Disclaimer: I own very little of this and announce to all those who chose to read that this work is a fanfiction using characters, setting and elements of plots from Tamora Pierce's work
With that out of the way, this story is set 2 years after the last POTS book. Please be aware that there are some adult themes and a K+ rating applies for later chapters.
Thank you to Mrs Dom Masbolle who asked me to continue my last and first story (same story). Also thank you to Katiej06 for reminding me about my poor grammar (I will try to do better )
Sir Keladry Lady Knight rode through the gates of Fort Steadfast upon her warhorse Peachblossom to the sounds of pipers and laughter. All around her people were laughing and calling to each other. Gone were the empty stares of soldiers who had seen too much combat replaced with welcoming grins and clapping hands.
Two years had passed since she and her friends had returned from the Scanran border with the children she had rescued. Two years had gone since she had been called by the Chamber to rid the world of Blayce, the nothing man. She still had her nightmares but without his Killing Machines the War Lord, King Maggar had called for a cease to the fighting and an uneasy truce had been agreed upon.
Fort Steadfast and Hew Hope were no longer just refugee and soldiers' camps. They had become bustling villages in their own rights. Keladry had continued to oversee New Hopes transformation but had gladly handed over the actual leadership to others. For the past year she had travelled between the Capital Corus and New Hope completing tasks for the crown and her old Knight Master. She had been riding since dawn and was relieved to be able to climb down from her geldings back and stretch her aching back and neck muscles.
"Kel, Kel, over here!" called a very loud and excited voice. Owen of Jesslaw ran between the horses and the men Kel had ridden with towards her.
Some things never change she thought laughing as she handed Peachblossom's reins to Tobe her servant.
"You came, I told Eloise you would. I told her there was no way you would miss it. Neal and Merric are already here and Iden and Warric arrived last week. Did you have a good ride? Did Peachblossom bite anyone on the way? Are you hungry?" He paused taking a much needed breath and bit his lip. "I'm talking too much aren't I, it's just so wonderful to see you and I am so excited!"
Kel stopped fighting the smile that spread across her face and reached over to hug her friend by way of greeting. "Yes you are talking too much but you know I don't mind. I missed you too."
Behind Owen Kel could see her other year mates and Owen's cousins approaching.
Neal was whispering into his wife's ear as she flicked a delicate looking fan in front of her face to hide her reaction to his words. As they got closer she lowered her fan and embraced Kel in a warm hug. Her eyes filled with tears as she kissed both of Kel's cheeks.
"Why are you crying Yuki?" Kel asked worried by the obvious show of emotion from her Yamani friend.
"I have become less Yamani it seems. My emotions are not so well hidden. I am just so happy to see you; lots of things have changed since we last spoke," Yuki smiled and stepped back to look up a Kel.
Merric clapped her on the shoulder and took her bags as Owen's two cousins smiled their greeting. Neal grasped her hands, though better of it grabbed her in a fierce hug and lifted her off her feet.
"It has been too long," he said after he put her down "My bruises have just about faded. We were worried you were not going to make it. My Lord Raoul said you were in the desert and not due back for two more weeks."
"I would not have missed this for all the green tea in the Yamani Isles." Kel answered "I made my trip as short as possible. The weddings of my friends are more important that boring Knights work."
"So that's why were here, away from glittering entertainment of Corus." Neal spoke to no one in particular. "A wedding."
As Kel and her friends walked to Kel's quarters they caught her up on who was there and who had yet to arrive. Prince Roald and his wife Princess Shinkokami were due to arrive the next day. Quite a few members of the Own had also arrived. Once her bags were put away and she had washed the roads grime from her face and hands Kel sat down on her bed to remove her boots.
"Did anyone ever tell you how good you look in breeches?" Dom stood in her doorway, blue eyes looking into her own.
"I thought I looked better without them on," was her reply as he shut the door behind him and made his way over to her.
Please review
This chapter is a bit of fluff to set the story. I plan for some action and other stuff in the next chapters.