"Wow, the Pegasus really is an amazing ship." Sam said, impressed after Lee had given her the promised tour.

"I'm glad you like it." Lee smiled proudly. "So, you're ready to go back to the planet?"

"I don't want to leave already." Sam looked at him sadly. This was their last day together.

"I could bring you down myself." A wide grin appeared on his face. "You still want that viper ride?"

Her jaw fell open. "Are you serious?"

"Just say yes."

"Yes!" Sam shot out so quickly that Lee had to laugh.

"Good. There's a flight suit waiting for you in my quarters. Vipers are only designed for one person, but if we move together, we should both fit in."

"Move together sounds good." Sam replied smiling.

Half an hour later they both sat together in Lee's viper, ready to launch.

"So, uhm, what am I supposed to do now?" Sam asked hesitantly.

"Just hold on. Ready?"


"Okay." When Lee got the clear, he pushed the button and the viper shot out into space.

"Oh wow!" Sam cried out excitedly. "Whoo!"

Lee laughed at her excitement. He felt exactly the same way. It had been way too long since his last flight.

"Can we take a little detour?" Sam pleaded when she saw the planet below them coming closer.

"Your wish is my demand." Lee grinned. He turned the viper around and hit the thrusters. "Whoohoo!"

Their little detour lasted until they had used most of the viper's fuel and only enough was left for Lee to get back from the planet to the Pegasus. They both enjoyed every moment of it.


Tightly entwined, Lee and Sam stood in front of the Gate. The last group of civilians had left the planet a few minutes ago.

"I don't want to go." Sam whispered, her head lying on Lee's shoulder.

"It's only a year." Lee replied quietly.

"I know."

"And we can keep making plans for when I get to earth. This time we know it will really happen."


"I don't want you to go either, but …" He stopped and looked at her sadly.

"I know. I understand all the reasons, it's just …" She sighed. "I'm gonna miss this. This last week …"

"… was perfect." Lee finished for her.


"Have that dinner ready and the water in the bathtub hot when I come." He grinned at her.

"I will … Just come back safe."

"Don't worry, with Galactica and Pegasus and no civilian ships to guard, there's nothing to go wrong." He assured her. "And you make sure that the Goa'uld don't occupy earth before I get there."

"That'll never happen. And thanks to the ship plans you gave us we should be able to defend earth against any enemy until the year is over." Sam replied smiling.

They looked at each other for a moment before Lee pulled her closer for a long kiss.

"I'll see you tonight, all right?"

"All right." Sam swallowed and closed her eyes for a second when she heard Jack call for her. "I guess I'll have to go." She didn't move or turn around to go.

"I'll wait here until … you're through the gate." He didn't let go of her.

"Okay." She held onto him tightly, not willing to let go.

Finally it was Lee who broke the contact. "I guess your friends won't wait forever." He said sadly. "Take good care of the civilians, okay? Especially Roslin … I think her and my Dad … well, I don't want to think too much about it, but I'd like them to be reunited again."

"I will."

"Okay then …" He forced himself to let go of her hand.

"Okay …"

They kissed a last time before Sam started walking towards the gate. It took all her willpower to keep going and not run back to him. She could feel his eyes on her back with every step she was going away from him. When she reached the gate, she turned around to him again. He was standing only a few feet away, smiling at her. She forced herself to smile back at him. She would see him again tonight. This wasn't a goodbye forever. Only for a few hours.

She never took her eyes of Lee as she stepped backwards through the gate.


16 months later:

With gleaming eyes Lee looked at the planet below him. They were finally here. It had taken them a little while longer to reach earth thanks to some Cylon attacks, but they had made it. And even though he had never been here before, it felt like he had come home.

"The Raptor is waiting, Commander."

The gruff voice from his father pulled him out of his thoughts. Smiling Lee turned to him.

"I thought this day would never come." He said quietly. "You kept your promise."

Questioningly Adama looked at his son.

"You promised us earth. And here we are."

"Unfortunately as an Admiral I can't always keep the promises I make. But as a father … The day the Cylons attacked, I vowed that I would never let you down again. I promised to bring you to earth, so it was never a question that we would get here … only a question of how long it would take us." He added smiling. "Now let's go, we don't want to keep her waiting."

Half an hour later Lee stepped off the Raptor, looking at his surroundings. There were several people waiting for them. He recognized President Roslin standing in the first row, beaming with joy. And right next to her was Sam. From the moment his eyes fell on her, he didn't see anything else. He didn't see Kara flinging herself into Anders arms or the warm embrace between Laura Roslin and his father. All he saw was Sam walking towards him. He quickened his steps and after a short moment he was with her, held her in his arms and kissed her passionately. He never wanted to let go of her again.

"Welcome to earth, Commander." Sam whispered in his ears.


One week, several medical tests and other quarantine procedures later, Lee was finally allowed to leave the base. Sam was eager to show him her home. She had planned this day for so long.

Hesitantly they stood in her living room after she had showed him her house.

"So, do you like it?" Sam asked quietly.

"It's perfect. It's almost exactly how I pictured you would live." Lee replied smiling.

A small smile spread on Sam's lips. "How about I prepare us dinner and you take that bath you have been waiting for so long?"

"That sounds like a good idea." He slung his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. "But how about we cook dinner together later and you join me in the bath? There's room for two right?"

"We might have to move together, but we should fit." Sam replied grinning.

"Move together sounds good." He said right before he gave her a long, lingering kiss.


"What took you so long?" Lee asked smiling when Sam appeared on the meadow.

"I enjoyed watching you sleep." She replied while she sat down next to him.

For a while they just sat next to each other, watching the butterflies fly around them.

"Did you ever think it would come to this? That we would live on the same planet, sleep in the same house?" Sam asked quietly after a while.

"Not really. When I saw the Gate on Kobol, I thought I had lost my mind." He laughed. "And then you were standing right before me."

"I'm still wondering how this is even possible. I meet a five year old boy in my dreams, chase butterflies with him, share every hope and all my fears with him, knowing he exists only in my dreams ... and 24 years later he's sleeping in my bed."

Lee laughed. "I have no idea. But whatever or whoever made this possible, I'll be forever grateful." He looked thoughtfully at her. "I don't think I would have made it this far without you. You gave me the strength to go on."

"We both gave us strength." Sam snuggled closer to him. "You think we'll go on each others nerves after a while? I mean, we won't only meet in our dreams, but also during the day."

"No, that won't happen. With our jobs, we're lucky if we get to see us at all during the day." Lee replied laughing.

"Right." Sam smiled warmly. When she looked up at him she looked happier than ever before. "When I wake up tomorrow, it will be the first time I won't have to miss you. You'll be right next to me."

He laid his arms around her and together they waited for the next morning.

The end

A.N.: Thanks to Laurie for beta reading this chapter and for all your help with this story. And thank you all for your great feedback. It's very much appreciated :)