A/N: Since I got one review say that they want me to continue, I'll continue.

Special Thanx go out to:


This is New Chapter 7


"I really don't want to leave." Sakura cried out. Gaara didn't either.

"You can't blame yourself. We wouldn't have met if it wasn't for the Chunin Exams." Gaara said while holding Sakura in his arms.

"Maybe I can stay… it depends on Tsunade though. I highly doubt that she'll let me stay," Sakura said with tears streaming down her cheeks. Gaara laid his hand on one of her cheeks and wiped her tears.

"Well, you better get going." Gaara said.

"I thought you were coming with me."

"It's best not to. I'll come back for you don't worry," Gaara said.

"Is that a promise?" Sakura questioned him.

"Yes, I'll come back." Gaara said while walking back to his mansion. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, too. Sakura waited to see if he would come back. He didn't. She just left. Naruto eventually caught up.

"Hey, Sakura-chan, why the long face?" Naruto asked her.

"I don't think he actually likes me. But oh well." She said crying.

"How 'bout I get you some ramen when we get back to Kohona." Naruto said to cheer her up.

"Ok… but I'm not paying." She said a little happier from before.

"Fine. It's a date." Naruto said very happily.

'SCORE!!!! Finally, I got a date with Sakura!' Naruto thought in his head.