It started off as a normal day for Haruhi as she entered the third music room and saw the normal faces of her friends and co-hosts. She saw the twins sitting on the couch looking at her a little differently then normal.

As she got ready for the main Host event, she couldn't help notice that all the guys had a different look to them. After the incident of almost losing the Host Club because of Tamaki's choice to get engaged to a young girl of his grandmother's choosing, the guys all seemed a bit different to Haruhi, though she just couldn't figure out why.

The way that Hikaru looked at her sent chills up her spine. Hikaru now gave her a look of admiration and something else that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Every time he looked at her, she couldn't help but smile now.

It was a different look with the second twin, Kaoru. Kaoru now looked at her then quickly started looking from Hikaru to Haruhi, then back to Hikaru with anticipation in his smile. Kaoru basically had the same smile. Only now it had a shimmer of anxiousness.

Mori never changed, but the way he acted was a tad different. Before the incident, Mori only paid attention to the protection of Honey, but now Mori pays attention to the well being of Honey and Haruhi. Mori talks more and tells Haruhi everything, yet still manages to be quiet.

Honey hasn't changed one bit. Although now he enjoys his cakes a lot more.

Kyouya has become a lot more open and happy. He still keeps his nose buried in his numbers and planning. Haruhi now notices that Kyouya has a strange habit of slightly looking up at her and staring until he sees her eyes meet his. Kyouya also has a new behavior of trying to always get Haruhi alone with him, though Tamaki still won't allow that.

Even with all these changes in her friends, Haruhi now finds the most change in her friend Tamaki, who now flirts with her and no longer calls her his daughter. All Tamaki does is rave about Haruhi to the other Host members. Now Tamaki can't keep his little mouth closed to the thoughts he has about Haruhi.

Luckily for Haruhi the customers of the Host Club still don't know about the secret in which all Host members have been hiding for so long. Haruhi enjoys the Host Club and is learning to cope with the new characteristics of her companions.

With the start of a normal day, Haruhi had no idea that this normal day would turn into the most confusing day of her life.

Tamaki is talking and flirting, (mostly flirting), with one of his many customers when he hears a shriek from across the room as a young girl starts screaming.

"Haruhi isn't a guy! Haruhi is a girl!" the young woman yelled.

All the Host Club members then swarmed to the rescue of Haruhi as the young lady kept yelling and spreading the word that Haruhi is not who she said she was.