Lois' eyes darted back and forth between the spinning globe on the computer screen in front of her and the doorway. The Daily Planet's basement was quiet and still in late evening hours and the light from the lone monitor cast dark shadows underneath her eyes as she leaned forward. Her fingers flew over the keyboard furiously as she reached for the mouse, the clatter of keys eliciting a mildly interested response from the janitor who was emptying wastebaskets a few cubicles over. "Minesweeper! What a game!" She quipped with a tight smile as she felt his stare. Finding what she had been searching for she swooped the cursor over and hit copy file. As she waited, her fingers drumming impatiently on the desk as she watched the hourglass blink, she caught sight of an edition of The Daily Planet, its crumpled edges sticking out from underneath a large red folder. Her hands gripped it stiffly as she pulled it out and read the big, bold headline to herself through gritted teeth.

"The Green Arrow Speaks—A Daily Planet Exclusive, by Chloe Sullivan."

Staring back up at her was an artist's rendering, a charcoal drawing of a chiseled jaw obscured by a think hood. Suddenly a small, round disc popped out from the drive below and Lois slipped it into her purse, throwing the paper swiftly into the trash beside her just seconds before Chloe rounded the corner, a large box in hand. "Hey Chlo." She chirped quickly as she cleared the screen and pushed off with her heel, sending her chair rolling back from the desk. "What's all that stuff?"

"Old editions of The Planet." Chloe replied as she dropped the ancient, crumbling box on the desk, a thick plume of musty smelling dust rising from it. "Can you believe they were going to throw all this stuff away?" She said as she gingerly picked up a frail, yellowed leaf of paper. "I know it's the age of the internet and everything, and that all this is archived digitally but, it's just so cool to actually hold a piece of The Planet's history in my hand ya know?"

Lois looked back at her absently, scrunching her nose from the stale smell.

"I was thinking I may get some of the really good ones framed or something."

"Uh huh, are we ready to go yet?" Lois said, cutting her off in a slightly clipped manner. "I mean I've had a long day too ya know, working at The Inquisitor, even though I know you don't consider what I do there as work."

"Lois, what are you talking about?"

"And even though I'm not all gung ho about journalism as you are," Lois continued, Chloe's protests ignored. "I'm just as much as of a journalist as you are, and I work hard all day, and I'm tired. And when you invite me to dinner and keep me waiting for over an hour..."

Chloe's amused smiled faded into a frown as she dropped the paper from her hand. "Lois I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but where is all this other stuff coming from? I never said you weren't a real journalist?"

"I know, just, forget it. I guess lack of nourishment brings up all my deep seated insecurities or something. Trust me it has nothing to do with you." Lois replied hastily, attempting a reassuring grin.

Chloe shot her an odd look and gathered up her things. "Okay, well let me just log out of here and we can get going." Chloe brushed past her and flipped off the computer. "I promised my cousin the best sushi in all of Metropolis and I'm not about to break it."