A/N: Words cannot describe how truly sorry I am for waiting so long to finish this story. I was in 8th grade when I started it, and now I'm about to graduate high school. If anybody still cares enough to leave feedback, I would greatly appreciate it. But if not, I understand one hundred percent. I neglected my readers, as well as my writing, and I can't apologize enough. I hope that someone, if anyone, finds joy in its conclusion. I did.

Thank you,

~*Delilah Dean*~

Padmè grabbed Anakin's hand, and backed against the wall.

"Hello Palpatine," she spat. "Or should I call you Darth Sidious?"

The old man chuckled, and smiled at her.

"Come now, Padmé. I'm the same man I always was," he said, sickeningly sweet. He moved closer to her, touching her cheek.

"It's such a shame you had to whore yourself around. Thank goodness you left the throne. I don't know what the people of our home planet would have thought, having a harlot for a queen."

Padmé jerked away from his touch, unable to conceal the look of shame that crossed her face.

"Don't speak to her that way," Anakin seethed. Palpatine turned to face him, smiling once more.

"Ah, my young apprentice. I see your punishments have not been enough." Palpatine paused, in thought. "Perhaps, if I didn't inflict the pain on you," he murmured.

Suddenly, Padmé was hit with a round of lightning. She gasped in agony, falling to the floor as Sidious intensified the voltage.

"Padmé, no," Anakin cried as he dropped to the ground beside her. Her head lolled to the side in unconsciousness. "You will pay for that," he seethed, ignoring the pain he felt as he stood.

Sidious cackled once more.

"My boy, I've done nothing more than remove the source of pain from your life. Honestly, she turned her back on you, for merely telling the truth! That isn't someone you should waste time and effort on. Besides, who's to say that the children are yours? If she slept with someone she didn't know once, why not many times?"

With a nod to the Red Guards, the two men held Anakin up against the wall. Sidious called his lightsaber to his hand, igniting it. He held it up to Anakin's neck.

"So this is the death of Skywalker, the Chosen One," the Sith Lord chuckled. "I must say, I'm rather disappointed in you. I expected you to put up more of a fight. But alas, any way you die is good enough for me," he mused.

Anakin remained silent, drawing upon the Force. It had been so long since he was a Jedi, but he could feel the Force moving through him, flowing through his veins as naturally as his blood. Born of the Force itself, Anakin knew it would never turn its back on him.

With a mighty surge of power, Anakin threw the Red Guards to the floor, and Force pushed Sidious away from him. The older man lifted his eyebrows in surprise, and smiled evilly. He drew another lightsaber out of his cloak and tossed it to Anakin. He caught it with ease, but looked at Sidious suspiciously.

"I like to keep things interesting," he replied simply. "It will make it more bittersweet when I kill you."

Anakin felt his rage bubble over, and ignited the blade. The heavy weight felt familiar in his hand, and merely felt like an extension of his own body. He glared, as Sidious circled him slowly, and kept his saber in a defensive position.

"You know, I always wondered how any woman would be attracted to you, especially a queen," Sidious stated. "Then again, whores don't make for very good queens."

Anakin swallowed hard, doing his best to ignore the comment. He would not let this amoeba of a man get the best of him. It wasn't the Jedi way.

"I always wondered what the Jedi saw in you. A slave, a worthless piece of nothing. Then, I saw the darkness inside of you, and I knew that you would make the perfect Sith. So I planned your 'death', I suppose. Made you forget the things you loved. If she hadn't gotten in the way, it would have been the perfect plan. But I suppose we all make mistakes," he said simply, before stabbing his saber at Anakin.

Having anticipated the move, Anakin moved out of the way, just in time before he made his own move against the chancellor. The battle ensued.

Anakin was exhausted. Every time he tried to make a fatal blow, he was blocked, only to find himself about to be struck down by Sidious at the same time. He parried, blocked, struck, and spun like he never had before.

It was a game of chance. And the cost of losing was the highest it could be.

Suddenly, the Force whispered to him. It called out to him like the voice of an old friend, something he hadn't heard in awhile. He paused for a moment, merely relishing in the feeling.

It gave him the strength to fight back.

Sidious looked at Anakin in shock. A glow surrounded him, growing brighter each second. Suddenly, Sidious realized what it was: a physical manifestation of the Force, surrounding its son.

Abruptly, the tone of the battle changed. Anakin fought with ease, finding within him a new strength. Soon, it was Sidious who was growing weaker with each passing moment.

It wasn't long before Anakin delivered a strong blow to Sidious' midsection, causing him to fall to his knees.

"You took everything from me," he seethed. "And you will pay in hell for your crimes."

That being said, Anakin delivered a fatal blow to the Sith Lord's chest.

Then, he promptly collapsed.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes abruptly, his meditation interrupted. The heavy weight of the Dark Side that he'd felt in the Force for so long had suddenly vanished.

Sidious had been defeated.

"No," he whispered in disbelief. "Anakin couldn't have…" he faltered. But everything suddenly became clear. Anakin, it seemed, had indeed defeated the Sith Lord. Despite his expulsion from the Order, and what Obi-Wan had thought been his death, Anakin had found the strength inside him to fulfill the prophecy and destroy the Sith. Balance was restored.

Feeling the Force draw him to the Senate building, Obi-Wan ran as fast as he could.

With the Force as his guide, it didn't take Obi-Wan long to find Anakin. His heart tightened in his chest when he saw the young man, but quickly realized his friend was alive. Obi-Wan let out a grateful breath. He knew in his heart that his former padawan had not died in a speeder accident. And even a Sith Lord couldn't destroy him.

"Anakin," he whispered, shaking him gently. Anakin's eye popped open.

"Master?" he said, confused.

"I'm not your master anymore, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. He smiled at the young man. "You've done it, Anakin. You've fulfilled the prophecy."

"What about Padmé," Anakin asked, looking past Obi-Wan. The older Jedi followed Anakin's gaze, his heart sinking as he saw the young woman crumpled on the floor. He moved toward her, relieved to feel a fluttering in her neck.

"She has a pulse," he told Anakin.

"I have to find Luke, Obi-Wan," Anakin said with a bit of solace. Obi-Wan looked at him, puzzled.


"My son," he said with a slight smile. Obi-Wan's mind flashed back to the day of Anakin's funeral, remembering that Padmé's baby boy was named Luke.

"I will stay with Padmé. You go find your boy," Obi-Wan said with a small smile of his own.

Anakin gave him a grateful look before he left the room as fast as he could. He drew on the Force to lead him to the baby, finding himself in front of a small closet. He could hear the squalls of a baby inside, and he burst in hurriedly.

The baby lay on the floor wrapped in a thin blanket, crying heavily. Taking the baby in his arms, Anakin felt immense relief. The boy was fine, and his crying stilled at his father's touch. Looking into his blue eyes, Anakin felt his own well with tears. He held the baby tightly to the crook of his neck and sobbed in relief. His son was alive and with him once more.

After a moment, he took a shuddering breath and carried Luke with him back to Obi-Wan.

"We should leave. Now," Anakin told his former master. Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, gently picking Padmé up from off the floor.

"We will take her to the temple Healers," Obi-Wan said. "They will be able to help her the best."

Anakin nodded in agreement.

It wasn't long before they reached the temple, and brought Padmé into the care of the temple's Healers. Anakin's heart caught as he watched them carry off his beloved, and found himself comforted only by the presence of his son.

"We need to call Sabè," Anakin found himself saying. "She has Leia, and she's Padmé's best friend. She needs to be here."

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, and contacted the young woman. Her disbelief that Anakin was alive was palpable through the small device, and neither man was surprised when she arrived within a quarter of an hour, carrying Padmé's daughter.

"Anakin?" she said in obvious disbelief. "How- I thought-"

"It's a very long story, Sabè," Anakin replied. He gave the woman a quick hug and felt his heart melt at the sight of his daughter. He bit at his lip, and Sabè smiled at him.

"Here," she whispered, exchanging Luke out of Anakin's arms for Leia.

He gave Sabè a grateful smile, as he cradled his daughter in his hands. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, born from his love for her mother. He felt his heart swell with love, and he looked back to his son in Sabè's arms. If he wasn't so worried about Padmé, life would be perfect.

He felt Obi-Wan tug on his arm.

"Anakin, you need to be examined yourself. The wounds on your arms-"

"-Are fine," Anakin finished, moving away. "I won't let my children out of my sight again, Obi-Wan. I can't."

Obi-Wan sighed, but relented. He smiled softly, noting how his former apprentice had truly grown up. The cocky, arrogant boy he once knew was replaced with a caring, sensitive man who placed his family above all else. Anakin smiled at Obi-Wan, sensing his pride at the man he'd become.

Their moment was interrupted when one of the Healers came before them. Anakin felt his heart stop.

"How's Padmé," he asked, unable to keep his voice steady. The Healer gave a small smile.

"She's suffered some minor injuries due to the lightning, and the impact of her fall," the Twi'lek said. "But she is awake, and we expect her to make a full recovery."

Anakin closed his eyes, and took a shuddering breath. Life was far too perfect at the moment. The Sith had been destroyed, he had his children, and the woman he loved was alive. It had to be impossible. He opened his eyes, finding Obi-Wan grinning at him. His former master gently took Leia from him, before saying "Go be with her." Anakin smiled gratefully, before dashing into the Healer's ward. He didn't even have to inquire as to where she was- he simply knew. He found her laying in one of the beds, her dark curls splayed about the pillow.

"Ani," she whispered, smiling at him. He took her hand, before falling to his knees beside her.

"Oh, Padmé," he choked out. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you again."

Padmé stroked his cheek, her own eyes filling with tears.

"I feel the same way," she whispered, her voice breaking. Anakin stood, taking her face in his hands.

"I love you so much," he mumbled before kissing her as hard as he could. It seemed like an eternity before she finally pulled away.

"What I told you back there was true, Ani," she said softly. "I never stopped loving you. Not for one moment. Asking you to leave the day the twins were born was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Then when they said you'd died, I-"

"Shh," Anakin said softly, putting a finger to her lips. "We don't have to live in the past anymore. We're both alive, and our children are perfect. That's all we need."

Padmé nodded in agreement, kissing him once more.

"Marry me, Anakin Skywalker," she whispered. Anakin pulled back in shock.

"But-but- I was gonna-" he sputtered before Padmé silenced him with another kiss.

"Just for once. Be quiet," she said with a smile. He grinned at her, resisting the urge to kiss her again.

A knock on the wall announced Obi-Wan and Sabè's arrival, each carrying a twin.

"We figured we'd given you both enough time to make up," Sabè said with a wry grin. Leia began to babble in her arms, and her grin became wider.

"And we thought we'd return these to you," Obi-Wan said, placing Luke into Padmé's arms as Sabè returned Leia to Anakin.

Anakin closed his eyes, silently thanking the Force. He truly had a family once more, and it was everything he could have hoped for, and then some.

"I'm so grateful," he confessed, as he cradled his daughter against his chest.

Obi-Wan grinned at him.

"After what you've done today, my friend, you deserve it. I'm sorry that I lost faith in you. If there's been any fault in judgment, it lies with me alone."

"No," Anakin said shaking his head. "I never considered the consequences of my actions. If it wasn't for you, Padmé might have died. Maybe I would've too. I'm forever indebted to you," he finished, looking Obi-Wan in the eye.

"Despite everything, Anakin, I know you would do the same for me."

They hugged briefly, and Padmé couldn't help but smile. In the span of a week, she'd gotten everything she wanted. Life couldn't be better.

One Month Later

Anakin looked in the mirror and swatted at the imaginary dirt on his formal Jedi robes. In light of recent events, the Jedi Council removed their ban on attachment, and had allowed Anakin to become a Jedi once more.

Obi-Wan came to stand beside him.

"Well, my friend, you clean up surprisingly well," he lightly teased. Anakin smirked.

"I wish I could say the same."

Obi-Wan chuckled.

"Oh, and that must be why Sabè has agreed to be my date for your wedding," he retorted.

Anakin looked at his former master pointedly.

"I always thought she had a thing for you," he said matter-of-fact-ly. Obi-Wan furrowed his brow.


"Oh, nothing," Anakin said hurriedly. Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at him.

"Just because it's your wedding day doesn't mean I have to be nice to you, y'know," he scoffed.

"Fair enough," Anakin countered. "But it sure would help, seeing as how Sabè is the maid of honor for my wedding."

"Gentleman?" one of the padawans said softly. "The wedding's about to begin. We need you in your places."

"Here we go," Anakin muttered to himself.

The wedding had been beautiful. Anakin swore that there would never be another woman as stunning as Padmé.

He'd been so mesmerized by her beauty that he stumbled over his vows like an incoherent shaak. Really the only part he heard was "you may kiss the bride."

And he'd kissed her like she'd never been kissed before.

So there they sat during their reception, Padmé cuddled up against his chest.

"Oh, Anakin," she said softly. "I don't think I could ever be happier than I am now."

He smiled at her, kissing the top of her head softly as they watched their friends and family enjoy the party. Padmé's parents were with the twins, and the both of them seemed to have gotten over their anger at Padmé for getting pregnant. Jobal laughed gleefully as Leia grabbed at a piece of her hair, while Ruwee seemed enraptured by his first grandson.

"It's too much sometimes, isn't it?" Anakin asked. Padmé looked at him.


"Being happy."

Padmé smiled at him.

"Well, I know it's more than enough," she said, kissing him on the mouth.

"I think we deserve it," he whispered to her. Padmé's smile grew wider.

"I think we do too."

They turned their attention back to the dance floor, noting with shock and delight that a very tipsy Sabè and Obi-Wan were dancing cheek to cheek. Anakin made a mental note to mercilessly tease his friend for it later. But for now, he was satisfied at simply watching the happiness occurring around him.

"C'mon Mrs. Skywalker," he said standing. "Let's dance."

"I would love to," she replied, taking his hand. They swayed together for the longest time, lingering together even after the song had ended.

"I never want this moment to end," Padmé said finally. Anakin smiled at her, kissing her once more.

"It can only get better from here," he said to her. "I can promise you that."

And as he leaned in to kiss her for the umpteenth time that day, he smiled. The hardships they'd both faced were worth it, merely for this spectacular moment. And he knew one thing for sure:

The Force would be with them. Always.

The End