I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist, or Bluebird's Illusion. If I did, Royai would be cannon looong ago.

A/N: This has elements of BBI, and the anime. Maybe even a little bit from the manga. Oh, and lots of Royai

The dark, forbidding room was illuminated only by a small lamp on the wooden desk that stood to the end of the room. Behind that stood a banner, green-grey in color, pointed end hanging just above the desk, with a rearing white dragon displayed on it, barely visible in the half-light. Six (it should have been seven, but nobody really knew were Greed was, but simply believed him to be dead), stood in the room, two standing proudly beside the desk. One, recognizable by his brilliant blue outfit and eye patch, stood with a stern look, while his secretary stood beside him, eyeing the others.

The rest, well, were more recognizable. The only other woman in the room, graced with a long black dress, stood leaning on her fat, stocky companion. The youngest of them simply stood still, waiting for someone to speak.

The first to speak was the eldest, leaning against a bookshelf comfortably. Brushing some forest-green hair from his face, the homunculi spoke:

"Why does Lust and Pride get all the fun?" he whined, glaring at the one called Lust, to his right.

"Orders are orders," Wrath said simply, eye on the oldest, before speaking again.

"Dismissed." The homunculi began to file out, until stopped by his words again

"Lust, Pride, go to the warehouse." He said, turning to leave. Pride glanced at Lust, who repeated his motions. The fat homunculi at her feet didn't budge, until Envy grabbed his arm roughly and dragged him away, muttering under his breath about being stuck with all the dull missions.

Once they all had gone, Lust smirked slightly, and spoke.

"Looks like you've finally gotten a job without Envy. Congratulations." She said, saying the last words with false enthusiasm. Pride only held her gaze, silent. Minutes passed, it seemed, before he turned away.

"Let's go."

A/N: ...Bit short. But, it's a prolouge

So, how was that? Please review and tell me! First fic, I need to know how I did.

I also have a fear of going OOC. If you see anything wrong, please tell me. Even if it's a flame. Nobody really likes flames, but flames are posted for a reason.

If I fail horribly on this, I may cut it short. But for now, I have it planned for a multi-chapter fic.

R & R!

Luna Ligerstripe