Author's Note – This, my friends, is the end. Thank you SO much to the people who have been following the story and putting up with my crazy slow updates. And just a warning, Mark goes all OC on us in this chapter…completely by mistake.


Two weeks later


Roger died three days after we got back to New York. We rushed him to the hospital less than an hour after we arrived. Well…actually, Collins took him while Angel stayed behind with me, just sitting there, holding my hand while I cried. I stayed because I could hardly stand to look at the weakened, crumbling, fading Roger, much less practically take him to his death.

Many things came into perspective for me on that freezing cold October day. I came to understand that all of Roger's quirks; his sarcasm, the random guitar chords that never seemed to fit together properly…they were all gone…forever. Of course I knew that that would happen when he told us that he was HIV positive, but it never really clicked until he was actually gone.

I understood a lot of things…except one. Why I had been left alone. Again. All the pain and anguish that Maureen had caused me when she left hit me again like a ton of bricks when Roger looked at me for the last time.


The day of Roger's funeral, very few people were present. Maureen, Joanne, Collins, Angel, and I. Benny showed up as well, which shocked us all. A measly congregation of six.


When I returned back to the loft, I slipped into the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the dirty, cracked mirror.

My tear-stained, puffy, red face. I knew what I looked like when I hadn't been sobbing for hours on end, but still, I wondered: Who could ever love me?

In my opinion, my personality wasn't too loveable either. I was anal, obsessive, irritating, and had a very quick temper.

I looked down at the sink that my hands were gripping so tightly that my knuckles were turning white. I fixed my gaze on the overused razor that sat next to the faucet.

One pull…that's all it would take…

I picked up the razor, took a deep breath, and pressed the cold blade to my wrist.

As if on cue, Maureen dramatically kicked the door open, singing at the top of her lungs.

"MARK!" she screamed when she saw what I was about to do. She jumped at me and knocked the razor out of my hand. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Of all the times I had seen Maureen angry, this was the most furious I had ever seen her. Tears started to run from her eyes down her cheeks.

From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted an answer. Looking at the floor, I answered her. "R…Roger's gone…no one else wants me…I…I have nothing left to live for," I sobbed.

Maureen's expression softened. "Mark, you have your whole life ahead of you, what are you talking about? Don't give up now. Roger wouldn't want you to."

"But…Maureen, he's gone, why should he care? There's no one else left here to love me. I know you don't love me…and no one else really loves me as more than a friend or a brother."

"Mark…god…see, this is why no one wants you. You're so god damn frustrating and depressed and stubborn and closed up all the time. You never have a positive outlook on anything. Everything happens for a purpose, Mark. You just need to look ahead. Don't dwell in the past so much."

I stared at her, my mouth hanging open. "You're right. I am frustrating and stubborn. But all the same, I have no one left for me. No one wants to love the geek who hides behind the camera."

"Well…maybe you should come out from behind the camera and come out of your little protective shell and do something with your life."

"Mo…" I sighed. I wasn't going to win this one. "You're right. I just need to move on. Am I still allowed to be upset?"

She sighed as well. "Of course you're allowed to be upset. Someone you love just died. You just can't dwell on it forever. You need to go out there and live your life, Mark."

I nodded very slowly and put the razor back on the counter gently, ready to live my life to the fullest.

The End.


Okay, so Mark went suicidal there…wow…like I said…complete accident. Totally. I love Mark, I'd never kill him. Did you like this chapter…this story? Please Review!