"The sky looks really pretty . . ."


Silence. Eiri hoped it would remain quiet, and wrapped an arm around Shuichi's shoulders in hopes his lover would get the message. He didn't want to talk. He just wanted to sit there and enjoy a peaceful moment. Who knew when someone would recognize them and the media barrage would begin?

"A lot of people write about sunsets . . ." Shuichi commented moments later.

"Hnn." He gave Shuichi a slight squeeze, another indication for quiet.

More silence.



Violet eyes gazed up at him. They sought reassurance. Since Bad Luck had disbanded and Shuichi had come to terms with the split, the singer had been feeling lost and insecure. Eiri had lived with Shuichi long enough to tell. The novelist let out a sigh then leaned forward, capturing Shuichi's lips in a powerful and prolonged kiss.

When it ended, Eiri pressed their foreheads together.

"Baka . . . Everything will be fine."

Tears welled in Shuichi's eyes and he smiled.

"Thank you."