Hello all devoted readers! I'm so excited for you to read this chapter, which is also the final chapter. I'm sorry it's taken awhile but I was having writers block for awhile until a perfect idea of how to end this story came into my head. For those of you who have read this story and reviewed…Thank You so much; you're the reason I've kept writing. Flashbacks are in italics and lyrics are separating them, to help out a little. Well it's a year and a half in the making…here's the end! Read on!


Ch. 24

Well I had a dream

I stood beneath an orange sky

Yes I had a dream

I stood beneath an orange sky

With my brother standing by

With my brother standing by

I said brother, you know you know

it's a long road we've been walking on,

brother you know it is, you know it is

such a long road we've been walking on

It's funny how certain events in our life can change us faster than we can blink. Some people say you don't change overnight but if you talked to the residents of Tree Hill, they would disagree. It may not have happened for all of them on the same night but certainly within the same year. Maybe that had something to do with Dan Scott being elected mayor or Jimmy Edwards walking into school with a gun or the Ravens winning the state championship. Whatever it was, Tree Hill had had a hell of a year.

"Careful with that Mouth, I bought that at the California Museum of Art and my dad would not be happy if it got ruined." Brooke warned as Mouth brought a painting into the apartment.

Mouth paused in the middle of the apartment and set the painting down, "Why do I feel like I've done this before?"

Brooke laughed dryly, "Because you have but like I said…careful with the painting."

Mouth just nodded his head and set the painting against a wall Brooke was pointing too. Soon Haley entered the apartment with a heavy sigh and almost ran into Mouth who was leaving.

"Whoo Mouth, where you running off to?"

Mouth looked over at Brooke who was staring at the painting and then back at the wall, he turned his attention back to Haley and just laughed. "Good luck." He whispered and left the apartment.

"I heard that Marvin McFadden!" Brooke yelled, not moving from her position

Haley laughed then flopped herself on the ground, having no place else to sit. "Do you realize that in a little over a year both of us have lived here twice? I'm not sure I'd want to live here again."

"I changed more in this apartment than I did anywhere else; I love it." Brooke looked over at Haley, "Plus, it's a steal!"

Both girls laughed and Brooke headed for the door. "Umm tutor wife?" Brooke said turning to look at Haley.

"Yeah?" Haley responded with an innocent shrug.

"This is not break time. We have a butt load of boxes to bring in here. Now chop chop." Brooke clapped her hands and left the apartment.

Haley sighed one more time before following Brooke out.

And I had a dream

I stood beneath an orange sky

With my sister standing by

With my sister standing by

I said Sister, here is what I know now

Here is what I know now

Goes like this

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, in your love, in your love

"Brooke would you please stop," Rachel begged from the bathroom, "you look perfect and Lucas is definitely going to want to jump you when he see's you." Coming out of the bathroom Rachel winked and smacked Brooke on the ass. "If he doesn't I will."

"Oh dear god! If you guys are going to have some sick threesome maybe I should leave." Haley exclaimed from her place in front of the vanity.

"Jealous Hales?" Rachel smirked.

Somehow Rachel and Haley had found common ground over the last few months. Rachel rarely called Haley Hales but when she did it meant she was in a good mood. That was definitely a situation to take advantage of.

"She's just worried it will mean I'll have less time for her and Nathan." Brooke turned to Haley, "But don't you worry your pretty little head…" Brooke tapped Haley on the top of her head, "I'll always have time for you and Nathan."

Haley immediately smacked away Brooke's hand, "Yeah, right. Like if I ever had a threesome I'd let you join. It would definitely have to be someone uglier than me."

"Or another boy." Rachel suggested seriously.

"I'm not sure I could do that to Nathan though."

Brooke stopped what she was doing and looked in disbelief at the two girls. It was almost like they were having a real conversation about threesome's; Haley James Scott and Rachel Gatina.

"You two are a sight, ya know?" Brooke said dumbfounded and grabbed a brush.

Haley shook her head and settled herself into a chair in the room. With recent events that had occurred she wasn't sure if any of them were going to go to prom, but Lucas insisted that they do. Well, most of them were positive it was Karen's command but Lucas was the one who voiced it.

"I still say I've never seen anything as cute as Karen, Lucas, Isabella and you. That is when I started crying." Haley said.

Rachel nodded, "Who knew a slut could turn out to be so cute."

"Whatever Rach, you're just mad I saw you cry." Brooke rebutted.

Rachel scoffed, "I told you I was not crying. I don't do emotional Davis."

Brooke rolled her eyes and mumbled something as she walked back into the walk-in closet.

Soon enough the three girls were done and heard a knock on the door downstairs. They walked down together but before they reached the stairs Bevin bounded in with a goofy smile plastered all over her face.

"Bevin where have you been?" Brooke asked. "You were supposed to be here a couple of hours ago."

Bevin giggled, "Yeah about that. You see Skills came over and it turns out he needed a little extra attention. But he's all good now, so don't worry."

"You'll make any excuse to get some action, won't you Bev?" Rachel commented.

"Isn't that Brooke's area of expertise?" Bevin shot back and Haley and Rachel broke out into laughter.

Brooke stood by shocked by Bevin's comebackBut leave it to Bevin to shock you.

"Hey…" Brooke opened her mouth to defend herself but nothing came out. Instead she just nodded her head and smiled.

Seconds later a car drove up and headlights beamed through the curtains. Voices could be heard and that was the girls cue that the boys had arrived.

Bevin ran to the door and opened it. You could hear her giggling as she ran out to Skills and jumped in his arms.Amidst Bevin's talking and giggling each girl found their date and Brooke said hello to Amy and Tanya who were Fergie and Junk's dates.

Lucas stuck his head in the crook of Brooke's neck and whispered into her ear, "What do you say we ditch this whole thing and go back to my house? My mom will be at the hospital for a couple more days."

Brooke giggled and realized she sounded like Bevin. "Broody…stop…" Brooke tried pushing Lucas away but he didn't budge.

Lucas shook his head, "Mm Mm…"

"Lucas we can't miss prom."

Tightening his grasp on Brooke's waist, Lucas pulled Brooke closer, "Fine. I'll go for a few hours but after that you're all mine Davis. And I'm warning you I am very, very…"

"Are you guys coming or not?" Nathan yelled from the limo

But sister you know I'm so weary

And you know sister

My hearts been broken

Sometimes, sometimes

My mind is too strong to carry on

Too strong to carry on

"Pivot Lucas, pivot." Nathan said slowly as he and Lucas carried the couch up the stairs.

Lucas rolled his eyes, "I'm not seven Nathan, I know what pivot means."

After much twisting and turning and a lot of Nathan telling Lucas what to do, the two finally managed to get the couch into the apartment. They immediately set the couch down and flopped on top of it, sighing loudly.

"I'm sorry…What is this?" Brooke remarked as she walked into the apartment with a tired looking Haley and Peyton following close behind.

Lucas started to get up but was pulled back down by Nathan. "This is us taking a break."

"Oh really?" Brooke asked with eyebrows raised.

"Yes really Brooke. This is the third day in a row that we've moved; first Haley and me, then you. We're running out of fuel."

Brooke nodded and smiled sadly, "You're right…" Then Brooke looked around at everyone, "you guys have been great. I really appreciate it."

Haley and Peyton enveloped Brooke in a hug and the three girls swayed in each other's arms. What Nathan said was true; the past few days had been spent moving boxes out and in of the apartment. Haley, Nathan, Brooke, Lucas, Mouth, Rachel, Peyton, Skills and Bevin were exhausted from all the moving.

Brooke squeezed tight around Peyton and Haley one more time before letting go. "We all deserve a break."

Everyone agreed and started to relax but Brooke spoke up again, "And we'll all get one…" Nathan groaned wearily and Brooke paused to glare at him, "we'll get one just as soon as we bring the last of the things in. There isn't a lot left and I'll buy pizza once we're done."

"I might need a little more compensation Davis." Nathan said while everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Fine, you can go get your stupid playstation and bring it over here. And I'll buy the beer if you can find a way to buy it."

Nathan jumped up on his feet, "Deal." He said ecstatically and shook hands with Brooke.

With Nathan leading, Haley, Peyton and Mouth followed him out of the apartment and joined Rachel, Bevin and Skills in the parking lot.

"You too boyfriend." Brooke said to Lucas who was still sitting on the couch.

Lucas pulled Brooke over by her hand and pulled her on his lap. He immediately started kissing her neck and whispered in her ear, "Mmm, what's my compensation?"

Brooke closed her eyes and leaned further into Lucas. Leaning her head up just a bit, Brooke nibbled on Lucas' ear and asked seductively, "What do you want?"

"Nathan was right." Rachel bounded in, interrupting the couple, "He said you…" Rachel said, pointing to Lucas, "would be doing whatever it takes to get out of this and that Brooke would be more than happy to oblige."

Brooke giggled and then yelped when Rachel yanked her off of the couch. Rachel kicked Brooke with her shoe out the door.

Lucas jumped up and held his hands up in surrender, "Please don't hurt me too," he joked.

"I won't have to if you get your semi-skinny butt out that door."

When I am alone

When I've thrown off the weight of this crazy stone

When I've lost all care for the things I own

That's when I miss you, that's when I miss you, that's when I miss you

You are my home

You are my home

And here is what I know now

Here is what I know now

Goes like this

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, my salvation lies

In your love, in your love, in your love

"Ok, now I want just the boys in the picture." Karen said as she shifted a two week old Isabella on her hip.

The girls wandered out of the shot as Nathan, Mouth and Skills got closer. Lucas furrowed his brows and walked up to Karen.

"Mom, are you sure it's ok for her to be out so soon?" Lucas asked, pointing to Isabella.

Karen rolled her eyes. After a couple weeks, and many months before, one would think she would be use to this constant worry of Lucas' but she wasn't. He was constantly wondering if what Karen was doing with Isabella was good or not. It's almost as if Lucas had forgotten that Karen, herself, had raised him. As much as she was annoyed she was also touched. Lucas had been a big help and Karen could tell she was going to need all the help she could get. Then, there was Brooke. Karen silently thanked god for Brooke; an angel sent in disguise. Brooke would cook dinner, help Karen with cleaning and distract Lucas when he was getting too overbearing. Karen saw something special in those two; so much more than she ever had with Dan. It reminded her of what she had with Keith.

"Mom?" Lucas said, snapping Karen out of her day dream.

"She'll be fine Lucas. Besides, I'm going home soon and before you say anything you are not coming with me. Deb's coming over tonight to catch up, so I'll be fine."

Lucas recognized her tone and just nodded his head. He joined Nathan, Mouth and Skills as Karen snapped away.

A few feet away the girls stood beneath a tree, away from the sun, each smoothing out their gown. Some strings from Rachel's hat got caught in her mouth and she struggled to spit them out; evicting laughs from the girls.

"Oh shut up." Rachel spat, with a hint of a smile.

"Hey, I warned you…" Haley started, "the meaner you are the more boxes you get to carry."

"Oh my god! I completely forgot about moving." Bevin exclaimed.

"Well, don't forget that right after we move Nathan and Haley's stuff we have to move my stuff out of Rachel's and into the apartment." Brooke said.

Bevin's face fell as she twirled some hair around her finger.

"Don't worry Bev, it's not for awhile. But tonight we get to go out and have fun!" Peyton said as she put an arm around Bevin.

In the distance there was a roaring sound. It sounded like a cheering crowd and then one lone voice that broke out every now and then. Suddenly a gush of wind started sweeping across the girls faces. A body appeared and shocked faces with dropped jaws watched on as they realized that this "body" was naked.

"Woohoo! No more school! Ever!"

Brooke raised a hand and pointed to the figure, somewhat disgusted, "Oh my god! That's Tim."

Not that Brooke needed to point it out, because on Tim's back was written "The Tim Man".

Nathan buried his face in his hands and laughed. "Only Tim."

Well I had a dream

I stood beneath an orange sky

Yes I had a dream

I stood beneath an orange sky

With my brother and my sister standing by

With my brother and my sister standing by

With my brother and my sister standing

"Ok, pizza's on its way." Brooke said as she flipped her phone shut.

A mix of groans and cheers came from the living room.

"I taught her that!" Lucas said proudly as he hit Haley's hand in a high five.

Nathan rolled his eyes, "Whatever man," and he got up on his feet as he stared intently at the screen.

"Nathan pass me a beer." Brooke said but Nathan didn't respond.

In fact nobody responded or even acknowledged the fact that Brooke spoke. Not even a cough ignited any sort of attention and it was seconds later that Nathan was yelling at the TV.

Brooke spoke again, this time hoping to cause attention, "I'm taking off my shirt."

Nathan's head immediately whipped around and was soon met with Haley's hand smacking the back of his head.

"Nathan!" Haley snapped.

Lucas picked up a beer and handed it to Brooke, "Here ya go pretty girl."

"Thank you," Brooke said as she sat down next to Lucas.

Nathan, Haley, Mouth and Lucas were playing a game of NBA live, while Rachel and Brooke watched on. Bevin and Skills left after stuffing some pizza down their mouths and take a couple of beers. Peyton had excused herself shortly after they brought up the last of the boxes; saying she needed to finish packing before she left for Florida. Brooke thought that watching her leave would have been a lot harder than it was. But they said a quick goodbye, Peyton promised to call once she got to Florida and that was that. Brooke was sure that later the realization that her once best friend was gone would hit her, as well as the realization that Haley and Nathan were leaving soon. Then there was Rachel, who would be going to New York within a week. It was a terrifying reality that they were all moving on and growing up but something they were all ready for.

Lucas decided to attend the community college in Tree Hill, while Brooke would attend the University of North Carolina at Wilmington; merely miles away. Brooke's parents weren't happy with her decision to stay in Tree Hill but Brooke told them she was staying, with or without their blessing. Her mother did want to give in but for some reason Brooke's father persuaded her otherwise.

"When are you going to kick these guys out so we can have the place to ourselves?" Lucas whispered in Brooke's ear.

Brooke turned to Lucas, who had a mischievous grin on his face, "I love this new horny Lucas. It's really hot broody boy."

"Go get a room whore." Rachel said from the other side of the couch.

"Ok, but it's right down the hall and you guys will most definitely hear us." Brooke said turning to face Rachel.

"Luke you totally missed that," Haley said sadly from the floor. Turning to face Lucas on the couch, Haley saw him bickering with Rachel. "Ok, that's it, Rachel…" Rachel's head immediately snapped at the sound of her name, "you get Lucas' spot."

Rachel laughed loudly as she took the joy-stick out of Lucas' hands; sticking out her tongue as she did so.

"Oh, this is going to be so easy." Mouth laughed and smacked a high five with Nathan.

Even though this moment, this day, would be over soon they all still cherished the fact that it was happening. It was almost indescribable, what they were feeling, a moment of utter joy and sadness. A feeling that you get when you know you that great things are going to happen but in order for that to happen, the perfect moment you're in must end. All you can do is hold on to that perfect, peaceful feeling and take it with you wherever you go.


So??? You must review and let me know how you feel about this chapter and the story as a whole. Thanks! And I know I didn't spend a lot of time on prom or graduation but I thought little glimpses would be better. BTW…song lyrics are the song Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch. Great song!

Love ya all!!