A/N: I can't believe it, guys! The last chapter! I think I'm gonna cry! (seriously, this is really depressing) After reading all of your awesome reviews, I realize that I have the best reviewers in the world (I know what you're thinking: it took you this long to figure that out?!?!). But after I rambled about my school issues, a bunch of you wished me good luck. I didn't even realize people actually read this! But now I know ya do, I would like to say: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! (times infinity squared)

Disclaimer- This is the last time that I have to say that I don't own this story… sob

Chapter 28: The Prank

"Kirsten!" I shout, trudging my way through King's Cross Station. "We're going to miss the train!" I turn around and see her standing still, pouting, and looking utterly miserable.

"I'm nervous!" she wails, dropping her trunk onto a stranger's foot by accident. He yelps, gives Kirsten a death stare, and stomps away. But this is, after all, her first day at Hogwarts after six years at Beauxbatons. I guess I would be nervous, too. Maybe. A little.

Probably not.

I make my way over to her, and I try to help her with her trunk. I say "try" because I myself am loaded with my own trunk, my broomstick, and James's owl, Peaches.

Now, why isn't James carrying his own owl, you ask?

I asked that same question this morning.

"Because I have to carry my trunk, which is twice the size of yours, and my broomstick," he replied. "My hands are full."

Another good question: why is James's trunk twice the size of mine? I'm a girl! You'd think I'd have more clothes.

Apparently not.

And, I have my own broomstick to carry, making my hands full, too. But that doesn't matter. He wouldn't stop whining until I agreed. So I did.


"Kirsten," I start, shifting Peaches to my other hand so I can put my free one on her shoulder, "you are going to be fine!" That doesn't decrease the pouting. "You already know me and James and Sirius and Remus and Peter!"

"I know," she sighs, "but what if the big kids make fun of me?"

"Kirsten, we're Seventh Years. We are the big kids!"

"But… but… I'm nervous!" she cries again. This is ridiculous.

I look at my watch. The train is going to leave in ten minutes, and we're nowhere near Platform 9¾.

"If I agree to do the prank, would that make you feel better?" I ask.

Her eyes light up with the familiar glint of mischievousness.

Let me explain. Last night, or this morning I should say, at around 3:00 am, Kirsten had us all up because of her worries. We sat around her in our St. Mungo's room, and she wouldn't shut up. Sirius almost socked her on the same face that he kissed a few days ago.

Anyway, she then came up with a really good prank to pull on the train. Of course, the boys were really excited, but I didn't want my first act as Head Girl to be a prank. So I said no.

Now, if it will make Kirsten feel better, I'll do it. I don't want my first act as Head Girl to be missing the train, either.

"Really?" she ponders.

"Sure," I reply. Part of me is really excited for this, now that I think about it. I tried (and failed) to be responsible. Well, at least I tried!

"Let's go!" Kirsten yells, suddenly extremely interested to board the Hogwarts Express. As she pushes her way through the crowd, I spot a familiar mop of dark hair.

"Hey, James!" I call, racing a few meters ahead where James and Sirius are. I make my way to his side and say mysteriously, "The prank is on."

His eyes light up, and he almost runs into a little old lady who stopped suddenly in front of him.

"You know what to do?" I ask.

"Oh, I know what to do," he responds, a huge grin on his face. He then looks around. "We can't be seen together yet. Time to separate."

And with that, the two boys veer off and are lost in the blur of people.

Kirsten finds me, and she takes Peaches' cage out of my hands. "You can't be seen with this," she explains. Together, we make our way to the platform and the magical red brick wall. I tell her what to do.

"You're joking, right?" she inquires, very loudly. "I'm not that stupid, ya know!"

"No, I'm serious," I counter, laughing. "You're really supposed to run through the wall!"

"You just want to see me hit the wall like an idiot!" she accuses.

I sigh. That does sound like something I would do. "Here, I'll go first. Watch me."

I take a deep breath. I've never liked running full speed at a stationary object. I quickly check to make sure the Muggles aren't paying attention. And then I'm hurtling towards red bricks, closing my eyes, and…

A cool breeze hits my face. My eyes open to find the familiar Hogwarts Express standing tall and proud in front of me. Student and parents swarm around, saying their goodbyes. Kirsten appears by my side in a few seconds.

"Wow," she exclaims at the sight.

"I told ya so," I taunt, smiling. I'm so glad that we get to spend the whole school year together!

I turn my head to the left, and I see a familiar face standing in the crowd.

"Afhton!" I scream as she shouts:


We shuffle towards each other, then throw our arms around one another.

"I've missed you SO MUCH!" we both yell at the same time.

"Me, too!" we both reply. We then proceed to burst into fits of giggles for no apparent reason. I've missed by best friend.

Kirsten makes her way towards us and stands gloomily behind me.

"Kirsten!" Afhton exclaims, pulling her into a hug as well.

She remains still. "You remember me?" she asks incredulously.

"Um, yeah! Of course!" Af laughs. She's like that. Extremely friendly and considerate.

"Still nervous?" I ask quietly.

"No," she says too loudly and too quickly.

I laugh. "You'll be fine!"

The train's whistle sounds.

"We better go," I put forward.

"I've already bribed some First Years into saving the best compartment for us," Af tells.


We drag our trunks onto the train and find our reserved seating. The little First Years (when did they get so small?) swarm as we sit down, and we shout, "Thank you!" as they run. Kirsten plunges into the cushion, instantly looking at home. I notice that she doesn't seem nervous at all anymore. Huh.

A few seconds later, the whistle sounds, and the train lurches into movement. Perfect. It's time to commence with the plan.

"Well, girls," I start trying to hide my smile, "I'm off to the Head's meeting."


"Whatever." I only get mumbled responses. Afhton has settled with a book, and Kirsten is eating. Of course.

"Does anybody know who the Head Boy is?" I ask as I open the compartment door. I hope I sound legit. I was never a good actress.

"Oh! You don't know?" Af says, excitedly. "It's James! Isn't that just perfect since you two are—"

She is cut off by Kirsten's hand slamming down on her mouth. The two of them scramble around for a bit, and Af emerges.

"What the bloody hell was that?"

"I'll explain. Lily, get out of here!" she commands.

I do as she says. I step out cautiously into the hallway of the train. A few students are milling about. Mumbling hellos to everyone, I make my way to the far end of the train, right by the Head's compartment. I peer towards the other end, down the hall, waiting to see James.

"Pssst! Lily!" I whirl around in shock only to see James's floating head. That bugger brought the Invisibility Cloak for a little prank?

"You idiot! You're supposed to be on the other side!" I reprimand.

"Oh, sorry," he says, wide-eyed. He starts to move past me, then turns and mutters, "You know, it really doesn't feel very good when you call me names."

"Oh, shut up, you dolt," I tease smiling. With one last crooked grin, he disappears. After a few seconds, he pops up at the end of the hall. This is it.

"Hello, Ally," I say to a nice sixth year Prefect after I open the door.

"Oh, 'ello, Lily," she responds. I've always liked her. "How was your summer? You look tan!"

Ha! I wouldn't look tan even if I stayed in California for the summer… Hm… wait a second. That sounds familiar…

But I say, "Really? Thanks!"

"And congratulations on making Head Girl!" Her green/blue eyes light up with sincerity. I forgot how nice she was.

"That reminds me," I start, slipping into character. I'm a girl named Lily Evans. I've always wanted to be Head Girl. I hate—no, I loathe James Potter. He is the most obnoxious prick in the whole world! He's a git!

I start giggling. Hating James is so weird.

"Yes, Lily?" Ally says, reminding me that I have a job to do.

"Who is the Head Boy?" I ask eagerly.

I instantly see her blanch. She must be trying to find the best way to say this.

"I'm trying to find the best way to say this—" Whoa. I'm good! "—but I guess I'll just say it." She takes a deep breath. "James is Head Boy."

"James O'Connor?" I inquire. James O'Connor is a smart Ravenclaw boy with a face full of acne and a mouth full of braces. Character Lily would love to have him as Head Boy over James. I mean, Potter.

"No," she replies hesitantly. "James Potter."

"WHAT?!" I shout, trying not to burst out laughing. "JAMES POTTER IS THE FREAKING HEAD BOY?!?!?!?"

Ally takes a step back. It's a good thing, too. I am totally in character now.

"Talkin' about me again, are you, Lilypop?" I hear James call from down the hall. I spin to look at him. The once leisurely corridor is now bare. Students poke their heads out from all doors.

"POTTER!" I shriek. Several students flinch at the noise.

"Yes, love," he says casually, arrogantly, striding towards me.

"I can't believe that an egotistical, obnoxious, self-centered git like you would ever be Head Boy!" I yell, walking towards him as well.

"So you heard the good news!" he remarks, extending his arms to the side. "Now we get to spend so much more time together. We can even go on that date that you've been dying to have. With me."

"Keep dreaming, pretty boy," I spit, my voice oozing with contempt.

"There's no need for compliments, my flower. I already know that you can't resist me." He's so good at being conceited. I guess he's had a lot of practice.

I scoff angrily. "Ugh, I hate you, Potter!" I shout. By this time, we're face to face in the middle of the hall. Almost everyone is watching our show.

"You know," he starts, smiling evilly, "hate and love are very similar emotions."

"No, I HATE you!" I scream in his face.

"Oh yeah?" he asks skeptically, crossing his arms.

"Yeah!" I respond. "I hate you so much that I—" I stop short.

"Yeah?!" he shouts, edging closer.

"So much that I could—"


James breaks character for just a second. Through the fake annoyance on his face I see him crack a grin. He quickly covers it up with a scowl.

"I could—oh, I give up!" I sigh and throw myself into his arms. I press my body against his and kiss him full on the mouth.

In front of the whole school.

I hear a collective gasp come from all directions. My eyes are closed, and I concentrate on making the kiss as messy and dramatic as possible. Normally, James's kisses are tender and sweet, but this one is frantic and grope-y. His hands tangle in my hair. My arms grip his shoulders.

I can distinctly hear Kirsten and Sirius's laughs from in front of me. Everything else is dead silent. After a few more seconds, I wretch myself from James to take a breath. We take a step away from one another, still holding both hands, though. Now that the prank is over and my character has faded, I feel a blush start to spread on my face. James smiles gleefully.

We turn around and address our shocked classmates. "Everyone," James announces, "the lovely Lily and I are together and very much in love." Nobody blinks.

"It was decided that this was the best—well, not the best, but the most hilarious—way to tell all of you," I try to explain.
Silence. Nothing. Cricket, cricket.

Now this is awkward.

"Alright then!" Sirius shouts, emerging from the crowd. "Show's over! Go back to your knitting!"

"No!" Kirsten yells from somewhere. "Knitting is too dangerous!"

That makes both James and I smile. I gaze up into his eyes, and I can't help thinking how lucky I am. I also can't believe how much my feelings towards this messy haired boy have changed. Three months ago and this fake scene could very much be true. Minus the whole snogging bit.

I take his hand, and we head towards our compartment. Suddenly, the old lady with the candy trolley appears right behind James. (Actually, I have a theory that she has a crush on him. Which is weird. And he's mine, so back off, lady!)

"Anything sweet for you, dear?" she asks musically.

"No thanks," he answers. "I've already got one." He turns and looks straight at me, smiling impishly.

Though I whack his arm at the cheesy-ness, I give him a kiss on the cheek anyway. I hear a girl exclaim, "Awwww!" at James's line.

We stroll back to the car to where Sirius, Kirsten, Afhton, and Remus are waiting for us (Peter is apparently stalking the trolley lady).

"Right good show, mate," Sirius says, clapping James on the back.

"Your performance was very believable, Lily," Remus comments. I grin.

I turn to sit down by James since I am the only one still standing. In the manner of the most extremely unrealistic coincidences, the train hits a bump (I didn't know that was possible!). I go flying and land right on James's lap. I shift to move off of him, but he holds me tight. I lean in to his chest.

"What a perfect coincidence," he mumbles into my hair.

I turn my head and kiss him softly.

My idiot friends gag obnoxiously.

But I am totally and blissfully happy.

I can't help but remember how it was an extremely unrealistic coincidence that brought James and I together for the summer. It's not by coincidence, however, that we will stay together. I am starting my last year at Hogwarts, and I couldn't be happier. I have by best friends (and Sirius) and the love of my life by my side. And that feeling will never go away. I love him with all of my heart. Even though he can't sing, he's obsessed with his hair, and his friends are morons. And even though his middle name is Marion.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

The End

A/N: Typing those last two words was the weirdest experience ever! I can't believe it's over! For all of you who experienced this with me, from the people who reviewed every single chapter to the new readers, thank you! Thanks for the encouraging reviews, the favorite quotes, and for reading my story. (I'm gonna get all gushy now.) I never realized how much I love writing until I found this site. Now, I have a few ideas for my own stories that I'm going to start. And I can't wait!

Also, to anyone reading this after its completed, don't be shy to send reviews. I would love to hear if you loved or hated it. If you thought it was stupid or hilarious. Once again, thank you to all of my loyal reviewers. I love you guys! It's been a great ride.