A private joke

Jack, Kate and Sawyer had managed to escape from the Others with the help of Alex and had returned to their camp on the beach about mid-day, or "Just in time for lunch" as Hurley put it.

There had been celebrations for most of the evening and a massive group meal amongst the survivors as Jack, Kate and Sawyer revealed what had happened to them, they shared stories, and played games, happy to have the whole group together again.

As it got late a few people started turning in, when Kate got up and announced she too was going to bed, Sawyer grabbed her hand and said,

"Goodnight Strawberry."

"Goodnight Fishbiscuit." She replied

Their gazed held for a few seconds and they shared a secret smile before Kate turned around and walked off into her tent.

"What was that about?" asked Hurley

"Just a private joke." Sawyer smiled to himself. I love the taste of strawberries.