Yondaime-kun: hey, I'm here with a new fic. Again. This is my second attempt of a Kakashi Gaiden fic. My first one didn't work out well, so I'm writing a new one. Please read and review. Also don't flame either. Like all my other fics, constructive criticism is fine. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I'll never own Naruto in a million years.


"Inner Obito and Inner Rin"


It was winter in the village of Konoha when a boy with spiky black hair threw a snowball at the brunette. The boy then laughed saying, "Ha hahaaahahh. Rin-chan, you've got snow all over you."

The girl, Rin, looked at the boy and said, "Obito, you're going to get it. I'm SOOOOO going to get you."

Rin then picked up a huge snowball and threw it at Obito. Obito saw this course of action and ran to dodge, but he got hit with the snowball worse than Rin did. He then said, "Alright Rin, you win."

"I thought so," said Rin. She then looked at the time and saw that they were late for training. Rin turned to Obito and said, "We're late for training."

"WE ARE," yelled Obito scared out of his wits, "OH MY GOD! Sensei is going to kill us!"

"Not if we run."

Obito and Rin ran for their lives as fast as they could to training, on the way, Obito saw how Rin was cold and said, "Let's find a place where I could buy you some hot chocolate?"

Rin looked at Obito and asked, "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"Yea. Besides, sensei and teme knows that I'm always late. This is also so that you could at least feel a little warmer after that awesome snowball fight that we had."

"That was the best snowball fight ever! Anyways, thank you for the offer of the hot coco."

"No problem."

So, Rin and Obito slowed down and Obito saw a small café. He then took Rin by her hand and dragged her to the shop. However, upon touching Rin's hand, Obito began to blush. Rin also saw this and began to blush as well, she then thought, 'Oh no. I can't like Obito now. I'm supposed to like Kakashi and not Obito.'

"Still though," said a voice, "At least Obito is SOOOOOO much nicer than Kakashi. No offense."

'Who are you?'

"ME! I'm you girl. Ok, so Kakashi is pretty hot, but Obito is better."


"WELL, he's nice and he considers your feelings unlike Kakashi, might I add. You really should give Obito a chance."

'I guess.'

As Obito held Rin's hand, he thought, 'Wow. I can't believe that she blushed at me holding her hand. Well, also the same with me. But still, I can't believe that she blushed.'

"I know," said a voice.

'Who are you?'

"I'm you and besides, I'll never leave you NEVER! MWAHAHAHAHAH!"
'You're weird.'

"I know."

Obito and Rin entered the café and sat down next to a window. Rin then looked out the window and said, "The snow is so beautiful as it falls. Don't you think Obito?"

"Yea," said Obito, "But it's not as beautiful as you are."

"You think that I'm beautiful?"
"Of course, now, I'll just go and get some coco for us."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

Obito then got up out of his seat and went to get the coco. On the way to getting the coco, he looked back at Rin and thought, 'She's so beautiful.'

"You've said that five hundred times," said Inner Obito.

'I know.'

Rin sat in her seat waiting for Obito to come with their coco. She then looked to Obito and their eyes met. As they watched each other, Rin thought, 'Oh my god. I'm supposed to like Kakashi!'

"You know that you can give up on Kakashi and go with Obito," said Inner Rin.

'Yea. I know, but still. I mean, how would it look if I were with Obito. We're both on the same team, but still. I just can't love him.'

"Girl, you are in denial. Double denial. I'll just leave you. For now."

'She scares me. Literally scary.'

A few minutes, Obito came back with some coco for Rin and himself. Rin looked up to see Obito coming back with the coco. Obito then gets to his seat and sits down.

"Well," said Obito, "Here's the coco that I promised."

"Thank you," said Rin, "That was very kind of you. Again."

"As I said before, it was really no problem. Besides, we're friends."

"Yea. Friends."

"You seem disappointed Rin. Do you, I don't know, want us to MORE then friends?'

When Rin heard this, she shook her head saying, "No. Being friends is totally fine with me."

"Sheesh," said Obito, "No need to get offensive by it. Let's just drink and go."

"How about we bring the coco with us? Since they aren't in the expensive glasses and they're in the to go cups anyways, that way, we can still go to training."

"Oh. Training… Um. Yea. Let's do that then."

"Let's go then."

Rin and Obito left the café and began to walk to their training area when they saw their sensei and Kakashi walk towards them. Kakashi then said, "You're late. Where were you two?"

"Well," said Obito, "You see, we were walking around and…"

"Whatever, I actually want to hear why Rin was late. With you."

"Oh," said Rin, "Well, you see, I accidentally fell into some snow and…"

"Forget it. Anyways, sensei had some news for you. Which is about me."

"Ah," said Sensei, "Well, you see, Kakashi will be temporally out of the team to spend time with his father at a place in which I don't really know yet."

"So," said Obito, "What this means is that Rin and I will have a vacation?"

"Yep. They'll meet us at a ski resort that I'm taking you guys to. Kakashi's father really wants to meet you two."

"Oh. So will it be vacation then?"

"Yea. You'll be spending time together with Kakashi's father and himself soon so that he could meet the team in which he really wanted to do."

"Okay then. Rin and I will be on our way to pack up our stuff. So bye!"

Obito takes Rin's hand, again, and he drags her off with coco in tow. She again blushed along with Obito as they were holding hands. 'Oh man,' thought Rin, 'this is the second time today that this happened. I can't believe this.'

"I totally know," said Inner Rin, "It's so great. This is a total fantasy. I mean Obito is really hot and…"

'I just don't want to know now. Let's just go home.'

When Obito and Rin got away from their team, Obito looked at Rin and said, "Well, um. I guess that I better get going. You know. Back to get our stuff for the trip to the resort. Um. Yeah, I'll see you later then."

"Wait," said Rin, but Obito couldn't hear her because he ran off in a hurry to get away form Rin.

After Obito left, Rin walked back home until she saw Kakashi standing by her door. Rin then says, "Um. Hi Kakashi, what are you doing here?"
"Not that I care or anything," he said, "But are you and Obito hiding something from me?"
"Why would we hide anything from you Kakashi?"

"I know that you wouldn't, but I know that Obito would hide something. So, I want to know what was up with you two?"

"Oh. Well, Obito and I were playing around and we both got wet so we went to get coco and that's it."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am."

"Alright then, why don't you go get ready? Sensei wants us to meet each other in about an hour. Right now, sensei is telling the dobe about what he needs to do as well."

"Oh ok. So, your father is coming right?"

"Yeah, he is. However, the mission thing is a total lie. But, I really don't care."

Kakashi then left after he said what he said and Rin went into her house to pack up her snowboarding equipment. 'Wow,' thought Rin, 'I wonder if Obito snowboards?'

"He probably does," said Inner Rin, "Well, he better."

'Too true."

Obito ran home thinking, 'Oh man, I can't believe that I made a fool of myself in front of Rin. She probably thinks that I'm a complete loser right now. ARGH!'

"I know," said Inner Obito, "At least you know how to snowboard. Or, at least tried."

'Well, I want to prove that I can be the best. I wonder if Rin will go out with me after this. I mean, if I don't act like a complete idiot. Might I add.'

"Too true."

When Obito got close to his house, he saw sensei standing there. He then said, "Sensei what are you doing here?"

"Oh me," said sensei, "I'm here to tell you that we're meeting up in an hour because that way, we can get to the bus on time. Now, I know you probably hate Kakashi, but please, just for this trip, be nice to him. Ok."

"Because of his dad?"
"Well, yea. That too. Just be nice to Kakashi. Ok."

"Alright, I will. But if he tries anything funny with Rin and me, I will beat him up."

"Um. No, don't do that. Just be nice."

"Fine. I will."

Sensei then left leaving Obito to run into his house and to his room. He went to his closet and took out his snowboard that he used last year when he started to take lessons even though skiing was more easier for him. 'Dang it,' thought Obito, 'if I go skiing, Rin will think that I'm a complete wimp. I can't show her that side of me. I WILL learn how to snowboard.'

"You better," said Inner Obito, "Besides, if you don't you'll be made into a complete moron. Just to let you know and I really don't want that to happen. Especially if Kakashi can snowboard better than you, no wait, it's us. Ah well, whatever. At least we tried. Besides, we can just keep practicing at the resort anyways."

'True. It could be worse.'

"You've got that right."

So, after Obito packed up his things that will be needed on the trip, he left and went to see if Rin was home so that they could walk together to the training area where they'll meet up with sensei, Kakashi's father, and of course, Kakashi. 'I better get to Rin's house before Kakashi,' thought Obito, 'I don't want the bastard to get his way with Rin. I swear if he does, I'll personally kill him.'

"Go me," yelled Inner Obito.

'Oh. It's you.'

"OF course it's me. I mean, where would you be without me. Besides, I think that Rin is beginning to fall for you even if you don't realize this."


"Yep. Remember, I AM YOU. Get it?"

'Now I do.'


When he got to Rin's house, Rin was outside with her snowboard when Obito thought, 'Oh wow. She's so hot just standing there.'

"I know," said Inner Obito, "Really hot. Well, good looking. Anyways, not really hot cause it's not summer, so I've got to say that she is BEAUTIFUL. Especially with the whole snow falling around her in every direction. Oh man, I hope that she looks our way. I really want to see her smile brightly on this cold beautiful snowy day. Oh, I can just sing all day and read poetry."

'Go away.'

As Rin walked out of her house, she saw Obito coming towards her and he stopped. 'That's odd,' thought Rin, 'Obito normally would come up and jump on me.'

"Girl," said Inner Rin, "You would SOOOOO totally love that. I mean, this is OBITO. He's very handsome and caring. At least HE looks your way. Besides, how I wish that I could…"

'NO. I'm not letting you do what you want to do. I mean, I agree with you on the fact that Obito is handsome, but still, I think that it'll be wrong if I get together with him.'

"Fine, be that way. But still, didn't you noticed how odd Kakashi was acting?"

'Yea, that is odd. He normally never talks to me unless it's about his daily check up or something. But he did say that sensei sent him. So, I wouldn't be really surprised by this.'

"NOW that you mention it, he seemed to be jealous of Obito."


"I don't know."

Yondaime-kun: that's the end of chapter 1. I hoped that you enjoyed it. I would also like to know what the Yondaime's name is because I don't really want to continue calling him sensei. Please review and don't flame. Constructive criticism is fine. I'll try to update the others soon.