(Disclaimer: I don't own them, darn, but like most people who write about them, I wish I did)

They had watched each and every one of their comrades -yes, that was the word- get lead to the gallows and how they had swung in the breeze.

Some had went quietly, like the Bo'sun (some had even been bragging that he told them he wanted to die; yeah, right. Bo'sun never told anyone anything)

Others, like Twigg, went down fighting. Men like him hadn't even made it to the gallows.

Only two remained; a tall, emaciated man dressed in rags, a single eye, and a dirty blond mop of hair that stuck to his skull, and a short, rotund, balding man with a short temper and a smart mouth.

" 'ey, Pint?" the emaciated man mumbled, from his place on the floor.

Pintel sighed and rubbed his temples. He could feel a headache coming on.

"Aye, Rags?"

Ragetti bit his lip and rubbed his scruffy chin, trying to seem thoughtful.

"If ye coul' meet anyone in th' worl'.. 'fore ye die.. 'o woul' it be?"



The short pirate sighed again, then just as soon regretted it.

" 'm sorry, Pint, 's stupid question, I know, 'm sorry!" Ragetti instantly wailed, bowing his head.

"S'not a stupid question, mate.." Pause. "Fink I'd like t' see me mum again.."

"Yer mum?" a snicker was poised on the end of this remark that could be dangerous to the thin man's health.

"Aye, Rags, me mum!" Pintel snarled, through gritted teeth. then he took a deep breath and plowed on."Go on then, 'o d'ye wanna meet?"

A doubtful pause, after which the thin man stuttered,

"Uh.. no one."

"Why's tha'?" He wanted to add, 'If ye won' tell me, then why'd ye bloody ask in the first place?' But he didn't. Wanted to, though.

Doubtful pause.

" 'cause, Pint," Ragetti said, as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. "I've alredy met ye."

Reviews and criticsm welcome. I give half the credit to this story to Mike because (a) he is an excellent proofreader, and; (b) anyone who, like he did, is manly enough to have a "D'awww" moment in Math is awesome.