Here's the final part, I promise. My muse wanted to make it a trilogy, and even if she didn't, too bad. Please R&R.
I own nothing you recognize in the story.
I think about the years I spent just passing through.
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you,
But you just smile and take my hand.
You've been there to understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.
Exerpt from God Blessed the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts
The newly reunited SG-1 began its journey back to the gate. Reynolds had already reported to General Hammond and volunteered his team to stay on the planet.
O'Neill had Sam dial the gate (Daniel watched over her shoulder), while Joanas dialed the IDC.
The gate whirred to life and the horizon stablized. Sam glanced at Daniel and saw that his face was carefully expressionless.
"Pretty cool, huh?" she asked as the team walked up to the horizon.
He watched O'Neill go through, then turned to her, smiled, and nodded to her before following.
Sam, Teal'c, and Jonas followed suit and exited seconds later on the other side in time to hear Gneral Hammond asking, "You have no idea who I am?"
Daniel, who had been looking around the embarkation room curiously, responded, "None whatsoever."
"Neither do I," added O'Neill.
Sam almost snorted--twice. Once at Colonel O'Neill and again at General Hammond's expression.
"Uh, that way," O'Neill said, directing Daniel toward the left. The rest of the team followed. "Did I mention that you owe me fifty bucks?"
A day later, Sam was sitting in the cafeteria, eating her usual raspberry jell-o. Suddenly, her treat was shadowed by something and she looked up to see Teal'c.
She smiled and he sat down across from her. They ate in silence for a few moments before Teal'c said, "Colonel O'Neill tells me that Daniel Jackson has remembered Sha're."
Sam's heart fell and she stared at her now-empty jell-o dish. She swallowed. "Th-that's great."
She felt Teal'c's eyes burning into her. "You are not happy for Daniel Jackson?"
Sam knew he knew the truth. He was very hard to fool. "No, it's not that, Teal'c," she said quietly. "It's just... I know I should feel happy for him remembering Sha're, but..." Why couldn't she get this out? She tried a different approach. "Back on the planet he asked if there was ever anything between us." She stopped and began playing with her fork. This had to get out, but she found it so hard. The worst part was that this was still easier than telling Daniel, the person who actually needed to hear this. Teal'c was waiting for her to finish so she put her fork down and looked up. "Teal'c, I wanted so badly to say yes. But I knew it was unfair to lie; because one, he would remember the truth and Sha're eventually, and two, because it would be morally wrong and I feel horrible for even considering it." She looked back down at her dish.
"That was a wise thing to do, Samantha Carter."
Sam looked up again in surprise. This was the first time Teal'c had ever used her first name. That still didn't answer one question though: "But now that he's back what am I going to do?" she asked, bordering on despair.
"You should tell Daniel Jackson of you feelings." He had a strange gleam in his eyes.
"I can't, Teal'c. It's too soon. He's just gotten back, and found out about his wife. I just... I can't." Sam resumed playing with her fork.
"What if he feels the same?" Teal'c pointed out.
"And if he doesn't?" Sam retorted sharply. Her eyes widened apologetically as soon as the words were out. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."
Teal'c inclined his head. "I will leave you to decide your best course of action." He stood up and left.
Sam sat unmoving for about five minutes before getting up herself and heading to the briefing room early.
An hour later, the briefing started. A few minutes later Daniel walked in, led by an SF. Sam turned in her chair to look at him. She noticed that he was now wearing his glasses.
"Uh, I'm sorry I'm late I, uh..." he looked at his watch, "forgot what time the meeting was." He smiled at the others, but got stares in return. "It's a joke," he elaborated. "The whole memory loss thing."
"Doctor Jackson," said Geneal Hammond sternly, "this meeting is classified."
"Yeah, Jonas told me that, but I... You all told me that I used to be part of this and...I just feel like I should be here."
O'Neill and Hammond exchanged a glance. Sam waited impatiently for their answer but didn't show it. She looked at Teal'c but he just stared intently at General Hammond.
"Good enough," Hammond finally said.
Daniel sat next to Sam and they exchanged a small smile. The meeting was officially begun, during which, they discovered Daniel understood Ancient. It turned out the tablet didn't mean 'the city of the lost.' The city was still lost but Daniel suspected that loosing the city hadn't been the Ancients' actual inttent. Finally the subject turned to ward the Eye that Daniel, Sam, and Jonas found back on Abydos.
"I only did it because you said we could whup ass with what we find in the lost city," said O'Neill accusingly. Sam bit back a sharp retort. Daniel had said it himself that he couldn't speak for something he had done before this.
"Wh--if I said that, then I-I hope it's true, but...but look, all I know is that the place you are looking for right now isn't it," defended Daniel.
"Then where is it?" asked O'Neill.
"Did I just say 'all I know'?" Daniel retorted.
It was all Sam could do to stop herself from laughing at Colonel O'Neill's expression.
"Everybody turn around. I want no witnesses," growled O'Neill, while glaring at Daniel.
"Colonel, knock it off," ordered Hammond. "Does anyone have anything to add?" No one spoke. "Good, get to work people. Dismissed."
Everyone turned and began to leave, but Daniel held Sam back. "I need to talk to you," he murmured in her ear.
She led him back to her lab and they sat down at the table.
"I've been thinking," began Daniel. "I've gotten enough of my memories back to know...myself and how I would act and respond to things."
Sam put a hand on his shoulder and smiled inwardly when he didn't stop her this time.
"Back on Vis Uban, everything was cloudy. I wanted almost nothing to do with who I was. I-I did get flashes of memory...of killing. I didn't want to know that man. Then you came and told me all these things, good things about me. That helped me remember more. I began remembering feelings." Here he paused and looked at her in the eye.
Sam's breath caught. Was he saying what she thought he was?
"I asked 'the question' because of the feelings I remembered and because of what you said. Now, I wanted to ask another question: you want there to be anything between us?"
"Are...are--" she began, but he interupted.
"I've waited to say this for two reasons. One, because I wanted to be sure and two--" here he looked embarrassed "--because I told Teal'c shortly after I got back and he said that I should tell you how I feel."
Sam's mouth dropped. 'Teal'c! That coniving little sneak!' she thought in amusement.
Daniel must have misinterpreted her expression because he suddenly looked sad and ashamed. "Oh. Well, uh... I guess I'll...go." He got up slowly but Sam stood up quicker.
Before he could turn and walk away, she grabbed his face and kissed him...hard.
All of her fears of not being able to find the right guy melted away. The others--Narim, Martouf, Jonas--were just there, guiding her along the path of true love. He was right there the whole time and she never saw. She knew that this time the feeling was real. It was different than how she felt about the others, deeper somehow.
Daniel's eyes widened in surprise. Before he could respond, Sam ended it and asked, "You're sure you won't regret this? I mean, once you remember everything?"
"I promise," whispered Daniel and he kissed her back.
Sam had been his ray of light to follow through his clouded and confused fog. When he saw her in Vis Uban, it was like one of the cloudiest places of his mind suddenly cleared. He had had no memory of Sha're or Sarah and that soemhow freed him to realize the emotions he had long before held suppressed. He would never forget Sha're, but he hope that wherever she was, she would be happy for him.
Somehow, he knew for sure that she was.
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.
So there it is...the end. Hats off to my muse, Thalia. Despite being really annoying, she gets her job of inspiring done.
In my happy little reality, Pete never existed, so Sam and Daniel got to live a fairytale ending of happily ever after.