Finally, the Final Chapter is up!! Sorry it took me so long to add it. Well...I don't have really much else to say. But I might say something at the end, so read on and see for yourself!!

Abel stirred just as the sun's morning rays were filtering in through the window. He opened his eyes and looked out the window, faintly seeing the snow-topped buildings. At least the sun's out... thought Abel, yawning. To his surprise, he felt a lot better today. He didn't feel feverish and he was full of energy. His throat still hurt a bit, but that could easily be ignored. Abel tried to take his own temperature, but he felt alright.

"I should get Tres-kun to take my temperature again." muttered Abel, getting out of bed. Well...tried to get out of bed. To the Kresnik's surprise, he was being pinned down. He looked down but didn't see anything. He turned his head...only to meet with a face-full of chocolate-colored fur. Blinking furiously, Abel tried to get his half-asleep mind to work. Wha–?! Fur? Since when did a dog get in my bed? And it's a big one, too! It's pinning me down. Maybe I should wake it up...I'm just hoping it doesn't bite me...! With his free arm, Abel carefully lifted the covers to wake up the dog...only it wasn't a dog at all.

Sleeping peacefully next to him was Tres, half on him and half on the bed. His forehead was resting against Abel's shoulder, thus explaining the chocolate fur in the Kresnik's face. Abel realized that Tres didn't have a shirt on, blushing slightly at the android's muscular frame. Abel lifted up the covers to see why Tres didn't have a shirt on...only to pull the covers back down with a tiny squeak; his face furiously red.

Wh-why...are both me and Tres-kun...n-n-n-naked...?

Abel tried to run through all the scenarios in his head of why both of them would be lying in bed, naked. Unfortunately, all the situations ended up with him blushing furiously. He glanced back over at see the android's chocolate-colored eyes staring back at him.

"WAHH!!" yelped Abel, only scooting a few inches away from Tres, since he was still being pinned down, "T-T-Tres-kun!!"

"Status Report, Father Nightroad." stated Tres.

"Ahh...w-well, I do feel better." stuttered the Father, still blushing. Tres sat up a little and leaned forward, placing his lips on Abel's forehead, making the Kresnik blush more.

"98.7 degrees." said Tres, pulling back. A small smile makes its way onto his emotionless features, "It has dropped to a save level, Abel."

"Yes, I suppose—huh?" Abel blinked. A smile and a normal tone of voice..."Tres-kun?"

Tres sat up more so that he was completely on top of Abel, both of the android's arms on either side of him, "I have come to a conclusion, Abel."

"You have now?" asked Abel, noting that Tres was being serious...but a different kind of serious than what he was used to.

"Love. It's a complicated emotion that took even me awhile to figure out. When you said that you loved me, it confused me for the first time. I'm not used to dealing with emotions, only being a killer android. A machine. However, I am half human. There is a small part of me that understands emotions. It took me all this time, but now I understand them. Pain, sadness, I understand them now, for once. Now, I can return the favor."

Tres leaned down and went close to Abel's ear, "I love you, Abel."

Abel was speechless. He felt a small blush rise in his cheeks at the words Tres uttered. And from the seriousness in his tone, he wasn't joking around. I love you...Tres loved him. He loved Tres.

Without warning, Abel pulled Tres down on top of him. Tres looked at him, surprised, but didn't get the chance to say anything, as the Kresnik's lips covered his own. After a moment, Abel pulled back and smiled.

"I love you too, Tres." he said, planting another kiss on the android's nose, making him blush. Abel chuckled at his cuteness. Tres sat up again, so that he was hovering over Abel.

"I'm a bit new to this, so...can you teach me?" Tres asked, tilting his head.

"Let's see what you know first, then I'll see what else I can teach you." said Abel, a grin making it's way across his face. A sly grin made it's way onto Tres's features as he leaned closer and claimed Abel's mouth as his own.

The initial thought was to let Tres do his thing...but with the intensity and passion the android was putting into the kiss, Abel found it hard to resist. Soon, Tres forced his tongue into Abel's mouth and that's where he lost it. Abel's own tongue curled around Tres's, playfully teasing it. Tres chuckled and pinned it down, tasting all of it. Abel was also able to taste Tres during this.

And it did not surprise him that Tres tasted of strawberries.


Back at the Vatican, things were in a bit of madness. The sudden blizzard had knocked out communications for a couple of days and no one was able to contact anybody anywhere. The people in the AX were mainly concerned about the mission that Abel and Tres were on. The place where they were sent had experienced the worst of the storm.

Professor William Walter Wordsworth, Leon Gracia, Esther Blanchette, Hugue de Watteau, and Kate Scott were all in Cardinal Caterina Sforza's office. The only one that was on edge and slightly annoyed by all of this was Sister Kate. The professor had tried to make an attempt to fix the system, but nearly caught the Vatican on fire once and screwed up the signals even more. Now, he was certain that he had it right, this time.

"You had better be telling the truth, William." stated Kate, glaring at him.

"I am, I am!" said William, smiling, "This time I do have it right!"

"Last time you said that, we had to get half the Vatican to try and put out the blaze you created." muttered Leon, crossing his arms.

"That's because there was too much wiring involved and it shorted out." said William, "This time, I have it right and with just the right amount of wires!"

"You had better be right, this time." said Kate, giving him an annoyed glance, "We haven't heard from Father Nightroad and Father Tres in a long time."

"With the sudden blizzard that came in, knocking out communications, it's got me worried about those two." said Esther, softly.

"The most that blizzard could do would be to trap them inside a building for a few days." said Hugue.

"Is the system ready yet, Professor?" asked Caterina.

"Should be up and ready to go...Now!" he said, smiling, "I have it so that everyone could hear. That way, at least one of us can hear something and not just you, Sister Kate."

"What, you don't trust my hearing, Professor?" she asked, now giving him a death glare. She was at the end of her rope and William wasn't helping.

"Enough you two." sighed Caterina, "We have to listen for any type of communication."

Everyone was silent, listening in. So far...


"I think we have the wrong frequency." said Leon, after awhile.

"Nonsense! Everything was how it was before the blizzard!" exclaimed William, "Maybe they're asleep or—"

"Shhh! Quiet, William! I thought I heard something!" snapped Kate, under her breath. Everyone got quiet again, listening intently. Soon, they could hear noises. From the sound of it, it sounded like bed sheets. It was morning, so it was reasonable for one of them (mainly Abel) to still be in bed. The group listened harder, trying to hear voices. And they did, but they were soft and dim.

"I'm turning it up." said Kate, softly. Soon, they could clearly hear the voices...but they weren't words.

It was moaning.

And not like complaining moaning...but pleasurable moaning.

Everyone froze and kept on listening.

The moaning and shuffling of the sheets went on for awhile, before it came to a stop, with two people panting slightly.

"Did you know that I like strawberries?" It was Abel's voice, with his tone soft and sweet, like he was talking to a girlfriend...but in this case, it seemed more like a boyfriend.

"Nega—no. I didn't." Now it was Tres speaking.

This time, truly everyone froze as stiff as a rock.

"And did you know that you taste like strawberries?"

"I did not know that, either."

"Well, you do. And I want to taste it again. I want to taste more of you, Tres."

"You can taste me as much as you like, my Abel..."

Kate was the first one to snap out of her trance.


Abel squeaked and Tres gasped softly at Kate's outburst. Both were silent for a long time.

"Sister Kate." said Tres, trying to get his normal tone back, but it was obvious that he was faking.

"Don't "Sister Kate' me!!" she snapped, "What are you two doing?! Ah, never mind that. What happened during the blizzard?! Our communications was knocked out and we haven't received any kind of word from you!!"

" see..." stuttered Abel, sounded a bit embarrassed and flustered, "I got sick, thanks to the blizzard and then we were trapped inside this old hotel. Now, it abandoned, except for me and Tres. However now I'm better! Tres has absorbed my fever."

"Absorbed your..." started Kate, "Wait, that means—No! No, I will not think about that!"

"Sister Kate." said Tres, getting her attention, as his voice was not monotone, as it usually was, "Thanks to his trip, I have now an almost full understanding of emotions. Not only that, but I have grown attached to Abel. So, I will declare this: Abel is MINE."

Sister Kate paled at Tres's last sentence. The last word was emphasized loudly and in the background, Abel was giggling softly, "W-Well!! When you two are done "bonding" get back here at once! The mission you were sent on is canceled for the moment. When you are ready, call back for a transportation. You got that?"


"Are you there? Father Nightroad? Father Tres?"


It turns out that while Kate was talking, both Tres and Abel turned off their communicators.

Kate fumed silently and disappeared, wanted to shoot the both of them with the Iron Maiden's cannons.

Leon busted out laughing, nearly falling down, "I knew that four-eyed dork was queer, but I didn't think in this way!!"

Hugue was a little pale, but couldn't help but smile a bit at the whole situation.

The Professor was staring out of the window, trying desperately to get the mental image of Tres and Abel in bed out of his mind. For good.

Esther was blushing madly, not knowing what to say. She turned to Caterina...then blinked, "Caterina-sama?"

Caterina was doubled-over and shaking, a hand over her mouth to keep her from busting out laughing. I knew those two were their closer than ever. Although now, it's more literal.

"So, I'm yours, am I?"

"Yes you are, Abel."

"And who made you in charge?"

"I did."

"Oh-ho! I'll have to challenge that..."

"How so, my dear Abel?"

"This is where my teaching comes in, my dear Tres..."




I really hoped you liked Strawberry! But I realized something while I was writing this chapter. I forgot to add a really good part in!! Sooo, in the near future, be prepared for a bonus chapter!! I guarrantee that the bonus chapter will make all of the fangirls of AbelxTres squeal!! For now...Ja ne!