Title: What do we do now 5
Author: Tigereyes320
Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica Other character mentions
Word Count: 1305
Rating: R for Language, and sexual situations
Summary: Completely AU. This is just me playing with the characters. When the unexpected happens, how do Logan and Veronica deal with it and the reactions of their family and friends. Some of this will be in flash back form.

Spoilers: Everything that we know of so far for Season 3
Author's Note: I own nothing of the VM universe.

"I can't see Gampy." Rhiannon complained jumping up and down.

"Sweetheart there is nothing to see yet. We have to find our seats."

"Come on Rhia, why don't we give you the best seat in the house." Charlie said as he took hold of Rhiannon by the waist and plopped her on his shoulders.

'Tanks Uncle Tarlie. I see Gammy. Gammy! I see Auntie Tweena and Uncle Evil, and Uncle Darry. Go dat way Uncle Tarlie."

"Yes your majesty. Does anyone actually say no to this kid?" Charlie asked Keith as they headed in the direction Rhiannon had pointed.

Keith sighed and shook his head. "Unfortuntely, she has inherited her persuasive powers from both her parents."

"Aunt Tweena, Uncle Evil, Mommy and Daddy gadating."

Trina smiled as she saw her niece waving frantically. "Hello sweetheart, how's my favorite niece?"

"I your only niece. Uncle Evil piggy back ride? Pweese?"

"Sure Dulcita. Come here and give your Uncle Charlie a rest."

"Uncle Evil I want Mommy and Daddy." Rhiannon said her big brown eyes started to fill with tears.

"Sweetie, Remember we talked about this. Mommy and Dady are graduating they have to sit with their class and get their diplomas. Then they will come see you."

"But what if I get lost? I do that sometimes."

"Yes I know, to your parents ever loving horror. That's why you're going to sit with us and then what happens when you hear their names called."

"I get clap and yell weally loud. Do I get to yell for Uncle Wally, and Uncle Dick, and Auntie Mac?"

"You can yell for all of them. No remember you have to hold on to one of our hands."

"I gonna hold on to Uncle Evil's."

"Why is that?"

"Because Daddy wants to know his tentions to Auntie Tweena. Uncle Evil why you turn all red? Don't you like Auntie Tweena?" Rhiannon said as she put her hands on his face. She then said in a not so hushed whisper, "I know she like you. I heard her telling Mommy that you were da best she ever had. What dat mean?"

Trina her face going scarlet interrupted, "Your Mommy and Daddy will tell you later. Let's go find our seats. You can tell me all about your birthday party we're having in a few days."

"Oh-tay! Let's go see my Mommy and Daddy! Now!"

Two hours later Rhiannon was still jumping up and down and clapping her little hands. "Dey did it!"

'You're just a one man pep squad aren't you chica?" Weeil asked her.

"I not a man, Uncle Evil."

"Where's my girl?" Logan voice could be heard over the noise of the crowd.

Rhiannon immediately began jumping up and down and after dropping Keith's hand sped toward her father's voice. "Here I am My Daddy!"

Keith rolled his eyes and took after her the rest of them at his heels.

They caught up to Rhiannon in her father's arms a few seconds later.

"Rhiannon Lynn Echolls, what have you been told about running off?" Keith asked sternly.

Rhiannon let Logan's mortarboard fall over her face. "I sorry Gampy, but I heard Daddy and I wanted my Daddy."

Logan took the mortarboard off his little pixie's head, her blond hair blowing in the wind. "Did you run away from your grandfather?"

"Not zactly."

"Is this what Veronica was like?"

"Oh yeah." Keith confirmed with a nod.

"Rhiannon what have you been told about running into a crowd of people?"

"I not sposed to do it. I torry Daddy I not do it no more. You still love me?"

Logan felt his heart melt, "Rhiannon we don't get mad at you because of this because we don't love you. Honey it's too easy for someone to take you away from me and your Mommy. We love you and want to protect you from bad things as much as we can. You can't just run off."

Rhiannon threw her tiny arms around Logan's neck. "I sorry Daddy. I weally weally try not to."

"I know you do baby girl. C'mon let's go find Mommy. She has a surprise for you."

"Weally? I love surpwises Daddy. Ohh! Daddy there she is! Mommy!"

Veronica came running up and held out her arms, as Rhiannon leaped out of Logan's arms and into Veronica's,

"How's my sweetheart?"

"I taw you Mommy get your ploma."

"Well everyone heard you clapping for me and your Daddy and your uncles Wallce and Dick and Auntie Mac."

"Get over here little girl." Keith said with a growl.

Veronica stepped over with Rhiannon still in her arms, and walked into her father's arms. "I did it Dad."

Keith looked at his daughter holding her little girl in his arms. "You certainly did sweetie."

"I got the bestest Mommy, in the whole world Gampy."

"You certainly do sweetheart. Veronica, you and Logan get together for a picture with Rhiannon." Keith gestured them together. Rhiannon slung her other arm around her fathers neck and smiled with the biggest grin known to man.

It didn't take long for everyone to join them.

An hour later Rhiannon was half asleep on her fathers shoulder, as they said good-bye to their friends after promising to get together for a big barbecue at Logan and Veronica's on Sunday.

Veronica turned and saw two of the most important people in her world watching her. She came up tp Logan and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?" Logan asked as they started walking toward his Range Rover

"That was me saying how proud I am of you."

"I'm proud of you too. Everyone doubted we'd be able to have her and still graduate on time. We did it."

"Yes we did. She's asleep?"


"No I not." Rhiannon piped up sleepily.

"I think Daddy and I need to get you home for your nap."

"Daddy you had a supwise for me."

"How would you like to be a flower girl?"

"Weally, who getting mawwied?"

"Well your Daddy and I thought we'd get married in a couple of months on the beach. What do you think?"

"Anyting gonna change for me?"

"No, princess you get to wear a pretty dress, eat cake, and dance at the party." Logan said. "But after Mommy and I get married, maybe we can work on that little brother you've been wanting."

"My very own baby brother. Tank you Daddy, tank you Mommy. Can I have a sister too?"

Veronica rolled her eyes as they got to the Rover and Logan unlocked the door so he could put Rhiannon in her carseat. "We'll see what Daddy and I can come up with." She said as she got in the car.

Logan climbed in beside her and after fastening his seatbelt checked on Rhiannon, and nudged Veronica. "She's already out."

"She get's that from you."

"Veronica you know I'm happy with Rhiannon, if you don't want anymore children we don't have to have them."

"I think I'd like a couple of more. I'm a better mom than I ever thought I would be. And Rhiannon has done nothing but bring out the best in you. You are a wonderful father. After the wedding I think I'll let you talk me into."

"Well I am pretty persuasive."

The End