A/N: Hmmm… this is my third, or fourth, attempt at a fanfic, depending on which I release first. This, I hope, will pioneer a good number of crossover fics just like this. It just fits with Love Hina's Keitaro. I can't think of a reason not to do it. The story will need some time, but this initial fic must simply be done. I very much lack knowledge about Love Hina, I only know about most of the main characters and some major plot scenes. Not enough to keep it with the original flow of things, but enough to at least make an AU, which I must declare this fic to be. There'll be some spoilers for the series I'm crossing Love Hina with though. Hope you guys like this. I'll make this look like a one shot… for now.


The Continuation of My Dream



'I've never forgotten about you…'


'And I never will…'


'Your strength…'


'Your will…'


'Your dedication…'


'I'll never forget…'


'That's also the reason, why I can't let go…'


'…Why I can't move forward…'


'I've chosen to go further back instead… To run away to another memory…'


'…From all the pain…'


'Will you hate me…'


'… for even thinking to change my decision all those years ago?'


'All of what we've been through seems like a dream to me now…'


'I dream I wish I never woke up from…'


'Will you forgive me for wishing to see you one last time…'

The male manager of the Hinata Sou woke up early that day, even earlier than usual. The moment he opened his eyes he immediately willed his body to move and Didn't even heed the body's call for another five minutes of rest. His movements were swift and focused, very much unlike the Keitaro Urashima the tenants of the Hinata Sou knew. And it was true… It wasn't Keitaro Urashima, who woke up that one particular morning. Today, Keitaro Urashima never existed. Just for today.

He changed into a pair of sweatpants and a plain white shirt and started the intensive morning exercise he once did, before he moved to the Hinata Sou. He started with the physical aspect of the exercise, stretched his muscles first before moving on to push-ups and sit-ups. After that he moved onto the mental aspect of the workout, starting with a bit of meditation before he moved on to the part he had given up all these years. He spread out various items in front of him: a lamp, a pen, a kettle and a poster he had bought the day before. He slowly held out his hand in front of him as though relishing, and most importantly reliving, the moment he had last done this with purpose.

He touched the kettle with the tips of his fingers…

After his exercise he set out to complete the managerial and maintenance chores for the day, going straight to the hot springs area after he had taken the maintenance implements he needed from the supply closet. There would be no "accidents" today, that was Keitaro Urashima's curse, not his. He only hoped the girls would keep the Hinata Sou intact until he came back.

Then again, the implement they used to create the said damage would be gone for the day.

Literally and figuratively.

They never did wonder how he managed to stay in one piece after they sent him flying across the premises. Nor did they wonder how he always managed to fix any damage they caused.

His uncharacteristic single minded focus enabled him to finish all of the chores for the day in just an hour, something that normally would take him an hour and a half at least. He emerged from the hot springs area after doing maintenance on the plumbing, a task which he intentionally put off for last. He had just done a major refitting and maintenance job and he wasn't going to let any work he had done today to go to waste.

He reached into the plumbing panel before him, touched the nearest pipe with the tips of his fingers and concentrated…

He was glistening with sweat when closed the door to the hot springs, a warm shower would've been really welcome at that time but he knew that his morning's work wasn't done just yet. Only stopping to clean his hands thoroughly, he headed straight into the kitchen.


Shinobu Maehara woke up to the sounds of activity in the kitchen. She was filled with curiosity as to who would be busying themselves there. The job of culinary manager usually fell to her. To say that she was surprised to see the Hinata Sou manager preparing breakfast as like saying that the sun was warm. She didn't have time to pinch herself to check if she were dreaming, as the strangely acting manager turned to her and gave her his brightest smiles. Of course, in response, shinobu blushed beet red.

"Good morning Shinobu-chan," greeted the unlikely cook.

"Good morning senpai," She greet back, suddenly finding something interesting on the floor.

"You're just the person I was looking for."

"I-I am?" Shinobu turned a deeper shade of red as she slowly approached her senpai.

"Yes, I want you to try this tofu dish I had prepared for you guys this morning." Shinobu noticed something different about her senpai as she shuffled closer to him.

'Was senpai always this fit?' She mentally asked as the manager's shirt clung to his body. She blushed even harder as she realized she was gawking at him.

"Here," Said the Hinata Sou manager, handing the young iron chef a bowl of his creation. "I want your honest opinion."

A single spoonful was enough for the young Maehara as she felt her taste buds get sent to cloud nine. She closed her eyes and focused all of her senses on relishing the tasteful assault her senpai's dish created. The texture and flavor was perfect and every ingredient harmonized with the others. This dish was something one only expected to find in the finest of five star restaurants.

"So how was it?"

"It's very good senpai," she answered, hoping she'd get the chance to ask her senpai later about the recipe.

"It's was the favorite dish of a very dear friend of mine," he said, his lips curling into a wistful smile as he looked longingly out the window.

"I've already finished preparing breakfast," he continued, "I hope you don't mind Shinobu-chan."

"O-Of course not senpai." She said looking up to meet the kanrinrin's gaze.

"I'll be gone the whole day Shinobu-chan, I hope you guys don't mind too much." He said before his features settled into a soft smile. "The rest of the meal I've prepared is on the counter."

Shinobu simply nodded in response. Shinobu noticed something different about the way her senpai acted. It was as though he were a different person today. He was focused, calm and confident.

'Just like a hero of justice…' she thought dreamily.

"Will you help me prepare the table, Shinobu-chan?"

"Sure senpai."

The chore was finished quickly enough with the two of them helping each other. The Hinata Sou manager excused himself afterwards much to Shnobu's dismay, she enjoyed doing the chores with her kind senpai. By the time he was finished with his warm bath the girls had already awoken and were already downstairs sitting down for breakfast. He fixed his hair and quickly got dressed, wearing a white T-shirt with green sleeves and a pair of jeans. His bag was already prepared for today, which left only one more thing to secure.

His most precious possession.

He turned towards his study table, to where he always put his prized possession.

Only to find it gone.

After a moment of panic, he composed himself and thought of how it could have disappeared.


Grabbing his bag, he headed off downstairs to find the Hinata Sou's resident chef and launderer. He arrived in time to hear the girls praising the cook… or so they thought.

"What's the special occasion kiddo?" Kitsune the resident slacker asked as she finished her meal. "Kei-kun finally proposed to ya?"

"N-No…" Shinobu denied as she turned two shades of red.

Motoko, who almost went off to find and punish their pervert landlord for even considering the idea, simply chose to sit down and enjoy the food. "I agree Shinobu, this meal is simply delightful, what's the occasion."

"Mmhmm, this breakfast is extra yummy Shinomu." Su, the resident mad scientist added.

"You've outdone yourself this time Shinobu-chan," the Hinata Sou's premier pervert basher Naru complimented.

"Umm… I didn't prepare breakfast today, Keitaro-senpai did.


The Hinata Sou manager chose this opportune time to enter the scene. "Shinobu, have you seen the stuffed lion I usually keep on my study table?"

The heads of all those present turned to his direction. Those assembled each had their choice of either dropping their jaw to the floor or leaving their mouth agape as they saw the manager of the Hinata Sou. He was sans glasses, with his short hair now arranged in spikes towards the back. His shirt, while very much uncharacteristic of him, fit him so very well as did his jeans.

"Ahem…" He coughed into his fist. "Shinobu-chan, have you seen it?"

"Umm… yes senpai, I washed it yesterday and I was about to return it," she answered, trying not to stare at her senpai. She failed abysmally.

The rest of the girls couldn't blame her.

"Where is it, Shinobu-chan?"

"Umm… It's in the basket in the laundry room." She dazedly answered.

"Thanks." He set off, but not before giving Shinobu a grateful smile. She would've turned into a puddle of goo, had she not seen the looks her fellow residents were giving her.

'Were they jealous?'

The girls were still thoroughly stunned when he returned, this time holding a stuffed lion in his hands.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be gone for the day so please keep the Hinata Sou intact."

Kaolla was the first to recover. "Where are you going?"

The male kanrinrin walked towards her and ruffled her hair while he said, "Don't worry, I'll be back this evening and I'll try to get you something while I'm out. Okay?"

She nodded enthusiastically before sitting back in front of the table.

"Bye," he said over his shoulder as he exited the premises.

Shaking off their initial shock, all of them blurred in their actions as they all went up to their respective rooms and emerged a good two minutes later wearing casual clothes. They all stumbled into the living area at the same. Seeing each other in their get-up, each of them tried to spout out excuses to justify their leave.

"Umm… I forgot to buy some book for tomorrow's lesson." Naru said, shouldering a small purse.

"I heard there was a two for one sale on bananas over in the market," Su explained, while sporting a pair of high-tech binoculars around her neck.

"I heard my sister suggest that training outdoors proved very relaxing." Motoko said, shouldering her shinai.

"Umm… I forgot to buy something at the market yesterday." Even Shinobu, who wouldn't normally do something like this, couldn't deny that she wasn't the least bit curious.

"Oh cut it out you guys," Kitsune cut in. "All of us want to follow our radically changed landlord so instead of arguing and letting him slip further away we should just follow him together."

All of them agreed immediately and hurried off to find their secretive manager. They couldn't get far though as Haruka Urashima blocked their path down the inn.

"I know what you girls are up to," she said nonchalantly, "and if you don't want to lose what respect my nephew has for you then I suggest you return upstairs to the Hinata Sou." After she said that she got out of their way and returned to the teahouse. Shinobu almost headed back up but Kaolla reassured her that they wouldn't get caught. Hesitantly she set off along with their fellow tenants.

Haruka simply looked out the teahouse's window and watched as the Hinata girls continued on their spy mission. She didn't know what Keitaro was going to do today, all she knew is that it was very important as he did this every year without fail. Every year ever since he returned to the Urashima family, he would wake up different and solemn, and then he'd be out for the whole day returning only in time for dinner. She didn't know what was going on in his mind but she felt a miniscule fraction of his emotions every time she saw his face on this particular day.

That small bit of emotion she felt made her want to break down and cry until she fell asleep.

The girls followed him around the town, where he seemed to wander around aimlessly. He eventually ended up in a theater, and entering it to watch the latest movie of star wars. They of course followed him inside. After the movie he went to have lunch in a very expensive five star restaurant, which of course the girls, even after trying to pool their money, couldn't afford to enter.

'Is he on a date?' All of the Hinata girls thought simultaneously. 'Who is it with?'

Everyone was greatly surprised that he actually was able to afford eating in such a classy place, Kitsune more so than anyone else.

They were perplexed though as they saw him exit the restaurant alone.

They continued to follow him ducking behind every bush they find before they saw him enter the aquarium. Thinking that he was going to meet his date there, the girls went in after him. They were disappointed again as he exited the aquarium alone. He continued walking, slowly yet purposely, enjoying every step as though he was on an actual date. He stopped in front of a stuffed toy store and peered briefly inside, he then continued on his way afterwards.

'I wish sempai would take me on a date like this," Shinobu thought, not knowing that the rest of the Hinata girls mirrored her thoughts.

He finally arrived at the last stop of his reflective journey as he reached the middle of the suspension bridge connecting two sides of the river together. He put his hands on the railing and looked out towards the sea, watching ships, birds, along with everything else, pass him by. He stood there for hours looking out to the same spot as he had been earlier, waiting perhaps for something to happen, some small glimmer of hope that she was out there, waiting for him to find her.

He kept looking, until the sun set in the horizon and well into the evening.

The Hinata girls already quite tired from their cross-town jaunt took turns in observing their manager from the distance, hidden behind a steel pillar. None of them could explain his secretive behavior.

They didn't his tears dropping onto the railing of the bridge.

The girls had long since returned to the Hinata Sou, convinced that, seeing at how late it already was, he wasn't going anywhere else for the evening. Turning back to where he came from he sprinted off the bridge, passing where his tired tenants had hidden earlier. Now near the river bank, he sat down in a bench and looked out to the very familiar spot before him. He remembered that one moment when everything seemed right. He saw a phantasm of himself bleeding in her arms as she whispered something in his ear.

Words that he would give almost anything to hear again.

'I'll always be your scabbard, Saber… I'll always be your Avalon.'



A/N: There goes my fic. I burned through the night just to finish this. It's not very good but it was quite inspired, if I might say so myself. I'll try to continue this, when I have the time. Right now I'm focusing on Alter Negima: Promises. Reviews are very welcome, as are constructive criticisms and notes on where I messed up in grammar and punctuation. Anyway I'll see y'all laterz.