Disclaimer - I do not own Ghost Hunt, all I own is the plot for this particular story, though some informaton has been taken and / or recalled form the manga.

This is my first fic and i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. i would also like to request reviews from any readers, even if you didnt like it criticism is


Please note that the introduction of characters at the top before the story starts is from the manga, and in this fic Takigawa is going as his alias Monk-san.

Thank you.

2015 edit - Welcome to the 2015 edition. Mika Part One has been updated and re-worked, so I hope you enjoy!

Shibuya Psychic Research – Available for hire to scientifically research and subdue unexplained phenomena that occur around their clients.

President of SPR (Shibuya Psychic Research) Shibuya (aka Naru) – 17 years old. He's cool-headed, good looking and smart, but he's a super narcissist. So he has been nicknamed Naru. (Short for narcissist)

Mai Taniyama – A lively 16-year-old student, who works part time at SPR. She's enthusiastic though Naru always gives her a hard time. (She's only seen Naru smile in her dreams.) But she may secretly be in love with him.

SPR members are:

Lin – He's a man of mystery who works closely with Naru.

Masako Hara – A psychic medium. She is well known in the psychic business.

John Brown – An exorcist who speaks with a Kansai dialect.

Ayako Matsuzaki – A self-claimed Miko.

Houshou Takigawa – Formerly a monk at Mt. Koya.

Mai looked up from her paperwork and yawned. God; it's dark out…How long have I been sitting here working? What! Ten thirty? I'd better get home! She thought in a panic as she abandoned the leather chair at her desk. She grabbed her light brown chequered coat and left the reception area, which was decorated with tinsel and mistletoe, and headed to Naru's office. I guess I should tell him I'm leaving…I'll try not to disturb him too much though; he was in such a mood earlier! She thought with a sigh as she approached his door, easing it open before stepping inside the plain dark room with shelves full of psychic research books, and more on supernatural phenomena. Wow; this is almost exactly the same as Sakachi-kun's room! The one I saw in one of my dreams in Ryokuryou high school a few months ago! She thought, shivering at the memory of the young student, who had committed suicide and tried to curse one of the teachers. I'm surprised Naru's talking to me after some of the things I said to him on that case…

As she looked over to the desk she saw him slumped over his papers, his short black hair shadowing his dark eyes; his face half hidden in the crook of his arm while the pen was still loosely gripped in his elegant fingers. Sighing she ruffled her honey coloured hair and walked towards him quietly, looking down at his innocent face in the gentle lamp light.

"You know, you look so cute when you're sleeping…Shame you're such a narcissist though." She thought aloud as she took his coat from the back of his chair and gently draped it over his shoulders to keep him from getting cold. He stirred slightly in his sleep, letting out a small sigh. Mai smiled despite herself and stroked his hair gently a couple of times before leaning down and kissing his forehead lightly. "See you tomorrow Naru." She whispered gently in his ear, feeling his warm breath on her cheek.

"Mai! What are you still doing here?" Lin asked from the doorway in a slightly startled tone. Mai turned with a surprised blush to see the tall figure in the doorway, his long black fringe draped over one eye. That's a unique haircut…short at the back, but long at the front; however…strange as it is it's actually kind of…cool. She thought as she looked up at him, able to tell straight away that the older man was fatigued. His shoulders were slightly slumped, the top button of his shirt had been tugged loose, and his hair was slightly ruffled from constantly running his fingers through it.

"Shh! He's sleeping." She whispered as she walked quietly to the door and eased it shut. "I just went to say good night and saw him sleeping…It didn't seem right to disturb him…He works too hard." She replied with a sigh as she leaned wearily on the wooden door. Lin gave her a slight smile in response. He's still a little edgy around me because of that camera incident…Either that or he's just a natural loner. She thought sheepishly as she looked into his dark blue eyes that reminded her so much of Naru's.

"It's very late…You shouldn't walk home on your own at this hour; anything could happen." Lin objected as Mai slowly buttoned her thick coat. Wow, this is the longest conversation we've ever had…Maybe I should try to get to know him a little; then he wouldn't seem so intimidating…She thought as she pulled the collar down neatly and smiled up at Lin, who had a file under one arm, obviously intending to drop it off in Naru's office.

"Oh; don't worry! I'll be fine; besides this isn't the first time I've done it." She replied brightly as she began edging away. Lin laid a halting hand on her shoulder as she turned to leave, gently pulling her back towards him. She looked up as her back hit his chest, his hand still resting on her shoulder as he looked down at her. She's never realised how large his hands were until then, but judging by his height it shouldn't have surprised her.

"I can't let you do that. Naru would never forgive me if I let you go…" He added firmly as he opened the door to Naru's office and pushed her inside gently. Mai watched a little flustered as Lin walked over to Naru and leaned down beside him, putting a gentle arm across his shoulders while the other rested on his arm. She couldn't hear what he said, but a few moments later Naru sat up slowly, raising a confused hand to his shoulder, where he could feel his coat sliding down his back.

"Strange…I don't remember falling asleep." He said groggily as he sat back and rubbed his tired eyes. "Mai! You're still here?" He asked in surprise as he noticed the girl hovering in the dimly lit doorway. Mai looked around, feigning confusion, gently tapping her chest, stomach, head and thighs before looking back at Naru.

"Yes. It seems that I am still here." She replied teasingly, smiling brightly and swearing that she almost saw a flicker of amusement in Naru's eyes as he got to his feet and pulled on his coat, though his expression portrayed one of annoyance.

"Well, since you're so dim that you might get lost, I had better walk you home." He decided as he straightened his collar, watching as Mai threw a sulky scowl in his direction. Lin stood by, hiding his amusement beneath his usual indifferent expression as he watched the young couple, dropping the file he'd been clutching onto Naru's mahogany desk.

"Well, if I'm so dim that I'd get lost, then how are you going to get me home? Do you even know where I live?" She demanded as she crossed her arms, waiting to see if she had found a flaw in his chide. The older boy let out an amused breath as he buttoned his coat and looked around the office one last time to make sure everything was in its rightful place.

"Actually yes, I do know where you live…It's in your employee file, along with your telephone and account numbers, which you gave me." He replied smugly, feeling a slight satisfaction as Mai's face turned slightly red and she clicked her fingers dramatically.

"Damn! I thought I had you there. Why do you have to be so damned…smart!" She complained as she scowled thoughtfully at the floor. Naru allowed himself a very small smile as he turned towards Lin, who merely sighed and rolled his eyes, watching as Naru reached down and turned off the desk lamp. "Anyway, it's fine! I've already told Lin-san I can walk alone; no problem!" She added assuringly as she looked up at the ebony haired boy. He waved off her comment as he approached, the tall Chinese man also making his way around the large desk.

"No; I won't hear of it. You're my responsibility until you reach your front door, so if anything were to happen it would be my fault…Besides; who'd make the tea if you disappeared?" He added with a straight face as he walked towards her, ignoring her almost sulky expression. Mai backed into the hall and waited for Lin and Naru to join her. Lin closed the door as Naru pulled the van keys from his pocket and gave them to the older man. "Lin; you head on home. I'll take Mai and then walk over." The younger boy decided.

"Oh no! If it means you have to walk then please don't bother! It's a cold night…" Mai insisted as they walked out of the SPR building and down the front steps to the path outside. The streets were dark and almost deserted at that hour; the surrounding buildings were all local offices, so they generally closed by eight O'clock. There were a few cars that had been left parked along the street, but not many.

"I'm walking you…The idea of being with me for a few minutes isn't that unbearable is it?" He asked as they watched Lin head towards the large black van in the car park. Mai eyed the boy beside her as he continued to watch his guardian, making no movement to say that he knew she was staring. Since he didn't seem to notice Mai continued to stare, her eyes travelling over his pale skin and high cheekbones up to his elegantly sloped ebony eyebrows and coming to rest on his faded pink lips.

"Was that a joke, or were you just being your usual narcissistic self?" Mai asked, forgetting who she was talking to for a moment, but when she realised what she'd said she clamped a hand over her mouth. She could feel her face turning red, but as she stole a glance at Naru she thought she saw a small smile for a moment until he glanced in her direction and hid it again, replacing it with a scowl. "I'm sorry…That was uncalled for." She apologised sheepishly. Even if it is true

"It doesn't matter…" He replied quietly as they set off down the street. Mai drifted off for a moment, her eyes looking at the path beneath her feet, but not concentrating on where they were going. She couldn't think of anything to say. She rarely spent time with Naru outside of a case. She could hear his measured pace beside her, his heels clicking lightly on the path. Why am I suddenly so nervous? It's not like I haven't been alone with Naru before…Maybe it's because he's walking me home and it has nothing to do with work…Oh! Shut up Mai! Stop being such a kid! She scolded inwardly, her cheeks flushing as she glances across at Naru's black shoes. "Mai…You're going the wrong way." Naru objected as he took her arm and tugged her round the corner of a shop.

"Sorry." She apologised as she looked up and Naru released her arm. She put her hands in her pockets and watched her breath condense on the cold winter air. As she looked over she saw Naru rubbing his bare hands together. "Here; let me help." She said as she stopped and turned to him, taking his hands in hers as she rubbed them, feeling them warm up slightly. What am I doing? "Why didn't you just put them in your pockets?" She laughed sheepishly as she looked up at him, knowing that she was being quite forward for her.

"My pockets have holes in them." He replied with a shrug, looking off to the side as he allowed the shorter girl to hold his hands.

"Even so they'd still keep your hands warm." She scolded lightly, unable to catch his eye as he kept them firmly on a shop across the street. "I'll bring in a sewing kit tomorrow to fix them for you." She added with a light sigh as she released his hands, keeping a hold on one of them and, as they walked, she slid both of their hands into her left pocket.

"What are you doing?" He asked in confusion as they walked, feeling a sudden awkwardness at having his hand in Mai's pocket, but his hand also felt a lot warmer with her skin pressed against his. He would have called it nice, but that would be a little too sentimental.

"Well, you're pockets have holes in them, so I'll lend you mine until we reach my house." She replied, blushing slightly as she realised she was making a move on him. This was the most forward she had ever been with a boy before. Easy Mai; down girl! She chided as they walked past more closed shops. As they walked she spotted a middle-aged couple walking towards them. They looked so happy together; the man clearly a businessman judging by his suit, his arm resting around the shorter woman's back as she leaned her head against his shoulder. As they passed the man looked at them and smiled.

"Ahhh; young love. Were we ever that young?" He sighed to his wife as they passed. Mai paused and looked back at the blonde man with a frown. Love? Naru? She thought, her cheeks burning as she looked up at the boy beside her, who seemed unaffected by the comments, his blue eyes also watching the older couple as they continued their way.

"Oh! They make a cute couple." The brunette woman said in response as she gripped her husband's waist with her own arm. Mai felt her blush deepen and looked up at Naru, who was also looking back. Cute couple? Yeah right! She thought, feeling the sudden urge to do or say something, though she didn't quite know what. She did know there was a slight awkwardness that hadn't been there a few moments ago.

"God; they thought we were together…Pretty dumb huh?" Mai joked, forcing a small laugh as they started walking again. Mai bit her lower lip as she dropped her gaze to her brown school shoes, wishing she had worn boots instead.

"Definitely…That's a really stupid thought…" Naru agreed half-heartedly as they walked. Mai sighed and looked up, unsurprised by Naru's response, though it did sting a little. Wait, I don't recognise this place…I never walk past this shop on my way home! Where exactly is he leading me? She wondered as she stopped to take a better look around the unfamiliar area.

"I'm going the wrong way? You should check your own directions! This isn't the way to my house!" She laughed as she looked back towards the main street. "Actually, I don't know where we are…" She added as she looked around. "What?" She asked as Naru chuckled lightly, a rarity on any occasion. She liked it when he laughed; he looked more like the Naru from her dreams.

"This is a short cut; don't worry…I know where I'm going." He added as he pulled their hands out of her pocket and led her down the street, though he didn't let go of her hand. A short cut? To my house? I never knew that you could get to my street from here… She thought as they crossed the road, barely registering the older teen was still tugging her along. Naru continued to lead her on until they reached a long alleyway between two small shops; one clothes shop and one newsagent.

"Wait! You want to go down here?" Mai asked timidly as they stopped. Naru looked down at her with a small, teasing smirk on his face as he released her hand. She sort of knew where they were now; at least she thought she did. She knew there was an alleyway like this on her street, but she hadn't walked through it.

"Mai; are you scared?" He asked in mock surprise. Mai ignored his dig and blushed slightly as she eyed the dark alleyway. It looked long from there they stood, like a black chasm with a small orange glow at the end, partially blocked by large bins and bags of rubbish from the shops on either side. In reality it was probably a lot shorter than it looked.

"Well…It's not that I'm scared; not really! It's just…You're going to laugh…" She muttered as she looked at the ground in childish embarrassment. Naru tilted his head as he looked down at the younger girl, slipping one hand into his pocket as he turned towards her.

"Scout's honour." He replied as he held up a hand with three fingers raised.

"My dad told me I wasn't allowed to walk through dark alleyways at night…" She said sheepishly, looking up as Naru chuckled. "What happened to your honour?" She snapped as she blushed and looked away. Naru gave her a superior look as he shifted his gaze to the short alleyway.

"I never said I was a Scout. Come on; it's not as if you're walking through it alone." He added as he started walking, leaving the honey haired girl hovering fearfully at the edge. Come on! You hunt ghosts for god's sake! A few moments in a dark, unwelcoming alley isn't going to kill you…I hope! She thought nervously as she looked into the dark passage. Pausing she looked back at the well-lit street before hurrying into the alley after Naru, but she couldn't see him anywhere. There was light at the end of the alley, but she couldn't see him. She could feel uneven cement beneath her feet as she walked warily, occasionally brushing loose paper or cardboard with her feet.

"N-Naru? Where are you?" She asked quietly as she slowly walked forward, carefully placing her feet down with each step, hoping not to trip. This is weird…Naru's being so…normal. Usually he's a complete narcissist! He rarely even smiles, though this isn't the first time…He was really kind when we fell down that well together a few months ago…He even did some magic to cheer me up…I wish he'd smile more often. She thought as she walked, trying to keep her mind away from the dark thoughts at the back of her mind, but as she approached the half-way-point in the alley these thoughts crept forward along with a surge of panic. Where's Naru? He should have answered by now! He's okay right? What could have happened to him? There's no one else here…is there? She thought fearfully as she clutched the collar of her coat tightly. "Naru? Naru! Are you alright? Naru? Kazuya Shibuya! Answer me right now!" She shouted, feeling her heart beating quickly in her chest, the alley seeming to close in on her and deaden the sound as she stepped slowly towards the exit of the alley, but as she stepped forward she felt a hand on her shoulder from behind. Mai jerked away and gasped, turning to see Naru.

"Hey; you must have been scared…You used my real name." Naru observed as he nonchalantly stepped out of the alley beside her. Mai felt about ten years drop from her lifespan as she raised a hand to her chest. Her heart was still pounding from the shock of Naru's hand on her shoulder.

"What the hell were you doing? You scared me half to death! I called for you; why didn't you answer? I was worried!" She shouted as she slapped his arm, feeling her pounding heart gradually slowing down. Naru rubbed his arm where he had been hit with a slight grimace as Mai glared up at him with pink cheeks, her lips pressed together into a pout.

"Sorry! I had to stop and tie my shoe. I was only crouching by the wall; I didn't think you'd be so scared." He added apologetically as Mai huffed and turned away, apparently not recognising where they were straight away. "This way." Naru directed as he turned left and crossed the road with Mai close behind. As she looked around she still didn't recognise anything, though they were now walking past rows of houses rather than shops. "Are you giving me the silent treatment now?" The older boy asked as they walked.

"Oh; no…I was just…thinking I guess." She replied sheepishly as she put her hands in her pockets. "What do you want to talk about? You've said before that you don't have time to talk about anything that isn't work related, but…we're not at work now…" She asked as she looked up at the man beside her, not wanting to let an uncomfortable silence build between them again, especially now that Naru had pointed out how quiet she was being.

"Hm; you have a sharp memory…How about your family?" He asked as he looked down at her, noting the slight pause she gave before she continued. They honey haired girl gave a somewhat forced smile as she shrugged lightly.

"Well, my mum died a few years ago, so I live with my dad, but I don't really see him much. He's gone by six and doesn't get home until really late, so I'm usually in bed…I don't even think he'd notice if I didn't come home…He's so busy; I never even see him at weekends! He's always working! You know…you remind me of him a lot…" She replied as she stole a glance at the stoic figure beside her.

"How so?" He asked. Oh! As if you had to ask!

"Well, you're always working so hard! You never take any time to just…be yourself and do what you want to do…Are you following me?" She asked sheepishly as she glanced in his direction. Naru closed his eyes and smiled slightly, though he didn't allow Mai to see it. The older boy eased his head back to look at the black clouded sky, not that they'd be able to see any stars anyway this far into the city.

"Yes, but working is what I want to do; it's who I am. That's why I work so hard…If I had children maybe I'd be different…I'd have to take care of them, but since I don't, and have no intention of having any in the near future, it's okay for me to work all these hours." He replied simply, but Mai shook her head and tugged on his sleeve, not looking up at him. Feeling her tug the older boy paused and looked down at her, seeing how serious she was being by the look on her face.

"No. It's not alright…I worry about you sometimes, and it's not just me. Lin-san worries too, and so do all the others, though they don't see you working as much as we do…You should relax sometimes! Come and talk to us for a while! You don't have to work all the time, and if you have too much to do then let me help! It's what you employ me for after all." She argued, giving him a small smile as they turned a corner. Naru felt a slight heat rise to his cheeks at her heartfelt plea, his blue eyes suddenly becoming very interested in the houses across the street.

"You worry too much." He replied stubbornly. Someone has to. Mai thought with a sigh as she looked around, recognising the familiar semi-detached houses of her street. "There's your house." He added as he stopped before Mai could get her bearings. She looked at the dark house; no sign of life visible on either side.

"Oh; I never knew that short cut…Thank you." She said as she looked the deserted driveway, only slightly surprised. He's not home yet. She thought as she shifted her gaze to the door, knowing it was going to be dark and lonely inside. "Um…I don't suppose you'd like to come in for a coffee would you? It's pretty cold out here…" She said as she turned back to him.

"I really should get back…Lin will be wondering where I am." He added. Mai nodded and looked back at the dark windows, suddenly feeling a foreboding shiver. Mai! What are you thinking? It's just your house! She scolded, though she supposed it couldn't be helped with her job. She was about to say goodnight when there was a loud rumble from above. Mai looked up and felt a raindrop hit her face, shortly followed by another.

"Come on; you can call Lin-san from my house. I've been experimenting with my cappuccino machine for a while now. Dad bought it for me last Christmas." Mai said as she tugged Naru quickly across the road, leaving him no room to object as she dragged him up the red brick driveway to the front door. Mai shivered as she opened her coat and reached into her breast pocket, taking the key out and slotting it into the lock. "Come on in." She invited brightly as she turned the hallway light on and looked up the stairs before walking down the hall to the kitchen. The fear she had felt melted away as she took in the familiar surroundings of her home, knowing that Naru was just down the hall.

"Mai? Do you have a younger sister?" Naru asked as he entered the kitchen wearing a black turtleneck jumper, trousers and socks. He'd obviously figured out where to leave his shoes and coat. Mai went to the cappuccino machine and took the glass coffee pot to the sink to fill it with water, listening as the rain pounded heavily on the kitchen window. Wow! We made it just in time.

"No; the pictures are all me. I'm an only child." She replied sheepishly as she turned the tap on, secretly lamenting the fact that her father still insisted on keeping up her old photos. "How about you? You never speak about your family…Is Lin-san related to you in some way? You have a strong resemblance." She asked as she turned the machine on and turned away from it. It was mainly their deep blue eyes that made her think that; aside from that she supposed they didn't really have that much in common. Lin was much taller and more mature, though they were both fairly pale, and Naru did have a few years left before he'd officially stop growing.

"Perhaps." The older teen replied enigmatically.

"Do you like being a man of mystery that much?" She asked jokingly as she walked back down the hall and turned right, into the living room. Inside was a television on a wooden stand by the window. There was a small coffee table by the wall, and two white leather armchairs stood off to either side with a sofa between. In the corner, between one of the chairs and sofa, was a medium sized Christmas tree, which Mai had taken down from the loft a few weeks ago, knowing that her father wouldn't have time to do it. I wonder if he'll be home this year? Last year he had to work…Wait a minute! What if I have to work? She thought as she looked over her shoulder at Naru. Then again, there could be worse fates; besides if dad is working then at least I won't be alone like I was last year. Mai hopped onto one of the chairs and leaned on one of the arms with one leg tucked beneath her thigh while the other rested on the opposite arm of the chair facing Naru, who stood somewhat awkwardly in the doorway. "Go ahead and lounge. Sofa, chair; it's your choice." She invited as she laid back with a sigh.

"Mai? You really shouldn't sit like that while wearing a skirt." Naru advised awkwardly, turning his face away as he sat on the sofa with a straight back and crossed one leg over the other, averting his eyes from Mai's creamy thighs, the angle of her legs leaving her underwear on full display.

"Oh! Sorry…You don't have to be so rigid you know…I said you can lounge. Why don't you lie back? You'd be more comfortable." She added as she swung her legs to the floor and stood up, going into the hall and coming back with a wireless phone. "Here; give Lin-san a call." She added as she handed the small red phone to him. As he made the call Mai walked back to the kitchen and poured out two cups of coffee. She got a tray and put the two large cups on it along with a bowl of small marshmallows, a small pot of cocoa powder and a plate of homemade cookies. "Hey; I wasn't sure if you wanted anything to eat. Here; help yourself." She insisted as she put the tray on the wooden coffee table and picked up one of the cups. Naru walked over and lifted the other cup, adding a few marshmallows and a sprinkling of powder. Mai sat on the floor by the table and crossed her legs, happily munching a chocolate chip cookie.

"These are good…Did you make them?" Naru asked politely as he walked back to the sofa with a biscuit and sat on the left cushion, leaning one elbow on the arm.

"Yeah; I made them yesterday at school…I usually leave some out for my dad, but he never eats them." She replied as she stretched her legs out, her feet disappearing beneath the low table. "I'll put some in a bag for you and Lin-san before you go." She added as she took another bite.

"Thank you…" He replied in his usual monotone. Mai waited a few moments sipping her coffee, glancing at Naru every so often. He looks a little awkward…Come to think of it, this is the most time I've ever spent with him outside of work where he doesn't have a book or something in his hand…Maybe he's…nervous? No; he's too much of a narcissist for that! If in doubt he'd probably just talk about himself! But…if that's the case…She thought as she looked at him. He has such wonderful eyes! She added as she looked at the dark blue orbs, which stared far off at the coffee cup. She could pick out three or four different shades of blue flecked in his deep irises that seemed almost ethereal at times.

"Naru…Are you okay? You seem preoccupied or something." She said finally as she tore her gaze from his eyes, noticing the heavy silence that was now sitting between them.

"Well, I wouldn't say preoccupied…I'm just not used to this…To be honest the only person I really talk to out of work is Lin, and even then we're usually talking about work." He replied with a hint of awkwardness. Mai thought for a moment and then smiled teasingly.

"What about Masako? She said you go out together all the time!" Mai replied, not really surprised by Naru's response. Now that she thought about it, she had never heard him talking to anyone about anything non-work related, aside from the time he'd been trying to cheer her up in the well.

"Masako-san is…insistent. I don't socialize with her if I can help it. She's helpful while she's working with us, but she's awfully…" He trailed off with a twitch of his brow.

"Clingy?" Mai offered tentatively.

"Yes; she does like to hold onto me, but unfortunately there's not a lot I can do about that." He replied, cutting off as he realised he'd said more than he wanted.

"And why is that?" Mai pried gently.

"I'm tired of this conversation…" Naru decided evasively.

"Alright; then I'll teach you how to relax and socialize. Firstly, I told you to lounge. Lie back on the sofa…Go on." She ordered, placing her empty cup on the table. Naru put his cup on the floor by his feet and sat back while leaning his chin on his hand, but he didn't lie down. "Oh, come on! There are three cushions on that sofa! Just lie down!" She ordered but he still didn't move, so Mai got up and grabbed his feet, pulling his surprised body round until his head was resting on one arm and his feet were on the other arm. She crossed his legs and then sat on the floor beside him. "Comfortable?" She asked. Naru paused a moment with a shell-shocked expression, feeling some of the strain leave his back as he laid there awkwardly.

"Yes." He replied eventually, though he was still somewhat self-conscious. I can't believe he runs his own company, but he's never sprawled across a sofa before! She thought in disbelief as she turned towards him and crossed her legs, her skirt rising up her thighs once again at the action.

"Now we'll talk; you choose! Any subject at all." She insisted as she looked up at him, watching him raise one arm behind his head while the other rested across his stomach, fiddling with a button on his shirt.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked finally, smirking as he looked down at her red face.

"Okay, certain subjects are just off limits!" She replied in a flustered tone as she waved her arms. He asked that on purpose! He knows I don't have a boyfriend! Does he think I'd be working with him in all my spare time if I had a boyfriend? Oh my god! What if he's guessed the truth and he's just asking that question to tease me? She thought in a panic, looking away as her face turned even redder.

"I take it that's a no. Me neither. I don't think I'd get on with anyone well enough to go out with them." He added dismissively, Mai feeling her stomach drop slightly at his response, though it was true. She couldn't imagine many girls getting on with him well enough; she even doubted Masako would really be happy in a relationship with Naru really. "What's your excuse?" He asked tiredly, his eyelids dropping slightly as the comfort of the sofa slowly pulled him in.

"Well; I just haven't been asked…There is someone I like, but he's kind of…out of my league I guess." She replied. Naru sighed tiredly as his eyes closed. She almost thought he was asleep until he spoke.

"That surprises me…You have a bright personality; even if you do do dumb things sometimes…I don't think that anyone's out of your league if you believe in yourself…" He replied, his voice trailing off as he fell asleep. Mai pushed herself onto her knees and crawled closer to him. His eyes were closed, emphasising his long eyelashes. His face was peaceful and without a care; the thoughtful frown he usually wore had slipped away. Mai smiled and brushed his fringe out of his eyes gently, glancing down briefly to his lips. Oh no you don't Mai! She thought firmly as she got to her feet, picking up Naru's cup on her way. She took the empty cups to the kitchen, grabbing Naru's coat on the way back and throwing it over his sleeping form before lifting the phone and redialling his house. Lin sounded tired as he answered the phone, but was grateful for Mai's call.

"He's asleep. I think it would be best to leave him where he is…He's not doing any harm, and besides it's still raining out there." She excused, looking down at Naru as she turned off the living room light. Lin stayed on the phone long enough to agree with her before he hung up and went to bed. Mai wrote a quick note for her dad to explain Naru's presence, sticking it on the closed living room door before going up to bed herself.