Was it all a dream that left its sinister scent as a bittersweet goodbye?

Was it all a nightmare that caressed my face with cold fingertips?

Was it all a hallucination born from heated tension wanting to be released?

Was it all a piece of lying imagination jumping out of the brain to rape the reality?

What do they all mean? Everywhere in this dilapidated soul the smell of vodka lingers on staining strawberry. Eating innocence with malice lighting up the embers in my eyes. My hands traveled up and down the contours of the dear boy's body. His quivering hands were like ice, that tried oh so hard to calm the rampaging bonfire in my soul. But pent up lust and ice never did mix well, with iron force I killed you. With only one of my strong holds, I chained both of your hands together.

The rain outside the window could care less what sacrilegious thoughts ran again and again in my head. This empty bare room, it walls a burning white with me sitting in the center, made up the clandestine world of my mind.

Thoughts popped out of nowhere like ads on the net, my animalistic urges replaying another round for me to remember what I have done.

His body was beneath my burning palms; his long neck was the prey to my vampire like bites. His skin, a carbon copy of pure white milk from a mother's breast, was my hunting ground for fresh meat. My nails clawed at that piece of flesh, leaving red marks of torturous passion on what was once shinning brightly... Shindou Shuichi.


Yuki found himself being pulled away by the neck and without knowing it; he was thrown hard on the wet pavement. The falling rain was dripping hard on his face. As he tried to recover from the sore that his back achieved, he found himself being faced with the not so good side of a Smith and Wesson on the forehead.

"I thought Seguchi had it clear that you are not to go near the boy" K's voice rang clearly in the booming thunder and clap of rain.

"What is wrong with everyone?! I am here to talk to my lover!"

The gun on his forehead remained unmoved, intent on staying put on Yuki Eiri's skull.

"Shuichi doesn't need you to hurt him again"

"What did I do wrong? Tell me, because I don't know what on earth is going!" Yuki cried desperately as he pounded his chest, "I need to know what I did to make him cry, because I can't understand what is going on… what did I do this time!

"You raped him…"

The two blonds looked from behind, and saw another who was blessed with the golden locks on his head. His cerulean eyes were fixed on the one on the ground, his gaze burning angry holes on the author. The third party stood in the rain, just like the other two, without any sort of protection from the rain. All he had was the top hat on his head and the expensive jacket with fur lining running on his chest- all which were getting soaked by the outburst of heaven's own tears.

"What… do you… mean…?"

"I saw it, everything…" Tohma cut without letting the other finish, "And with respect to Shindou, I watched it alone"

"No one else have seen it except for him" K bent his head to the keyboardist's direction, "And with how Shindou's doing, I don't think there is really much of need to watch the whole thing"

Confusion and even more questions were popping inside his head; nothing answered the questions that Yuki wanted to ask. The blond writer's mouth was left gaping, "Watched… what…?"

"The sex tape that was sent to me by some anonymous source… Eiri, you do realize how much damage this will cause?" the manager said. "Especially with the tape, the fact that its source is unknown is unnerving; there is a great risk that it will go out public, on the internet, on some tabloid, on talk shows…"

"Not to mention the emotional baggage and the trauma involved in this, it's not a very pretty picture" their only foreign company added.

"Eiri-san, I already warned you but you refuse to listen"

"Be careful, punk" the gun totting man raised a brow, "I'm not interested in seeing your living and breathing self if it means the vocalist of Bad Luck going into some manic depression of sorts"

Eiri found himself in the middle of two powerful figures, his eyes shifting from left to right. Forget that he was going to get sick with a cold and burning fever in the morning.

Rape, it never happened.

But what produced the tape? It can't have magically dropped from the sky.



"I never raped Shuichi"


I should play my role right, and then nobody has to know. If I pretend I wasn't part of it, that I am just a shadow lying behind trailing the bigger body then nobody should really know I did it.