know if I'd regret doing this, but what choice do I have? I've had enough…I have forgiven him on more than one occasion, but this is too much. All of a sudden, I felt a stab of realization; I had been standing outside the door to happiness for so long, but I never stepped into it.

"I'm tired of all this, Miroku…I cannot go on like that anymore. I want a divorce."

The heavy silence hung in the air like a thick, smothering blanket, before Miroku shouted out in disbelief.

"No, Sango! No, I'll never agree to this!" He insisted, his eyes welling up with tears as he strode over to embrace me.

The familiar feel of his arms wrapped around my frame was so painful, before I stiffened involuntarily and removed his arms from my body gently. My bloody hands stained his crimson, before I relinquished my hold on those large, warm hands. A tingling sensation spread through my fingers as they lost contact with his, while a final tear fell, mourning the death of my happiness.

It's so sad, so unfair, but I didn't have the right to fight over my husband with a baby. Someone has to leave to make space, and it is not the child.

"You have no choice…It's too late, Miroku. It's too late for anything now…Thank you for everything. I won't be staying in this house anymore." I whispered, before turning away, as he watched me walked off without a backward glance. I didn't know where to go; all I knew was I needed to get away from here, as far as I can.

To be continued…

A/N: Poor Sango! What will happen from now? Please read and review if you've enjoyed the story so far.