Disclaimer- I don't own any rights to any of Saban Characters..only Samantha and Kat's friends are mine!!

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update!!

Oliver's House
2:15 p.m.

" Kim this is my personal gym..Mom allowed me to use part of the basement."

" It's nice..and maybe once I go through my physical therapy..maybe you can help me with a little of my excercises." Kim wondered

" Of course..and maybe sometimes I can come to your appointments so that I can see what to do."

Kim nodded her head as she looked around the gym area.." Can we go back upstairs now."

" Sure." Tommy applied as he carried Kim upstairs and over to the couch

" Tommy can you please get me another basket from downstairs please."

" Alright." Tommy applied as he went back downstairs

Kim was sitting on the couch glancing out the window waiting for Renee to arrive with Sam while Tommy was in the basement and his parents in the Kitchen..' I'm surprised they are taking this in a entirely different approach..but maybe it's because they now know that I'm handicapped maybe that's why they are being considerate towards me'

Tommy came back into the Living Room looking at Kim who was in her own little world..' What are you thinking Beautiful'

Kim turned her heads towards Tommy.." Oh..I didn't notice you there."

" I bet..what were you thinking so hard about Kim." Tommy inquired as he sat down next to her

" Honestly..I pictured this meeting with your parents to be more different then what happened awhile ago..that maybe you and your parents are being nice to me because of my handicap."

Leslie and Frank walked back into the Living Room and stood in front their son and his girlfriend.." Kimberly..it's not that we've been through what you been put through." Leslie said

" But we're not taking pity on you because your using a wheel chair..the truth is that we were mad when our soon tried to be happy after the letter." Frank continued

" Coming from a women's perspective..love will never fade away..and from what you spoke about earlier..it came down to a decision that was hard to do..because if they did what they did to you..I doubt you wouldn't have no choice but to keep Tommy safe at all costs."

" Exactly..I was destroyed emotionally by that letter..especially after that brother part." Tommy added

" Well I was actually hoping that you would come if I wrote that in there..but apparently I realized that I must've hurted you badly..so I decided to make sure that I was happy..If I couldn't have you no more..then I at least had Samantha to make me happy and Renee to help me along the way."

Before either occupant of the house can say anything else they heard a squeal

" I beat..I beat.." Sam stated as she jumped up and down in front of the house of her grandparents with Renee coming into view bending over letting her hands rest on her kneecaps trying to catch her breath. Sam turned around and glanced at her surroundings then smiled brightly as she ranned up to the window trying to look through it then she went over to the door and rung the bell as Renee joined her

Tommy got up and went over to the door and opened it then he tried to keep his balance as Samantha launched herself at him.." Hey Daddy."

" Hey Firecracker." Tommy said as he stepped back and allowed Renee to enter and close the door behind her

" Yes..she..is." Renee panted as she went over to Tommy's Parents.." Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Oliver..we meet again."

" Yes we do..and might I add..perfect timing earlier." Leslie commented as she gave Renee a Hug followed by Mr. Oliver

" Are you thirsty Renee." Frank asked

" Yes Sir..may I have a glass of water please." Renee answered

" Alright..I'll be right back." Frank implied then turned around and walked back into the Kitchen

Sam squirmed down off her father and went over to her mother.." How are you feeling Mommy?"

" I'm feeling good..did you have fun at the park."

" Yes Ma'am..the park up here is so much better then the one down in Florida..Uncle Zack pushed me on the swings then after that I was all over the equipment having fun."

Leslie smiled at her granddaughter then she locked eyes with her son who also had a wide smile on his face while watching his daughter tell Kim about her time at the park

Frank came back into the Living Room with a glass of Ice Cold Water and handed it to Renee." Here You Go."

" Thank you so much Mr. Oliver." Renee said as she placed the glass against her mouth and drunk the water

" Mommy.." Sam called out softly

" Yes sweetie what is it."

" I have to use the bathroom."

" Sam..I can take you." Leslie applied

" Okay grandma..but can we hurry up..I've been holding it for way too long..that's why I beat Renee here." Sam says

" You said fair and square munchkin." Renee commented

Sam laughed as she and Mrs. Oliver disappeared up the stairs

" Kim..your girlfriends left before we did.."

Kim shook her head.." Knowing Aisha like I do..I bet that Trini and Tanya have joined her shopping bandwagon.. I really down like taking handouts."

" They want to help Kim."

" I know..but..you know the whole story."

" Yeah I do..but your here..do you think they'll leave you alone now."

" No..but I don't want to snap at them."

" I'll give them a warning a head of time." Renee implied

" Thanks..did any more calls come."

" Nope..and soemthing about that..doesn't feel right at all.."

" They're planning..but I'm not letting them think that my guard is down..we have to let them think we're playing right into their hands."

" But little do they know..they are gonna get theirs handed to them." Renee added

" Your house is pretty grandma." Sam complimented as the two of them came back down stairs

Kim arched her eyebrow and Renee looked at her quizzically.." What were you up to Missy."

" I did have to go to the bathroom..but then I went into Daddy's old room."

" And what did you do in my room."

" I just looked around and sat on the bed.. I was wondering if I could stay here tonight.."

" Are you sure it's okay." Kim asked

" Yeah..we get to know a little bit more about her."

" And the same bedtime goes for me just like at mommy's house which is 8:30." Sam inputs

" Make it 9:15 for tonight..deal." Kim stated

" Deal..but I have to get me some clothes and my nightgown."

" I'll get that..I'll be back in a half hour."

" Hey..you can use my jeep." Tommy suggested

" Thanks..I'll be back in twenty minutes then..anything else you would want Sam."

" My white Teddy bear..and my pink headband to go with my outfit for tomorrow."

" Alright..I'll be right back." Renee said then she finished off her water then left out the house

" Can I stay in your room daddy." Sam asked

" I don't see why not."

Sam went over to her father and hugged him around his legs only to be picked up bringing her to eye level.." I promise I won't mess with anything in your room."

Tommy shook his head.." Don't worry princess.."

" Daddy..about Earlier inside the church.I really wanted to kick them..I just hope that someday another wedding will take place..but only it'll be the wedding between you and mommy."

" We're not in any kind of rush Sam." Kim commented

" Daddy..what did you see in that girl."

Tommy looked at Kim for help but only let her head.." At the time Daddy wanted to companionship with her.."

" A relationship with her..does that mean you kissed her." Sam wondered

" On the cheek and forehead sometimes and I would've kissed her on the lips if the wedding went on futher."

" Sam is very smart and persistent Kimberly." Leslie whispered

" That she is..she was a very alert baby.." Kim commented

" Daddy..Mommy always shared everything about you when I asked or the times when I looked a little lost..she told me that you helped her when she needed it, that you were nice to her buying that fairytale book for her back in high school, and the times when she needed advice from all of her friends and you..but she also told me that sometimes the perfect life always has it's ups and down..I just want to know if the right thing I did today was bad."

" Well sweetie..I was lied to..I wanted an honest answer from both your mom and Kat..I understood why your mom did..but Katherine deliberately went behind my back and sent an invitation to your mom just to have her witness me and her tie the knot her excuse was pathetic..lies doesn't always stay hidden they all have a way to coming out."

" I don't lie..I just wanted to do the right thing..and that was to get her back for sending the invitation to my mother..she thought that my mother would show up and smile and be happy..I saw my mother's face the day the mail came..and when she saw it mixed up in with the other mail she backed the wheelchair up next to the trashcan and slid it down underneath the trash and I took it out but left the envelope in there and then from there all of you can figure out what happened next."

knock, knock

Frank went over to the door.." Who is it."

" It's me Mr. Oliver." Renee informed

Frank opened the door wide enough so that Renee could entering carrying a Sam's little pink Barbie suitcase with her favorite blanket draped across the top her pillow tucked underneath her arm and the white bear in the other hand.." She doesn't travel light does she." Frank asked as he closed the door and locked it

" No Sir Mr. Oliver..She's a mommy's girl."

" Yes I am.." Sam stated proudly

Kim smiled at her daughter.." Come here sweetie."

Tommy placed their daughter on the floor and watched as went over to Kim

" I hope you have fun with your grandmother and grandfather..don't do anything that you don't do when your at home."

" Okay..I promise I won't splash grandma and grandpa like I normally do..but can I have a snack before I go to bed."

" What kind of snack."

" Oatmeal Raisin cookies and a glass of milk..and yes you can if you be good." Kim replied

" The cookies are in the front of the bag." Renee injected

" We'll see you tomorrow around 3 o'clock."

" Alright Mommy."

Renee bent down to the same size as her niece.." I want you to have fun..and don't worry about anything okay."

" I will Aunt Renee..just watch out for my mother."

" You know I will Sam."

Kim pulled herself back into the comfort of the wheelchair then placed the dark green blanket around her legs and feet then leaned back against the back of the wheelchair and sighed as she manuevered the chair away from the sofa.." Thanks..."

" No thank you..we'll take good care of her." Leslie said Frank nodded

Sam hugged her mother around the neck and gave her kiss on the cheek then she did the same to Renee then stood back with her grandparents watching Renee helping her mother out the door

" See you tomorrow mom and dad." Tommy stated as be kissed his mother on the cheek and smiled at his father then bent down and kissed his daughter on the forehead.." See you tomorrow angel."

" Alright Daddy...Bye Mommy." Sam added as she waved her little hand in the air

The front door closed and Sam looked up at ther parents.." Do you got any vegetables to eat besides cauliflower."

" We got carrots, string beans, and potatoes..what would you like."

" String Beans and Potatoes with Beef..if that's what I'm smelling."

" Yes we're having Roast Beef with gravy..how does that sound."

Sam's stomach grumbled as she smiled up her grandparents shyly

" I think that means she agrees." Frank applied as he picked her up and carried her into the kitchen with Leslie beside him

Outside the Oliver House

" Where do you girls want to go." Tommy asked

" Our House." Kim replied

Tommy walked over to his jeep then opened the door Renee stood by the wheelchair as Tommy came back over and picked Kim up out of the chair and over to the passenger side and carefully set her in the seat while Renee folded up the wheelchair and placed it in the back then got in the backseat while Tommy got in the driver's seat started the engine and set the car in the gear and backed out of the driveway and onto the the street then placed the gear into "D" mode and drove to Kim and Renee's house..

The End of Chapter 7

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