Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine –pout-

Note: I'm glad many of you like Mission: Gay Bar, I'm so happy really. And thanks for all those who reviewed it. I made this longer so it's no longer a drabble but a ficlet. This is for you guys, -grins-.

Warning: a stupid, stupid ficlet

Mission: Poultry Farm

Who would have thought that the dobe is afraid of geese? The onyx-eyed teen thought as he saw the blond run frantically to catch a white goose only to step back hastily when the two-legged animal turned and run toward him.

"Sasuke-teme, why the hell are we doing this?" Naruto puffed, clearly tired in playing catch with the goose. Though, who's the 'it' will always remain a mystery.

"Because this is our mission, dobe," the ravenhaired boy answered impassively, throwing the goose he was holding on a cage then latching the lock. He hides an amused smirk on finding out that the oh-so-strong-and-oh-so-invincible-yet-oh-shit-so-molestable Kyuubi container is wary to be near a goose.

Team 7, though all high ranking Shinobes now, is given a menial mission by the Gondaime, that since they have just been on an A class mission (the Gay bar), they should take a break. From the high ranking missions not from the missions itself, mind.

The idiot blond after hearing that a chuunin like him is supposed to help caging the animals on a poultry and transfer them to another poultry, had gone berserk and engaged in a shouting spree with Hokage on her office on that same evening. It has been a frightening night, seeing the table overturned, papers flying everywhere, ink flooding, flunged curses, head bashing, chairs crashing into windows and falling into a poor villager that just happen to be passing on a wrong place at a wrong time, and ear drums breaking because of the piercing scream coming from the window. The Uchiha has been slightly amazed that a guy could scream like that; maybe the man has been hurt too much.

After being beaten senseless, the blond relented, albeit reluctantly. So at 5 am in the morning they all gathered at the bridge and head to the poultry farm, they just left a note for Kakashi to follow them since they want to finish the embarrassing task as fast as possible.

The poultry had been vast and beautifully accentuated by the rising sun. Trees crowded the left part of the land where a barbed wire fenced the area. The cages are on the right side while the owner's house is at the North, though a bit farther. Over all place looked like a setting from a classic movie (NOT PORN!). They grudgingly admitted that this mission wouldn't be so bad after all.

Their sensei arrived, 6 hours late, claiming that he lost in the road of life when he went to the bridge then was lost again when he followed them here. As a result from their annoyance they let Kakashi do the dirty work, which is cleaning the crap-filled wooden cages. The masked Jounin however, after cleaning only a cage and a half said something along the lines of 'Oh! I forgot! The new volume of Icha Icha is out today! I'll go back later, k?' then with a puff of smoke he was gone to who knows where.

And then Sakura seeing a chance to escape, said that she'll go home to get some lunch for them and before they could answer, she was off running. Hence the two of them, Naruto and him, are alone.

Truth to be told, the dobe is more of a hindrance on this mission than a help. The blond had already spent three hours just to catch a single goose he caught one earlier but he was so damn afraid he didn't held it properly, that's why it flew from his hands making him squeak (the Uchiha had to bite his lips so hard so as to prevent himself from laughing his ass off). And until now he hadn't manage to catch it.

Taking pity for his panting teammate he walked purposely to the still running goose and scooped it swiftly with his left hand. He throws it nonchalantly on the other cage before locking it inside. The geese had all been caged now.

Naruto obviously relieved that the torturous part is over, threw a spiteful glare at the geese then walked away, muttering 'I hate this damned mission'.

"Why, dobe? Scare of a geese, I've never would have thought," the Uchiha mocked, following the blond who stopped on his tracks.

Cerulean eyes had widened at that statement and was about to deny it vehemently, when he saw one cage have overturned. It landed on the other cages efficiently breaking them. He watched wide eyed as the geese are freed again and they began flying, running, flocking and goddamit! the accursed birds are heading towards them!

"Eep!" terrified out of his wits Naruto jumps up in shock.

Oh yes, the dobe is certainly wary to be near on the geese, the shaking body on the arms of Sasuke says it all. Not to mention the muffled sobs on his neck and the trembling hands that clutched his shirt.




:::::: Here's for the peeps that is not contented with the short and accursed ficlet:::::::





After several minutes of carrying the sobbing dobe on his arms, the Uchiha decided to leave the flocking geese for a while and jumps off into the nearest branch of the tree, still carrying Naruto bridal style.

On the tree, he looked down into the teen's sunkissed hair and asked tenderly "Are you Ok, dobe?" Silently berating himself for thinking perverted thoughts. Well don't blame him, isn't he allowed to think arousing scenes when a delicious dobe who is practically draped on him and breathing heavily on his neck?

A small nod was all the answer he received.

Hugging the blond closer to his chest, he placed his forehead on top of the dobe's head. "Why are you afraid of the geese Naruto?" he asked seriously.

"I'm not; I just don't like their beaks, same as the ostriches and turkeys. I don't want them coming close to me, they might peck me," a choked voice answered.

He sighed heavily because of the pathetic excuse. Who in their sane mind would be afraid of the beak of an ostrich, or a turkey, or a goose?

Wait a minute…


Heaven forbid!!

Does this mean..?

"Dobe, your not scared of chickens too are you?" Sasuke asked incredulously.

A hard jab on his ribs confirmed that yes, the dobe is afraid of chickens as well.


Hey don't roll your eyes on my storyline!

This fic has a stable background that a person can be afraid of these animals, you know…

What's my proof?



-shuffles foot-



-blushes beet red from embarrassment-

Well, even though it turns out too sweet, Hope you like it,. If not, -scratches head- it's up to you, just don't make my fic go en flambé ok?

Comments please! JA!