One week later…

Bronx sat in Chief Baker's office, listening to his kind words of praise for her bravery that night. Any other cop would feel pride at that moment. She didn't, however. She felt like she'd gotten the short end of the stick.

Her heart ached like it had never ached before. Losing Leo had been worse than anything that the psycho bastard ever said or did to her.

Thinking of him now made Bronx want to cry all over again, but she resisted. She'd done enough of that after she and Rufus had finally returned home.

The week had been spent with her talking to detectives and the press about what happened. It was on the news a lot now, but Bronx never watched it. They always over dramatized it and made it seem like an adventure rather than what it really was…a big fucking nightmare.

When her boss was through, all she wanted to do was leave the station and get back to moping and being a self-proclaimed hermit. However, she had to stick it out for the afternoon so she could finish some paperwork regarding the case.

Grumbling, she walked past Evelyn's desk.

"What's the matter, dear? You look like someone skinned Rufus."

Bronx sighed, knowing she couldn't tell the old woman the entire truth. But, at least she could tell her part of it.

"I'm just tired of the press…it's really pissing me off having to tell that story over and over."

Evelyn walked out from behind her desk gently took her hand. "Yes, I can imagine that would be hard on you. Tell your boss to tell the press to leave you the hell alone."

Bronx couldn't help but grin at that. "I did…but the press didn't get the message."

The old woman made a disgusted face. "Of course they wouldn't, the lousy vultures." Evelyn hated the press just as much or maybe more than Bronx herself did.

"So why else are you blue?"

"I'm also tired and I want to head home and just relax with my cat…"

Evelyn lowered her glasses until they were on the edge of her nose and then she raised her eyebrows clearly telling Bronx she didn't believe her.

As Bronx stood there, she considered her options. She could walk away, telling her friend nothing and have her hound her for the rest of her natural life (and probably beyond if possible) or just trust Evelyn with the truth…

Perhaps an edited version is in order… Bronx thought as she stood there. Evelyn was now tapping her foot.

Bronx sighed and motioned for Evelyn to enter her office. The old lady followed eagerly behind her. Bronx closed the door and sat down behind her desk. Evelyn sat in the chair across from Bronx.

"Well, during my ordeal…I met someone. We fell hard for each other but because of…circumstances…we couldn't…it couldn't work out. I had to walk away…and it really hurts…"

"What sort of circumstances, dear?"

If only you would believe me and not commit me…

"His father disapproved of our relationship…"

Evelyn frowned at that. "That's never stopped you before…"

Bronx sighed. That was certainly true. She'd told Evelyn about previous relationships where she hadn't given a flying fig about the father and had just dated their son anyway. But these circumstances were different…they weren't mutant turtles whose safety depended on secrecy.

"Yeah I know, but it's different this time…anyway, I don't really want to talk about this anymore…"

Evelyn stared at the obviously heartbroken cop before her and noticed that her turtle necklace was missing. She knew that it had belonged to Bronx's deceased father and it was the cop's most prized possession. So why would it be gone?

"Where's your necklace?"

Bronx gently touched her neck. "I gave it to him. I wanted him to remember me." That was perhaps about as honest as she could get with the woman.

"You're in love with him, eh?" Evelyn asked, gently touching Bronx's hand.

Bronx nodded sadly. "Yes…" Slowly she stood and walked out of the room. Thinking about Leo let alone talking about him even thought it wasn't completely outright, hurt her heart.

She bid farewell to Chief Baker and headed home. As she walked, her eyes inevitably went to the city's rooftops. It had become a habit ever since she'd learned that was how the turtles got around unnoticed at night. There wasn't any sign of them at the moment, but Bronx knew that didn't mean they weren't there. That Leo wasn't there…watching her.

"I miss you…" Bronx whispered to the wind. She knew that he wouldn't hear her but she needed to say it anyway.

Finally Bronx let a new fresh batch of tears spill down her cheeks. Lord, she hadn't cried this much since the night her father had died in a tragic car accident when she was just ten years old.

That was when Bronx realized that she'd stopped in front of a very familiar alley. And to her surprise, three also very familiar turtles came out, minus Leo.

When they saw her, they gave her smiles of sympathy.

"How are ya holdin' up?" Raph asked once they reached her. Bronx wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

"I'm alright…the case is now wrapped up. I've spent the week talking to the press and telling them the same story over and over which has been less than fun."

Bronx lifted her shirt and showed the red-masked turtle her bandage. "The bullet wound is healing well, too. I have to take it easy for a while, but other than that…"

"That's good," the turtle smiled at her, "that you're healin'…not that you were bein' hounded by the press…we saw some of those interviews on TV."

Bronx bit her lip, wanting to ask about Leo but not sure if she should.

To hell with it…you earned it after all this pain…

"How's Leo doing?"

"He's miserable." Donny said truthfully. "He's missing you like crazy."

"Yeah…all he does is mope around the lair." Mike added.

Bronx frowned and let more tears fall. She didn't care who saw now. "I fucking hate this…" She drew in a shaky breath to try and calm herself. Unfortunately, she failed. She was still as upset as before.

"I know…we do too. We hate seeing our brother so hurt."

"I can imagine you would, dears. I'm thinking that it's time to do something about it."

All three turtles and Bronx started at the sound of the voice. The cop recognized it instantly.

"Evelyn? What are you doing here?"

"I came to help you out…and to see the little ones again who it seems aren't so little anymore."

Bronx looked at her secretary as though she'd grown two heads.

"I have a rather large secret to tell you, Bronx…you see, I knew them…years ago, when they were still small, no more than about two years old."

The cop's eyes went wide. Her and Splinter had been an item? How bloody weird could the world possibly get?

The old woman shrugged. "I was going to catch up with you and plot a way to get back this man but then I saw you in the alley with the three of them and I decided it was time for reunion."

Evelyn smiled at the three dumbfounded brothers. "Your master and I were together back when I was young…I helped him raise you four."

Silence filled the alley. As it did both Bronx and turtles themselves grew more and more confused. Had Evelyn just said what she had?

"Assuming we believe you, why did you leave?" Donny demanded.

Evelyn's eyes went misty. "I had to...the foot had used me to lure you and your master out…they captured you aswell. Splinter managed to get us out, but after that he decided that us being together was too dangerous…we parted ways…that was nearly 33 years ago."

All three brothers looked at each other in astonishment. The old woman held her hand out to the turtles. "My name is Evelyn, but you can call me Evie."

They all shook it.

"Say…" Mikey's eyes went wide as he spoke, "that would explain why all this is going on!"

"What's 'all this'?" Evelyn asked, confused.

Bronx bit her lip. "Ah, well…you see…the guy I'm love with is their brother, Leonardo."

"Well, I'll be damned." The old woman said, in awe. "But yes, I bet Michelangelo is right."

"So what do we do? How do we fix this?" Bronx asked, desperate for some answers and a possible ending to her misery.

"That I'm not sure about, dear, but we'll think of something."

"This is sure a small and oddball world." Bronx commented after yet more silence.

All the turtles nodded and mumbled agreements.

"Maybe I could talk to him…" Evelyn suggested.

Bronx looked up at her friend and co-worker. "You would do that…after all these years?"

Evelyn stuck her chin out in an obvious act of stubbornness. "Yes, dear I would. I refuse to let my past keep you from being happy."

Bronx hugged her, tears stinging her eyes anew. "What happened back then wasn't your fault…but thanks."

"Still, I feel obliged to help you."

Not wasting any time, all five of them re-entered the sewers to put their plan into action.

Who would have thought I'd have such an unexpected ally…Bronx mused. The gods must have decided to smile down on her today.

As they walked back to the lair, Evelyn entertained the boys with stories of their youth. Lots of them, Bronx noticed, could have happened to any ordinary child. It was as if they were human in every way except they were turtles on the outside…Well, not as if, she thought, that's exactly how it was.

Bronx's heart nearly burst when she saw the lair's door. If this worked, she'd have the love of her life back…if not, then she'd have to live with a broken heart, she feared, forever…

Oh, I hope this works…

The lair was quiet except for the sounds of someone in the dojo. Judging from the grunts, Bronx figured it was Leo working off some of the same pain she was feeling.

Her thoughts were confirmed when Splinter immerged from his room, a small cloud of what Bronx knew would be incense following him.

The rat was about to open his mouth and demand to know why she was back, but shut it when he saw who was standing next to the cop.

"Evie, is that you?" Splinter's voice was mixture of surprise and awe. His eyes had also gone wide and filled with what Bronx suspected were tears.

Evie had the same look on her face. "Yes, it is Splinter. It's been a long time…"

"Thirty-Three years…" Splinter walked towards her and gently touched her, as if trying to make sure she wasn't just a figment of his imagination.

Evie gently squeezed his frail hand. "I've come to talk to you…about something important."

This piqued the rat's interest. "And what might that be?"

"Bronx here, whom I work with, tells me she's in love with your son, Leonardo…and that you disapproved of the union…that you denied them both happiness." Evie folded her arms across her chest.

"You, above all others, should know why…" Splinter gave her a meaningful stare.

"I haven't forgotten about that night, Splinter…I know you blame yourself for it." The rat cringed at her painfully accurate statement. "I know that you think being in love only creates danger and vulnerability, but let me tell you something..."

Evelyn gently took his hands again, tears in her eyes. "Living without it is worse than anything the Foot could do…It isn't fair to deny your sons happiness just because they could possibly come to harm or that Bronx could…as I'm sure you've been told, she can take care of herself…you need to let go of what happened to me and your sons all those years go…let them and yourself be happy."

Splinter digested all the words that Evelyn had spoken to him. As he did, he realized that perhaps she was right…maybe, just maybe, it was wrong to worry so much about his sons…to worry that the past might repeat itself…they were grown now and he knew that they were more than capable of defending themselves if the Foot ever chose to cross paths with them again. After all, he'd trained them himself.

Maybe it was time to show his sons a little more faith…a little more trust…and to show the woman his son loved some aswell…

The rat looked into Evelyn's eyes and felt that old, buried longing. Perhaps even their flame hadn't gone out yet…

"Ah, I believe you are right, Evie…" he looked beyond her for a moment at Bronx, Raph, Mikey, and Donny. "Can you forgive an old, worried father?"

Bronx smiled at the rat that looked so vulnerable before her. At that moment, she understood his motives. Though they were slightly misguided, they were understandable.

"Yes, I can…as long as you let me have your son back in my life…"

Splinter nodded. "Go to him."

A huge, joyful smile split the cop's face as she ran straight for the dojo.

Evelyn watched her surrogate daughter and smile before turning back to Splinter. "Thank you…" And with that, she kissed the end of his furry snout. This caused the old rat to blush.

"You are welcome…but, if I can be so bold as to ask if you will stay aswell…with me?"

Tears poured down the old woman's face. "I've been waiting 33 years for you to ask me that…"

And with that, the boys witnessed their master kissing a woman for the first time.

Meanwhile, Bronx entered the dojo, seeing the turtle she loved busy pummelling a large punching bag which promptly fell off the chains holding it up and landed on the ground with a thud.

Oh, how she'd missed him…

"It doesn't work so well if you knock it down." Her comment caused the turtle to whirl around.

"W-what are you doing here? Splinter…"

Bronx crossed the large training room and stood before him, smiling. "Your master is okay with this…"

The blue-masked turtle looked puzzled. "How…?"

"Let's just say I had a 'trump' card as it were." Bronx then told him the story of her secretary and Splinter.

"Wow…that's incredible…"

"Yeah…" Bronx put her arms around the turtle's neck. "So what do you plan to do about that fact that we're officially a couple again?"

Leonardo answered her by crushing his mouth to hers and kissing her silly.

And that was by far the best answer she ever could have gotten…