A/N: this story is set before the show starts.

A/N2: and as opposed Sara coming in after Holly's death. Greg comes in new, looking for a job, while Sara has been working with the crime lab for a few years.

A/N3: this story will have bits of things that resemble the episode 'Fannysmackin'

The Newcomer 1/?

Rating: possible R

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Maureen

Summary: Greg Sanders is new to Vegas and the crime lab. He has his faults and achievements. He also has his secrets. But what happens when he is caught in the middle of a secret that he didn't know he was a part of? Greg-centric w/eventual Sandle and Grillows


Stopping in front of the large building, Greg Sanders looked up.

Las Vegas Crime Lab

Clark County

Letting out a frustrated sigh, he whispered to himself. "I can do this." Pulling in a last breath, he made his way inside.

Stopping in front of the door, he straightened his tie; but before he could move another person bumped into him.

"Sorry." The female voice said as she dropped to the floor, picking up the papers that fell during their collision.

Sliding to the ground, he helped her pick up the white sheets. "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have been just standing there." Lifting his gaze, Greg nearly dropped the sheets, he had just picked up, seeing the beauty before him

Picking up the last paper, the brunette turned to the younger man, surprised to find his eyes glued to hers. Clearing her throat, she shuffled the sheets to one arm before putting a hand out. "Oh… umm, I'm Sara… Sidle." She faltered, feeling uncharacteristically jumpy under his intense gaze.

Breaking eye contact, he shook the offered hand. "Umm….Greg Sanders."

Grabbing the papers from his hands, she stuttered. "Well…um it was nice to meet you, I should go." She finished shortly before sliding through the doors he just came from.

Watching the brunette saunter from sight, he let out a silent whistle. 'That girl, if I ever see her again, will be the death of me,' he thought, turning back to his earlier task.

Stepping up to the reception desk, he waited, watching as the woman behind it continued putter around. Clearing his throat, brought the woman's attention to him

"Sorry sir, is there something I can help you with?"

"Uh yes, I was looking a Dr. Grissom's office."

Pointing down the hall, she rattled off. "Take this hall to end, take a right and it'll be the third door on your left." Before continuing her work.

Shaking his head, he made his way down the hall.

Finding the door, he stopped; hearing a few odd noises inside, he frowned before knocking on the door. There was a little movement behind the door before it opened, revealing a slightly disheveled strawberry blonde.

"Umm Gil honey, I'll see you later." She finished shortly, eyeing him, before moving into the closest hall.

Throwing a nod his wife's way, Grissom turned clearing his throat; catching the younger mans attention. "Can I help you with something?"

"Oh… I'm here for an interview."

Nodding his head, the supervisor held up a finger, as if to say 'hold on a second'. Finding a paper on his desk, he asked. "Ah you must be, Greg Sanders?" Seeing his nod, the older man pointed to a seat in front of his desk. "Take a seat and will see what we have to work with."

Sliding onto the chair, Greg nodded. "Okay."

Looking at the sheet before him brought a stunned expression to Grissom's face. "Wow. I don't think I've ever seen a resume this good."

Fidgeting in his seat, he stuttered. "Uh thank you sir."

"No need to be so formal, you can call me Grissom."


Chuckling at the young man in front of him, Grissom continued to scan the paper. "I see you graduated from Stanford last year, at the age of…" His eyebrows seeing the age on the paper. "Twenty-one. So that means you graduated from high school at sixteen…Wow that certainly is an accomplishment."

"Uh… thank you Mr….Dr. Grissom."

Smirking at Greg's nervous stance the supervisor shook his head. "Well from what I see on here, it looks like we can offer you a job here Mr. Sanders."

Jumping from his seat, Greg stuttered. "Wow… I mean thank you…you will not regret this."

"I hope not." Putting the paper down, he brought his gaze to the young man. "Is tomorrow too early to start your training?"


"As a CSI."

"But I thought you needed a DNA tech?"

"We do, but we also need a CSI. And with all your skill and this amazing resume, you're perfect."

Thinking about it for a minute, he muttered. "Okay…I'll take it. What time do you need me?"

"We start at midnight but I'd like to see you in here at eleven."

"Okay, eleven it is. Thank you so much for this opportunity. You definitely won't regret it." Giving one last 'thank you' the new CSI made his way out of the building.

Flipping open his cell phone, Greg dialed a familiar number, waiting for it to ring. Hearing the female voice, he exclaimed. "Mom, I got it. I got the job."

"Ohh." Maureen Sanders squealed, jumping happily on the other end of the line. "Gregory that so amazing. So you'll be working in the lab?"

Greg's eyes bugged hearing the question slip from his mother's mouth. Frantically searching mind for something to say, he stuttered. "Uh yeah."

Hearing the slight regulation in his voice, Maureen asked. "Gregory is everything alright."

"Oh yeah mom I'm fine… but I should get off the phone. I'm gonna need my rest if I'm gonna start tomorrow."

"Tomorrow. Wow that's fast. Okay well call me when you get time, and be careful in that place. All those chemicals. You could hurt yourself."

"I know mother, I will be careful. You can trust your little boy."

"I know." She sighed; wishing she never left her son alone. "I love you sweetie."

"Love you too, mom." Gazing back at the crime lab building he let out his own sigh. "I'll talk to you later." Hanging up the phone he placed it back in his pocket, before moving to his car.

TBC…..R&R if you want more

A/N: this story isn't much now but the more you read, the more truth's will start to come out.