The three heroes returned to the cave for a final analysis of the situation. They made sure that Poison Ivy and Hush were behind it - and they were. They also tracked down where the tech was, and the two villains were probably with it. Their conclusion was that Ivy and Hush were at the Gotham Park. They got their supplies, and made their way to their vehicles: Batman in the Batmobile, and Robin and Huntress in their motorcycles. The final battle was going to commence.
As they rode to the park, dark clouds started to form in the distance. Finally, lighting struck the Wayne Tower, and rain poured onto the rode and made it slippery. Huntress's cycle lost grip, and crash into a nearby parked car. Robin stopped to see if she was alright, but them saw something he hoped not see - a bomb in the car.
The car blew up, and so did the motorcycle! Huntress and Robin went flying, and Batman went to save them. The Dark Knight dived to catch them, and he did, from certain death. They both had severe burns, and were unconscious. Suddenly, another car blew up next to Batman.
Hush must have rigged the whole street! thought Batman. He put the two heroes in the Batmobile, and set up it's security system, so that the two would be safe. It's time to end this once and for all!
As the Dark Knight dashed through the streets, he dodged mines and car bombs - probably put up by the police when they were hypnotized. He finally came to the entrance of the park - now a wilderness of ravage and evil plants. Batman took out his razor Batarangs and started to cut through the plants as they tried to eat him and attack him. He came to the middle of the dangerous maze full of cuts and bruises, and saw the hypnosis machine. With all his strength, the dark knight destroyed it, using everything he had. It all resulted in a big BLAM, as it exploded in fire and smoke.
As the smoke cleared, two figures were visible. Batman, and Hush.
"Why would you do this? You changed the minds of the protectors of Gotham and made them evil killing machines. Then you let loose a array of psychopaths to kill us. You framed man who did not commit the crime, and then tried to murder my teammates. How do you think you'd get away with this?" Batman asked, with rage.
"Because I already did everything you mentioned," Hush answered as he took out two pistols, "My victory is now."
Batman dodged the bullets Hush shot as him, and jumped forward at Hush. Hush leaped back, and caught Batman in his arms and spun him around. He let go and Batman flew into the fiery wreckage of the machine. The Dark Knight emerged and dashed at Hush and quickly changed direction. This resulted in a punch to the face by Batman. However, Batman had 3 Batarangs between his fingers, and Hush's face was covered with blood.
"AARGH!" Hush yelled as his disfigured face bled. He aimed for Batman's head, and shot a pistol he had hidden in his shoe. BLAM! The bullet barley missed Batman, and in response, Batman took out a flash grenade and chucked at Hush's face. It nailed him in the nose, and broke it. Batman then ran and grabbed Hush's arm and snapped the elbow in half. Hush yelling in pain, grabbed a sharp piece of metal and rammed it into the Dark Knight's leg. Batman collapsed, and pulled it out. On the ground, Batman threw it at Hush, and it nailed him in the shoulder.
Hush then went unconscious from all the pain. He suddenly fell to the ground. Batman also fell to the ground to catch his breath. Then behind him he heard the laugh of a woman - Poison Ivy.
"You have not defeated both of us!" She said. Batman tried to get up to his feet, but his leg hurt o much, he couldn't. Poison Ivy picked up a sharp stick and walked toward the downed Knight. She held it up, ready to strike him, but suddenly she collapsed. Behind her stood Robin and Huntress- they were healthy and strong. They has saved Batman's life a second time, and he thanked them for it. The police arrived and arrested the Poison Ivy and Hush. They battle was over.
One Day Later
Batman stood on the edge of a building in Gotham and overlooked the skyscrapers. Robin was at his side, and Huntress the other. They examined the city and it was better than before. They made a difference because of teamwork and cooperation. Suddenly a Bat Symbol appeared on the air, and the trio discovered their fight against evil was not over. Not yet.