Once they reached the door, they saw Musa name on a piece paper in the door holder. There was an IV (A/n: Had to make it hi-tech) because her heartbeat went flat a couple of minutes ago and they thought she was dead but she was not.


"It seems like my heart has stopped but I still want to talk to you, Alisha." begged Musa since she felt as if it was just the start of their chat.

"Your friends probably think you're dead by now so you must go! We will finish your training later on." states Alisha.

"Yes mother but when can I visit again?" Musa was asking

"Whenever you go to sleep, my love. Now go before I blast you back to your friends." Alisha warned her.


'She should be dead by, now.' Ms. F was considering while checking her wristwatch until hearing multiple beeps, which was meaning Musa is back from the dead.

"Musa's alive." Riven happily announced once she opened her eyes.

Her eyes were scanning the room to see all of the girls and their boyfriends, except Riven and Layla, who were standing around her. She saw the look of pain and grief visible in their eyes.

"You really thought I would lose to death? I'm a fighter to the very end!" She replies with a smirk as it seems to lighten the mood.

"It's good to finally see you Musa." Layla was joyfully expressing while giving her a hug.

"Like I said, I'm a fighter to the end." Musa confidently remarks once she slowly sits up.

"It's good to see you up Musa," Sky stated with a smile.

"Thanks Sky, it's good to see everybody again." Musa was commenting before Ms. F was clearing her throat.

"I would like to have a word with Musa," The elderly woman stated but everybody stayed, "Alone," She promptly ordered and soon everybody left the room.

"I'm sorry for what I did Ms. F. I endangered the whole student body here, Red Fountain and at Cloud Tower. I know saying sorry won't take away the pain from their hearts but that's all I can do. It's okay if I'm banned from Alfea, for what I did but if it would take at least a little pain away from people, I will agree wholeheartedly with any decision you make." The teenager was frantically rambling while twiddling her hands and staring at them instead of looking towards Ms. F's face.

"Just as long as you understand the mistake you made. I can't do anything but hope for the best." The Headmistress renders before she gives her a hug.

Just then a light shone in the room and Alisha materialized, "I'm honored to have a Celestial Guardian in my presence. May I ask what is the purpose of your visit?" asked Ms. F once she sensed Alisha.

"I came to inform you that Musa will study with me for the next two years." The woman was answering her question.

This caught both of them completely off guard, "Musa needs to finish here at Alfea so she can be certified as a full-fledged fairy," commented Alfea's Headmistress.

"I know and here's a plan, if I take Musa now she can use my training as credits to graduate." The Celestial Fairy was offering her proposal to the snafu.

"I think Musa would be estatic to finish up the rest of the year since she only has so little credits to get to graduate." Ms. F opines.

"I know that. This is what I'm suggesting that during the time she is studying here she can have two days out of the week to train with me." The brunette expounds on her deal.

"I think that's fine enough but its up to Musa to decide weither or not it's fine by her." The elderly woman was turning the conversation to Musa.

"I think it would be a good idea." She eventually agreed to the idea.

"Well good then, you may now leave Musa. Some friends are waiting for you," Alisha knowingly hints.

"Bye and see you tonight." The Musical fairy was adding right before leaving the room.

"The real reason is that a great battle is going to take place, a man by the name of Baltor is about to awaken in the next year. I plan on teaching Musa, how to tap in to her Enchantix and use it. What I think is that she needs to sacrifice herself to save someone before she receives her Enchantix." The Celestial Fairy stated the real reason why she appeared.

"She came from Divine Heaven so she needs to sacrifice herself to save someone," She presumes with a tap on her chin.

"Not really, she can receive it from saving somebody from the Harmonic Nebula." Ms. F chimed.

"Is there any students here from Harmonic Nebula besides Musa?" Alisha was asking.

"Yes, Galatica (A/n: excuse my spelling)" The silver haired woman was revealing the student's name.

"It is settled then. Two days out of the week, Musa comes with me until she is promoted to the next grade. She will have to train with me for two years. It can even be added to her credits for school." Her mother was repeating the details of the plan.

"Yes," Ms. F agrees before Alisha magically disappears.

'Baltor is coming back, I have to become a little stronger then.' thought the Headmistress as she left the Infirmary to tell Musa what the decision is.


"Alisha says she wants to train me during Alfea," Musa told the girls.

"No way! You get a Celestial Guardian to help you train!" Layla astonishingly squeals at the news.

"Yep and I think I have to go for two years but I'm not sure yet. Ms F is going to tell me what they came up with," She was adding.

"Hopefully you don't have to leave us, we have two more years of Alfea to do after all." Flora comments.

"Alisha knows about that so she will try and keep me here as much as possible," The Musical Fairy was attempting to reason with the girls.

Just then Ms. F came out where the girls anxiously awaits her announcement, "We came to an agreement. Here it is: two days out of the week, you will go and train with Alisha. After this year, you will train two years with her and still attend Alfea."

The girls were excited but Musa was ecstatic because she got to stay, "Also we have to get ready for the Fall Concert. I know it's been pushed back but you girls deserve it, so I'll put you in charge of the dance." Their Headmistress aired.

"Well girls, we have a couple of days so let's get this party started," Stella shouted.

"Yeah!" the girls agreed in unison.


"Girls, I must say we out did ourselves this time," Stella was expressing while hanging up the banner with magic.

"Everybody's going to love it this year! Is Musa are you still performing?" asked Layla.

"As long as you are still dancing," Musa simply retorts with a finger at the brunette.

"You bet!" She cheerfully confirmed right before they burst out in to fits of laughter.

"I guess we should head up and get dress. It's almost time to start the party." Tecna suggests to the group.

"Tecna's right! We still have to get dress." Bloom exclaimed while they double checked the decorations then headed up towards their room.

Stella was wearing a meduim lengh yellow halter dress with thin straps and yellow heels. She wore her hair down with her crown on top of her head.

Bloom had a strapless blue gown with crystal heels. She wore her hair shortened and spiked it a little.

Tecna was clad in a purple dress that crossed at the top wedge shoes encrusted with purple jewels. She wore her hair just as usual.

Flora had a green halter brooch with green shoes. She wore her hair in a wild frizzy afro.

Musa wore a red baby doll dress that straps cross at the neck with red wedged heels. She wore half her hair in a ponytail and the rest was down and added curls to it.

Layla was in a simple green halter dress that stopped at her thighs with a pink belt with pink high heels that wraps around her ankles. She wore part of her hair in cornrolls and the rest down.


"Look's like everybody is coming! Let's get this party started!" Stella was excitingly shouting ar the girls.

By the time she was finished the whole hall was jammed packed with Red Fountain boys and Alfea girls.

After a couple of songs, Flora saunters her way towards the microphone. "I hope everybody is enjoying this evening!"

"We have our very own Musa performing a couple of songs for us. Let's give a round of applause for Musa!" The woman encouragingly urging as the crowd was clapping.

"Hey you guys, how are you doing?" She stopped to her the crowd say fine, "Well I'm going to sing you a couple of songs, the first song is called "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me".

I confess, I'm messed up
dropping "I'm sorry" like you're still around
And I know you dressed up,

"Hey kid you'll never live this down"

'Cause you're just the boy all the girls want to dance with
And I'm just the girl who's had too many chances

I'm sleeping on your folk's porch again, dreaming
He said, He said, He said, "Why don't you just drop dead?"

I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss him, kiss him
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late

Write me off, give up on me
Cause darling, what did you expect
I'm just off a lost cause
a long shot, don't even take this bet

You can make all the moves, you can aim all the spotlights
Get all the sighs and the moans just right

I'm sleeping on your folk's porch again, dreaming
He said, He said, he said, "Why don't you just drop dead?"

I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss him, kiss him
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late

(always on, always on)
You said you'd keep me honest
(always on, always on)
But I won't call you on it
(always on, always on)

I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss him, kiss him
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late

I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late

The crowd went wild, "It's good to see you guys like that song. Here's another one, when I felt that the boy of my dreams didn't accept my feelings at first." Musa stated.

I spent most of last night dragging this lake
For the corpses of all my past mistakes
Sell me out - the joke's on you
We are salt - you are the wound

Empty another bottle
and let me tear you to pieces
This is me wishing you
into the worst situations

I'm the kind of kid
that can't let anything go
But you wouldn't know a good thing
if it came up and slit your throat

Woah x2
Woah x2

Your remorse hasn't fallen on deaf ears
rather ones that just don't care
Cause I know
that you're in between arms somewhere

Next to heartbeats
where you shouldn't dare sleep
Now I'll teach you a lesson
for keeping secrets from me

Take your taste back
Peel back your skin
and try to forget how it feels inside
You should try saying no once in a while
oh once in a while

And did you hear the news?
I could dissect you
and gut you on this stage
not as eloquent as I may have imagined
but it will get the job done (you're done)

Every line is plotted and designed
to leave you standing
on your bedroom window's ledge
and everyone else that it hits
that it gets to
is nothing more than collateral damage

Take your taste back
peel back your skin
and try to forget how it feels inside
you should try saying no once in a while
oh once in a while

Riven felt bad before that he treated her like that but he hoped she understood that he loves her. Musa was reaching down to pick up a water bottle and swallowing a little before speaking "I don't want you guys to think I'm just an emo singer so here's a song for all you girls, who sees that special boy,"

Walking off that stage tonight
I know what you're thinking
"She stands alone because she's high on herself"
But if you only knew..

I was terrified and would you mind if I
sat next to you and watched you smile
So many kids but I only see you
And I don't think you notice me

Well I've seen your girlfriend
and I don't think she treats you right
But that's none of my business is it?

Well I've seen your girlfriend
and I don't think she treats you right
But that's none of my business is it?

I'm not the way you think I am, no
I'm not the way you think I am, no

The only boy who ever gave me the time
was the one who only wanted five minutes of mine
Knocking boots in the back,
How degrading is that?
I decline

I'm too terrified and would you mind if I
sat next to you and watched you smile
So many kids but I only see you
And I don't think you notice me

I'm not the way you think I am, no
I'm not the way you think I am, no

I'm not the way you think I am, no
I'm not the way you think I am, no
I'm not the way you think I am, no
I'm not the way you think I am, no

The crowd went absolutely crazy, "You see I had to liven up the party right? Well here's a song that makes you want to dance, so enjoy yourselves!" Musa was airing before singing into the microphone.

You always fold just before you're found out
Drink up its last call
Last resort
But only the first mistake and I...

I'm two quarters and a heart down
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds
These words are all I have so I'll write them
So you need them just to get by

Why don't you show me the little bit of spine
You've been saving for his mattress, love

Dance, Dance
We're falling apart to half time
Dance, Dance
And these are the lives you'd love to lead
Dance, this is the way they'd love
If they knew how misery loved me

Why don't you show me the little bit of spine
You've been saving for his mattress (mattress, mattress)
I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me

Dance, Dance
We're falling apart to half time
Dance, Dance
And these are the lives you'd love to lead

Dance this is the way they'd love (way they'd love)
Dance this is the way they'd love (way they'd love)
Dance this is the way they'd love
If they knew how misery loved me

"Well that's it unless you want a new song?" posed Musa as the crowd literally begged her to sing one more. She glanced at Ms. F who then gave her the approval, "Since you guys want me to sing another here's another one," Musa was claiming while drinking some more water.

As I leave will you be someone to say good-bye
As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye
My foot is out the door, and you can't stop me now

You wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back
Now I'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want
Is this what you need, how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song

The hearts start breaking as the year is gone
The dream's beginning and the time rolls on
It seems so surreal, now I sing it.
Somehow I knew that it would be this way,
Somehow I knew that it would slowly fade.
Now I am gone, just try and stop me now.

You wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back
Now I'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want
Is this what you need, how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song

And will you need me now, you'll find a way somehow
You want it too, I want it too.

"Enjoy the rest of your night here," Musa was eagerly shouting while walking off stage before Flora was strolling back up.

"Wasn't that the best concert you went through, we have one more performance by Alfea's very own Layla," The brunette relays before she leaves the stage.

Musa was feeling quite thirsty so she was heading over to the punch bowl to get something to drink. She was surprised to see Riven there.

"You're not the only one who needs something to drink," The young woman replies sarcastically.

"Very funny Musa," He eventually stated once he finally moved out the way.

"You like the performance?" She was inquistively asking him with her back to him.

"Yeah, you were awesome," Riven admits while he purposely moves closer to Musa.

As she was pouring her drink, she was feeling hot breath tickling her neck. The Musical Fairy turned to see Riven directly behind her and before she could say anything he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Riven what are you doing?" She was confusingly questioning while trying to break free.

"I love you Musa. I thought I lost you when you went evil and I almost kill myself just to be with you when you died." He whispers his confession in her ear so no one else could hear.

Musa wanted to turn around and slapped him but instead she leaned back in to his warmth and remained there for a couple of minutes. She was finally uttering "I love you too, Riven."

The End


I can't believe I brought this story to an end. Well be on the look out there maybe a sequel but until then you can check out my other stories!

- By: Aisha12894