A/N: Thanks for all the comments everyone. I think for the most part I'm pretty disappointed with this story but I had fun writing it, at least. The ending for Tommy and Jude was kind of naive in Prodigal Son so I'm glad we got to work out the problems that would have been present for them.

If you've just lurked and read the story without commenting so far, I'd really appreciate if you could comment now it's complete. Let me know what your favorite scenes where, looking back. Etc.


I shrugged, hating the harsh glare of the studio lights burning down upon the soundstage as I smiled at the Oprah Winfreyish talk host, "I made a lot of mistakes I'm not proud of," I said slowly as I finished off the story of my past and Cassie, "But I'm human like everyone else. I guess my biggest hope is that young girls like I was will learn from my mistakes.'

The host nodded as she leaned over and patted my knee sympathetically, "But you're doing well now?" She asked.

I nodded, "I turned eighteen a few months ago. I have my daughter Cassie back. I truly can't describe how much I missed her when she was away. It was like I had this empty hole inside me and nothing could fill it. She's beautiful," I smiled and blew a kiss to Cassie in the audience. She was seated on Sadie's lap and giggled at my actions then hopped about excitedly when a cameraman swooped in on her. She loved the camera already and I must say she does seem destined for a career in showbiz but then I'm her mother and I'm completely biased to assure you that she can do or be whatever she wants to be.

The host smiled and made 'aww'ing sounds along with the audience before grinning knowingly, "So what's this I hear about a new man in your life?"

I blushed and ducked my head, "I am seeing someone actually," I remarked with a nod of my head, "His names it Tom Quincy," I glanced at the audience and grinned as they made 'ooooh' sounds, "I think you guys might know of him, he used to be in this little band Boyz Attackā€¦" I laughed softly and turned back to the host, "He's great." I said simply.

She leaned toward me as if we were about to share a secret, "So tell me, is love in the air?"

I nodded, my eyes drifting to where Tommy stood by a cameraman, "Definitely." I remarked softly as I ran my index finger over the promise ring on my left hand, "Love and a whole lot more."

I swear, no matter what I do, I just can't wipe that ridiculous smile off my face.


Watch out for 'The Cassie Series' a collection of One Shot sequels regarding Tommy, Jude and Cassie, coming soon. (Unless you're reading this quite some time after it was originally posted, in which case the series would already exist...)