1Souta's Best Friend

Disclaimer: No I do not own Inuyasha (cries) but ill get over it

This is my first fanfic, so plz be gentle!!

Note: Souta is older than Kagome in this one and it's in the present day. None of the feudal(sp?) era stuff happened but this is a crossover with FullMetal Alchemist

Summary: Souta is dating Kikyo and he's not the same Big Brother he used to be. He's mean and constantly tears Kagome down just to make Kikyo happy. Kagome just doesn't seem to care anymore, but what if Souta's best friend can help her through her time of need? Kag/Sess pairing

Chapter 1


Kagome walked home from the first day of school, her black and white skater shoes crunching dirt and fallen leaves as she glided along. She was wearing a beautiful black and white spider corset with black parachute pants that covered her shoes nicely and just barely resisted dragging on the ground. Over her corset was a Slipknot hoodie and on her head was a Korn hat. She had two chains linking one belt loop. One flowed to her back pocket and the other one was in her front pocket, both on her right side.

Her wrists bore what they called the 'Sex' bracelets but she just calls them bracelets. Hers were the color of white, black, and green. She wore necklaces as well. Two had black strings that were very thick, and two that were silver chains. One of the black strings was a choker and it had a silver dragon claw gripping a green sphere. Next in line was a silver chain that had a chrome skeleton with giant black bat wings looking to wrap around him. The next one was the last silver one that had a 5 pointed star in the middle of a circle. Finally, the last one was the other black string that was another silver dragon claw only this one was gripping a solid black sphere.

Her eyes were the color of blue violet and was discreetly outlined in black eyeliner, making them stand out nicely against her natural pale complection. Her black hair had this beautiful blue sheen to it in the sunlight, but in a dim lighting it had this red-ish tint to it and it was slightly wavy. At the moment she couldn't hear the crunching of her shoes for she was listening to her I-Pod that was her sweet 16th birthday present from her mom.

Kagome Higurashi is a junior this year and she was proud of it! She'd been slacking off for a good, maybe, 2 years before she decided to buckle down and actually want to go to college. Her friends, Sango and Miroku were both heading off to Harvard University when they graduate here. She couldn't understand why they wouldn't admit their feelings to one another. They clearly loved each other, anybody could see it with their actions or just by looking into their eyes whenever they turned to each other...whether or not to yell or argue about Miroku being such a lecher, it didn't matter. You could tell either way.

Kagome's other best friend was Inuyasha! She had once thought that she was in love with him and his cocky attitude but that was way before she met his older brother Sesshomaru. Sure people say they look the same but Kagome can tell who looked more godly than the other. Of course her shy answer would be...Sesshomaru

Just the mention of his name in her mind made her blush, though no matter how hard she tried to fight it down..it just wouldn't leave. It felt permanent when she was around him and he decided to tease her..for some odd reason. As she continued to walk towards her home, Korn Did My Time playing in her ears, she remember something. 'Damn! Mom and Rocco left today for their honeymoon..that's right. Shit!! I totally forgot about that.'

Her mom has been remarried to Kagome's awesome history teacher named Rocco Sharp. He was one hot Irish man with black hair long enough to fall into his deep emerald eyes. He'd had a very rough past, one that he didn't want to share till he felt VERY comfortable with them..which didn't take long cuz of how long she's known him. He'd been her history teacher for 2 years and counting and she had found every chance to talk to him. He's a harley man and he left his bike in her hands!! Though she has never driven one, she'd watched him and she knew exactly how to drive it, if she wanted to get on the beauty.

The minute her mom and Rocco had laid eyes on each other at Kagome's school conference, she could see the connections to their souls indicating that they were soul mates and that initiated Kagome's match making plan!! They had gotten married 4 months after the continuous dating's and what not. Kagome was not naive, she knew what the 2 did when they 'went to bed' or went out to hang with their friends. Each time she 'went to bed' she'd laugh at the sounds coming from her moms room. 'And they thought they were quiet!' she snickered evilly as she walked up the shrine stairs.

Looking towards the god tree when she got to the top, she bowed and said the prayer that came naturally to her as she did this everyday when she came home from somewhere. It made her feel so safe when she came home, that she just couldn't help being grateful to the age tree.

Turning, she went to the door to the house and opened it, already knowing that Souta was home by the school bag that belonged to Kikyo that was sitting just outside the door. Scrunching her nose up in distaste, she walked in, not taking her shoes off because they were hers, so she was defiantly not going to take them off and leave them down here where Kikyo could get them.

She was such a wanna be that it was laughable. She died her hair peroxide blond thinking it would make her look smarter and more delectable when really, it made her look even more clueless. The people at school had always said that Kikyo and her had looked alike but Kagome knew it wasn't true. Sure Kikyo had the more feminine body, the giant curves, and big bodacious boobs but Kagome could careless for those prospects of the body. She had a great body that was able to move fast, and dodge anything thrown at her. She wasn't clumsy, quiet the contrary, she was very graceful due to long years in ballet just so she could be a skateboarder..to which she is. She'd rather have this body then have to one where the guys only hang out with you because of said body and to maybe get laid.

She had so many guy friends it wasn't even funny, and it was mostly because of the fact that she wasn't like all the other slut's in school..one naming Kikyo as one. Kagome walked into the living room to find Souta sitting on the coffee table, Kikyo between his legs watching him play the playstation2 and Sesshomaru sitting in the arm chair, blatantly ignoring everyone but her as his eyes were focused on her being right when she walked into the room.

She had to say that his eyes had to be one of the best things of his being. Such a soul searching molten gold that was so much different than Inuyasha's who had copper specks in his if you look close enough. Sesshomaru's hair was a deep pure silver, whereas Inuyasha had some gray and dull silver streaks in his. Not only that, Sesshomaru held a very cold mask over his face and emotions while Inuyasha just shouted his out to the world.

Today, he was wearing a black t-shirt with a giant white dog on both the front and the back and his spike bracelet on his right arm. His maroon tattoos and his blue crescent moon standing out against his slightly pale complection and his silver hair hanging over his left shoulder. His pants looked new as they had no holes in the knees nor any mud stains. He was just sitting there, gazing at her in a secret way.

Reluctantly, Kagome turned her gaze away from the god in her favorite arm chair to her brother who was letting Kikyo play the game. Upon closer inspection, Kagome could see that the game was called Grand Theft Auto 3 and that she was sucking at it so hard-core. Her brother had turned prep ever since he met Kikyo and started dating her. He never went skateboarding or roller blading with Kagome anymore because he was to busy going shopping with Kikyo and her equally stupid friends that thought of Kikyo as an idol.

Her brother wore white or even pink just because SHE didn't like black nor red. She didn't even like horror movies, so Souta was forced to watch sappy romance movies. To tell the truth, Kagome didn't mind a good sappy movie every once in a while, but daily? Come on! That's like as tedious as washing the dishes!! Serves him right though..ever since he and Kikyo have been dating it's like Souta doesn't even know that she's his sister anymore.

He treats her like a servant that's suppose to obey his every word or she'd get the shit kicked out of her. He has never laid a hand on her before, but he continuously threatens to and with him on the basketball, football, and soccer teams, she was scared of him, though she'd never allow him to see that.

"Hey you. Yeah, the girl standing there like a moron." Kikyo snapped at her, rudely bringing her from her thoughts. She thought for a moment that she heard a slight growl come from Sesshomaru but when she looked over at him, he looked emotionless.

"What, Kikyo?" Kagome asked dully.

"Get me your guitar, will you." Not even a question! Why does she do that? Its not a question!

"No. Go buy your own, you rich bitch!" Kagome snarled. "Last time I checked you couldn't even hold a guitar right let alone play it."

"I told you to never call Kikyo a bitch, Kagome." Came her 'brother's' cold voice. "Respect her. She's older than you."

"Yeah and I could kick her ass any day. You know this Souta. Keep a tight rein on her, she might not have a mouth to give u pleasure with if she keeps talking like that to me." Kagome responded, before turning away and catching a glimpse of Sesshomaru's eyes. They held quiet admiration and something else.