Disclaimer: I don't own The Outsiders. We all know who does.

A/N: Okay this is it guys. The last chapter. I'm sad. But wow, I've never finished a fic before, I'm excited! Lol. I figured it was good to wait a little longer before I posted this one. I mean come on, it's the last chapter! I didn't want it to end so soon. Anyway, a little anticipation never hurt anyone. Thanks so much to all of you guys for your reviews. They all really helped and just made me happy. Kikoken, I just want to thank you so much for your thoughts. You really helped me out. I'm sorry, this is pretty short as well.

Oh and about Soda's eyes, sorry that was my bad.

Alright so that's enough of that, on with the last chapter ever! ::sadness::

While You Were Gone - Chapter 3

Friday, no one had seen or heard from Dally all day. They didn't think anything of it though. It wasn't unusual for Dally to up and disappear every now and then. Both Curtis brothers had work in the morning and Two-Bit and Steve had school. They both left during lunch. School can only keep Two-Bit amused for so long. Steve strolled into the DX station close to noon. Soda was just finishing up his break.

"Hey Sodapop," Steve said sullenly and dropped his shirt on a chair, he had already changed into his DX shirt. Soda adjusted his baseball cap and smiled spiritlessly at his friend. Steve hated that smile. He's seen it only a few times before. It lacked everything that Soda was.

Both boys got out at four. Steve decided to stay an extra fifteen minutes because he was late and wanted to make up for the missed time. Soda waited for him. They always waited for each other. The gas station was about a twenty minute walk from Soda's house. Darry was still at work and god only knew where Two-Bit was, so being without a car, they walked. Steve glanced at Soda. Usually his friend would be hyped about finally leaving work and going home to eat. He would jump around and joke and talk with his buddy, sometimes even do a few cartwheels if the mood was right. But the past week he's just been quiet and to himself.

He wasn't surprised, and didn't expect anything more from his best friend. The whole gang was feeling apprehensive. Tensions were rising between Greasers and Socials. They had organized a rumble for tomorrow night. This rumble was supposed to be the end of it all. They would finally show those god damned socs that they weren't any better then them, Steve thought. He couldn't wait to get his hands on one of those madras wearing, rotten, prissys and give them what was coming to them. For Johnny, for Ponyboy, and for Soda.

The two of them walked in silence, Soda didn't have much to say, and Steve gave up trying to start a conversation with him. After a few minutes of walking, they both tensed up, Soda lit a cigarette. The boys quickly realized they were being followed. They could hear footsteps not too far behind them, changing pace as they did. They knew what was about to happen. 'Great', Steve thought, 'just what we need.' He glanced over at Sodapop. He had his fists jammed in his pockets and there was an indifferent look plastered on his face. Maybe they would get bored and leave.

"Hey Greasers!" No such luck.

The two stopped walking and slowly turned around to face their stalkers. There were three socs standing face to face with them, surprised but not regretful that their targets turned around.

"What the hell do you want," Steve asked as he instinctively scanned the surrounding area for anything he could use as a weapon. Steve didn't usually carry a blade on him because mostly it gives anyone a reason to use one on you. But just because he didn't carry a blade didn't mean he couldn't be dangerous. He knew you could use almost anything for a weapon.

One of the guys, he had brown curly hair, ignored Steve and looked at Soda. "Your brother and his friend are the ones who killed Bob right?"

Soda stiffened. He didn't like anyone talking about Pony and Johnny that way. Whether it was true or not, for his brother and Johnny to kill someone was still completely unimaginable to him and he hated associating them with it.

"Yeah, that's him." Steve answered for his friend.

"Why don't we show them that greasers don't mess with one of our friends and get away with it Dan?" The taller of the three asked the curly haired boy, whom they now know as Dan.

Soda's eyes darkened. "You jerks should go home before you get hurt."

"Pete, you hear that? The little grease is trying to act tough," said the last soc, who was blonde and a little chunkier then the other two, to the tall boy named Pete.

"Well Stan, let's teach them a lesson," Pete answered, and crackled his knuckles.

Dan struck first. He threw a punch and caught Soda in the jaw. Soda staggered back. Steve pulled Dan away by the collar, and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor hard.

Pete swung his right fist and it smacked into Soda's left eye. Soda's head jerked back. He returned the favor to Pete, but hit his nose. Pete let out a yell, and grabbed onto his nose. Blood trickled beneath his fingers.

The blonde, Stan, comes up behind Steve. He hit the back of Steve's head. Steve smacked into the ground. He then stomps on Steve's back.

Soda saw this and crunched his fist into his cheek. The chunky soc twists, and before he can turn completely around, his stomach is met with Soda's knee. He lets out a loud 'oomph' and falls to his knees.

Steve gets up. Dan swings at him, but he ducks. Steve the grabs a bottle from the ground, breaks it, and holds it out, daring the boys to try anything else. Pete saw this and noticed they were starting to attract some attention. They aren't on their turf, so it's very likely other greasers would jump in and help these two.

"That's enough we're done!" He yells through his hand. The blonde makes his way over to him, holding onto his stomach.

"No jazz before the rumble, remember?"

Steve glared at them. "You threw the first punch! You say that now that you're getting your asses whooped, huh?"

Dan's eyes narrowed at Steve and Soda. "Tomorrow night we'll finish this." With that, the three socs hurried back down the street.

Sodapop wiped the little bit of blood he can feel at the corner by his mouth. "You okay Steve?" Steve just gave him a look as if he should know better. They say nothing else and continue their walk home.

A little later, Darry walked into the house to find Soda had already made dinner. He grabbed himself a plate and with a heavy sigh, took the seat across from Soda. Like every other night that week that he made dinner, the middle Curtis brother did not do anything unusual to the food. He would usually add some kind of weird ingredients and colors, but it was normal. Then oldest brother noticed something else.

"Sodapop, were you in a fight?"

His younger brother sat looking down at his plate, his lip slightly swollen and his left eye darkening. He stuffed a forkful of food into his mouth, and took a big gulp of chocolate milk.


Darry closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between his finger tips. "Soda, you know you can't be doing that and-"

The phone rang. Darry got up, went over to it and picked up the receiver. Without knowing it, this phone call was the call he was anxiously waiting for this long week. "Hello Curtis residence."

"Yes this is Darrel."

Darry listened.. The words he heard on the other side of the phone would change his and both his brothers' lives forever. His eyes widened and his face paled. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. He was filled with joy, fear, and shock all at once. His voice caught in his throat. They found Ponyboy. And not only did they find him, but he was here in town.

Soda got up and walked over to his brother. There was something in the older man's face that scared him. He knew that whatever this phone call was it was very important, and his suspicions had him believe that this call had to do with Ponyboy and Johnny in some way.

"Darry, who is it? Dar, what's going on? Who's on the phone?" Soda was practically bouncing up and down in front of his big brother. Darry held out his hand to shush him as he tried to listen. Any happy or relieved feelings he had for his brother were immediately cut short. There was an accident, a fire, and Pony was in the hospital. 'Oh god, what's wrong?'

He barely even realized that he muttered a thank you before he hung up. Sodapop stood starring at Darry, waiting as patiently as he could for him to say something to him. "Well, Dar?"

"They found Ponyboy and Johnny," he stated quietly.

Soda's face lit, and he let out a great big whoop. "Well where is he Dar? Is he okay? Let's go get him. Come on, let's bring him home!" Soda started blabbing, and was about to run out the door when he noticed the lack of excitement and the worried look on his brother's face. "Darry, what's wrong?"

"I don't know what's going on yet, but they're at the hospital. There was some sort of fire, both him and Johnny are there now."

Soda's excitement died, and his heart sank. Finally, after a week of not knowing anything at all, they get news on Johnny and Pony, but only to find out they are in the hospital. They had no idea what happened to them, all they knew was that somehow a fire was involved. His mind raced, as he thought of horrible ordeals the two boys could have gone through.

Darry walked over to him, put his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly and turning him towards the door. "Let's go bring them home."

Sodapop was the first through the doors. He burst threw them like he was running from the fires of hell. He looked to the right, no Ponyboy. Then he looked to the left, he saw a kid with blonde hair and covered in black stuff sitting in a chair with his head leaning back against the wall. He had to do a double take. That blonde, dirty kid was Pony. He barely recognized him, he looked so small and skinny. He couldn't believe to see his brother, it felt like a dream. There he was sitting there, his face all black, his hair all messed up. But he was there and he was okay. His baby brother was alive and safe. Relief washed over him and anticipation grew, he couldn't get over to him quick enough.

As soon as Ponyboy saw Soda he was up and out of his seat in an instant. He wasn't sure if that was really him, he thought maybe he was only seeing things and making up his brother in his mind, but he only had to take a few steps before Soda snatched him and pulled his younger brother into his chest and the two brothers knew they were both for real.

"Oh Pony your hair, your tuff, tuff hair." Soda couldn't help but say through tears now that Pony's cool looking hair was blonde and shorter than it used to be. Pony held onto Soda for dear life, as if he were to disappear if he loosened up on him. He couldn't believe his brother was here with him now after so long. That week he and Johnny spent up in the old church felt like years and now, that was a life time ago.

Then he saw Darry.

The first thing Darry saw when he walked into the waiting room was both his younger brothers locked in a tight embrace. It was the first time he'd seen his youngest brother since he ran out on him. The night he hit him. That night was just a distant memory now. Then he noticed Pony pull away from Soda slightly, and he starred at Darry. 'He hates me,' he thought. He knew Pony wouldn't forgive him for driving him away that night.

Pony didn't make a move, and he knew how the boy must feel. Pony must blame him for everything that happened. They wouldn't be able to go back to how things used to be. It would only be worse. His younger brother probably won't ever talk to him again. You know what, he didn't mind. He didn't care if Pony never spoke a word to him again, all that mattered was that he was alive. Ponyboy was standing there in front of him uninjured. If that was the price he had to pay for his brother's safety, then he was willing to accept that. He felt bittersweet tears begin to fill his eyes and he turned to leave, giving his younger brothers some more time alone, but then he heard someone call his name. Slender arms wrapped around his waist tight. He turned and looked down and was surprised to see Ponyboy attached to him, holding onto him desperately.

Darry starred astonished.

'…He doesn't hate me'

He wrapped his arms around the boy and embraced him for the first time in what may have been years. Darry was overwhelmed with emotion. "Oh Pony, I thought we lost you like we did mom and dad," he cried as he hugged his youngest brother. Ponyboy didn't hate him. Even after everything his brother's been through, after the way he drove Pony out, he still didn't hate him. He held him tighter and grabbed onto Soda and held both his brothers close. The three brothers all held onto each other as if their lives depended on it. At this very moment everything was okay. All their other problems and worries disappeared. This was all he wanted and needed, the three of them to be together. He knew, everything was going to be alright.


That's it. I'm sorry I'm such a horrible person and took me years to get this stupid chapter out and it wasn't even very good. Wow. I was having a little trouble ending it. Obviously we know there is a lot more to the story, but I think where they reunite and that moment where their world is right again, is a good place to end it. If not, oh well, I tried. Thank you again for everyone who read and/or reviewed this story!

P.S. And that fight was AWFUL!