1NOT MINE! Ok! Age 19... red hair... poor college student... Oh yeah, sure! I'm the great-rich-blonde created of Harry Potter... only in my dreams...

A/N: So this is my first time posting a story on here... be kind!

Rated M: Violence, Language, Sexual Content, Cutting, Mentions of Rape...

Chapter 1: The start of destruction

Harry sat in his room at the Dursleys, tugging at his hair, which over the summer had reached the small of his back.

He was wide awake even though it was only a few minutes away from midnight. He looked at the clock by his bed.

Almost time.

He looked down at a news clipping he had under his pillow. It was from a muggle paper but he didn't care. The image was of a small girl, only fifteen, with dyed black hair and bright blue eyes. He had met her at the start of summer, some times spending the night at her house. She didn't go to school, something about too many people and their constant touching made her nervus. She was a sweet girl who had taught him the finer points of eyeliner and clothes that fit

He could still remember the day he saw the front page with her face on it.

The pain of knowing that she was killed just because she had shown him kindness, was overwhelming and just being in this house made him sick.

This time it wasn't Death Eater's that caused yet another death in his life. No. Voldemort, he could have dealt with.

His first, non-magical, friend was beaten and raped, even after her death.

No. As evil as Voldemort was, Harry new he would never...

Voldemort wouldn't, but Dudley and Piers would... and they did.

The sick little bastards even took pictures and made Harry look at them.

He had to get out. Before he killed someone and was sent to Azkaban...

The alarm went of on the watch he'd gotten from the trash can while hiding from Dudley the day before.

"Happy Birthday Harry." He said to himself, sliding under the covers of his too small bed.

Had there been enough room he would have stretched out on the floor. But as it was, there was hardly enough room for his bed and school trunk.

Harry cursed silently as he remembered how Dudley demanded his room enlarged and the space be taken from Harry's room.

Not that it mattered.

Really it didn't. He'd leave this summer and never have to return. He was finally seventeen...

If that was a good thing or not, Harry wasn't sure yet.

"Harry! Harry, wake up!" Ginny yelled, when this didn't work, she grabbed the sheets Harry was laying on and pulled, droping Harry on his bum.

"What you do that for?" Harry nearly fell again when he tried to stand. He was still very weak from the time he'd spent with the Dursleys's.

"Mum says, you had best be getting out of bed, seeing as we leave for the train in an hour." Ginny turned quickly, with a blush on her face, and ran out the door.

"Bloody Hell, mate, wish I could make her go away like that."

"I would be highly disturbed if any girl ran from you in anything other than disgust, Ron."

Ron tossed a pillow across at Harry, where he was trying to go back to sleep. "Come on get up, Harry. We're going to school today. You've got to be happy about that."

Harry got dressed and packed his bags. By the time he'd finished, he had enough time to grab a piece of toast and run out the door.

"Blimey, look at her!" Ron said, knocking Harry over as soon as they made it past the barrier of Platform 9 3/4.

"What is it with you Weasley's today? Did Voldemort posses you all and set you out to kill me?"

But Ron wasn't listening anymore, Harry doubted he ever was, he had made his way over to Hermione.

Harry looked at her and frowned. She was dressed in a bright pink top that showed of her new size B breast with a V-neck, a pink and black plaid mini that let you know what was under it, and black high hilled spikes.

"Hello, Harry." She said. Her hair was pulled into pigtails and she was sucking on a lollipop.

"You look different. Just what kind of books did you get yourself into this summer?" Harry asked as Hermione got Ron to Take her trunk into the cart she had for them.

As soon as he was gone, she rounded on Harry, blushing more than Harry had in his whole life.

"Oh, Harry, do you think he liked it?"

"Liked what!?" Harry asked, horrified by the look in her eye.

"This!!!" Hermione made a great show of movement as she threw her arms out and started to sob.

"You want to know if a horny, seventeen year old boy, thinks you're sexy?" Harry chuckled as she nodded. "Would it make you feel better if I told you that Ron nearly ran me over when he saw you?"

Hermione giggled and jumped Harry, hugging him and knocking his hat to the floor.

Hermione gasped as his hair feel smoothly down his back and into his face. Without his hat to hide his face, his eyes were reveled to show his make up.

"Your hair! Your eyes! Why did you do this?"

Harry sighed, his cover was blown, 'no reason to hide it now' he thought as he put his hair in a ponytail. "Needed a change..."

A/N: I hope you all like this. I'm working really hard to not go to sex on the first page but don't worry, sex in the next chapter! ;D Please review. If something is wrong, let me know. But do keep in mind that this is my take on things.