Disclaimer: No mine.

This is the last of a series of fics that I am doing. Please feel free to give me ideas on where you think the story should be going. I need all the help I can get.

This has only been Alpha read so all mistakes are my own.


There is no bottom to hell and it is not a room of flames par se but a pit of blackness. People can deal with physical pain and torture, even for an eternity. Hell was a pit of nothing. You do not see your boss or your mother or anyone in hell. You are alone. Everyone is alone with only some far off voices in the distance that they can never reach even if they walked forever. That is truly hell, a deep place with nothing to do but remember and regret all alone. That is hell.

This was hell.

He stood alone in the darkness of what was once a city. It had been a wonderful city full of laughter and life. It had not been without its ills but that was life and he had loved that city with all of his being. Now he stood on a cliff guarding its ashes like a mother elephant trying to protect her small lifeless child from the carrion birds and scavengers. He had failed to protect it but he could guard it in its death. The tatters of the once large black cape swished around his leather boots and shin guards and wrapped his body like a protective cocoon. His long white hair had come loose from its tie and hung down his back and across his eyes like a hood. His eyes glowed a dull green beneath it. His uniform was sliced to smithereens and his flesh was covered in cuts ranging from scratches to deep wounds. Green blood dripped from them and flowed lazily down the path that the drops that had come before it had taken. One blow had sliced right through the almost medieval metal guards on his forearms. He sat like one dead and just waiting for someone to bury him.

However, he was alive and thinking even when his heart told him that he must have died. Only hell could be this cruel. No one had come. His world had come apart and he had been left alone. His town had been unworthy of their assistance. Unless? The thought was not one he wanted to face but he was more logical than most gave him credit for being. Something must have been wrong somewhere else and there had been no help to send. In that case there was no use being here because he was needed elsewhere. He had avoided them when everything was fine because he had not wanted to get attached but he had. Now it was time to return from the depths he had reached in the last few years, return to a place where he belonged, and help those who he had loved as a second family.

His family.

He had forgotten. They had been in Gotham when the attack had taken place. In fact, most people had been out of town because of the recently fierce ghost attacks. Amity Park had been abandoned. For some reason it did not make him feel better.

He stood.

There must be something wrong elsewhere and he would have to find out what it was. His body resisted the movement by refusing to work. He was not in good shape. There had been too many of them to fight but he had fought anyways. It went against his very character to surrender even when the greatest odds were against him. However, now that the fight was over he did not have the will to move. He dropped to his knees with a harsh groan. One of his knees was defiantly damaged in some way or another cause the pain of it sent him onto his side. He left his eyes half close and he lay in hell.

The Titans Tower was not in danger. They were having a party. It was just for the heck of it. No one came to help Danny in Amity Park because no one knew. The town was deserted and not near any other town. The Watch Tower's sensors were out because of routine maintenance. J'honn had not sensed anything and no one but Danny had survived the destruction of the town. It was one of those things that should not have been able to happen but it had and no one was the wiser. Only one person felt anything and that was almost two days after Amity was destroyed. She felt pain.

Raven sat straight up trying to breathe. Danny's numbness had broken and his anger and pain had surface. It was like being in an inferno…made of ice. Physical pain she could have dealt with but this was pure emotional anguish.

'Raven?" Robin called her name once he noticed her emotional state.

"Its Danny." She managed to croak out. Over the years, she had gotten used to Danny's amazing control over his emotions so she knew that something was horribly wrong for him to be having such a violent reaction.

"Is he okay?" The stupidity of the question went unnoticed in the gravity of the answer.

"No. I've never felt him in this much pain."