By the Fire

Chapter 3

Disclaimer – ATLA does not belong to me. I make no profit off this.

First Completed/Published 2006.09-2006.10 Revision/Final Edition 2008.03

Iroh stared into the bright golden eyes of his nephew. Well wasn't he a sight, sitting in a plush chair, stroking himself, in the direction of the boy. His hand paused in its ministrations to himself, and he smiled gently, partly in chagrin of himself for having been caught like this. But here was another opportunity to teach Zuko, and another opportunity for pleasure…

"My prince, did you want another lesson?" he teased the Prince with a small but playful grin, smiling gently at the boy's blush. Before Zuko could stutter anything out, Iroh coaxed the young man over with a beckoning finger, "Come and I will teach you some more."

The young Prince blushed a little, feeling his own flesh stiffen again at the promise of learning more about the secrets of pleasure, but he hesitated. The size of his uncle made him feel self-conscious about himself. Iroh did not miss this, and understood. He spoke to the Prince reassuringly.

(This part of the chapter has been cut out per FFN's no-smex standards. Go to the profile and follow the link there to the FULL, UNCUT version of this chapter)

"Delicious." He ran his hand over Zuko's frame one last time before closing the robes and gently tying them closed. His hand gently petted Zuko's hair and ran along his cheek

"I think you have learned well tonight. You deserve some rest."

Zuko smiled a little and nodded as his Uncle drew the soft blanket up to his chin. He loved the gentle touch and longed for more, but he was tired. He would sleep now, and ask more questions tomorrow. The hints that Uncle dropped piqued his curiosity and his mind raced with countless questions about himself and about men and women.

"Good night, Uncle. And… thank you." he said softly. Iroh shot him a gentle smile.

"No need to. You deserve the best, and you deserve to learn about things the right way. Pleasure is a wonderful thing, to be shared by men and women alike. It is a high art to be respected." he said. He knew that his brother had different ideas about sex, and how women existed only for the pleasure of men, nothing more. To Iroh, that was a detrimental way of thinking. He would teach Zuko to respect sex.

"Of course, my brother has… different ideas. He has no respect for pleasure, like I do. And about what we did…" he trailed off. Zuko nodded in understanding and placed his finger to his own lips. The older man chuckled softly at this and nodded. He was still in disbelief at what they had done, but there was no taking it back, and it was not as if he had harmed the boy at all. He just prayed that Zuko would not be changed in any negative way for it.

"Exactly. Now, get some rest. I am taking you to the docks tomorrow, and you can see how ships are built." he said and even though the boy was tired, his eyes gleamed with delight. The older man felt buoyed by the youth's enthusiasm and gave him one final gentle stroke along his scalp.

"Good night, and sleep well."

"You too, Uncle." Zuko said softly, his eyes closing. His breathing was regular soon enough, and Iroh smiled as he returned to his seat by the dying fire, sipping his tea and watching the flames dance.